Senate Resolution No. 1849

BY: Senator STEC

        CONGRATULATING the Adirondack United Girls Varsity
        Ice  Hockey  Team upon the occasion of capturing the
        NYSPHSAA Girls Ice Hockey Regional  Championship  on
        February 17, 2024

  WHEREAS,  Individual  and team championships are highly sought after
in high school sports; this  Legislative  Body  commends  rare  athletic
achievements  and  pays  special  recognition  to  those who pursue such
excellence and become examples for the youth of this great Empire State;

  WHEREAS, Athletic competition helps to enhance both  the  moral  and
physical development of young athletes, preparing them for the future by
instilling in them the importance of teamwork, encouraging a standard of
healthy living, and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate the
Adirondack United Girls Varsity Ice Hockey Team  upon  the  occasion  of
capturing  the  NYSPHSAA  Girls  Ice  Hockey  Regional  Championship  on
Saturday, February 17, 2024, at the Nexus Center in Utica, New York; and

  WHEREAS, To the praise and  applause  of  their  excited  fans,  the
Adirondack  United  Girls  Varsity  Ice  Hockey  Team  came back against
Kenmore-Grand Island after trailing by 2 goals  in  the  second  period;
Adirondack  United  changed  the  tone  of  the game by increasing their
intensity to capture a 7-3 victory; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Adirondack  United  Girls  Varsity  Ice  Hockey  Team
includes  players  from  six  local  school districts: Queensbury, South
Glens Falls, Glens Falls, Hudson Falls, Corinth, and  Saratoga  Springs;

  WHEREAS,  Proudly  donning  their  colors  of red, black, and white;
family, friends, and the community at large loyally and enthusiastically
supported Adirondack United throughout their journey as they ended their
season with an impressive 18-0 record; and

  WHEREAS, In a sport such  as  ice  hockey,  which  demands  athletic
prowess,  speed,  and  agility,  Head Coach Jeff Willis, Assistant Coach
Margaret Lawrence, and Athletic Director Matt Griep worked hard to  hone
the  skills  of  this  championship  team,  teaching  these  outstanding
athletes lessons which will prove invaluable both on and  off  the  ice;

  WHEREAS,  Head Coach Jeff Willis and all of the outstanding athletes
on the Adirondack United Girls Varsity  Ice  Hockey  Team  have  clearly
utilized  dedication,  determination and teamwork in providing a lasting
contribution to the spirit of excellence which is a tradition  of  their
school; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate the members of the  Adirondack  United  Girls  Varsity  Ice
Hockey  Team:  Ava  Reynolds,  Gianna  Marcantonio, Ciara Gecewicz, Kady

Duffy, Tekla  Fine-Lease,  Kara  Raven,  Bayley  Duffy,  Alyssa  Temple,
Madison Macaulay, Rowan Lochner-Fehl, Jessica Freebern, Lucy Pliscofsky,
Alle  Webb,  Emily  Macaulay,  Amelia  Laszewski, Lillian Willis, Haylee
Flewelling,  Maeve  McCarty,  Paige  Nelson,  Emerson Lochner-Fehl, Ella
Bray, Aubrey Lozier, Chiara Tuthill,  Emma  Lemery,  Caroline  Lieberth,
Emilee  Underwood,  Aurora Graham Hayes, Katelin Archer, Head Coach Jeff
Willis, Assistant Coach Margaret Lawrence, and  Athletic  Director  Matt
Griep  upon  the  occasion  of  capturing  the NYSPHSAA Girls Ice Hockey
Regional Championship on February 17, 2024; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to  the  members of the Adirondack United Girls Varsity Ice
Hockey Team, Head Coach Jeff Willis, Assistant Coach Margaret  Lawrence,
and Athletic Director Matt Griep.