Senate Resolution No. 1839 BY: Senator PARKER COMMEMORATING the 27th Anniversary of Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church of Brooklyn, New York on June 9, 2019 WHEREAS, Religious institutions, and the many spiritual, social and educational benefits they confer, play a vital role in the development of the moral fabric of a responsible citizenry; and WHEREAS, It is the tradition of this State and this Nation to pay tribute to those institutions and individuals who have contributed to the ethical and spiritual values of their communities; and WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commemorate the 27th Anniversary of Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church of Brooklyn, New York, to be celebrated with a Service, "Soldiers of God Arise!", on Sunday, June 9, 2019; and WHEREAS, Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church was founded in 1992, by Archbishop Dr. Voni B. Johyn; since its inception, this organization has grown from nine founding members to over 300 members on record and counting; and WHEREAS, During its distinguished 27-year history, Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church has formed alliances with other neighboring organizations within the East New York and Brownsville communities and extends its services to provide a Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry service for those in need; and WHEREAS, Furthermore, Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church has been instrumental in offering assistance to people of Caribbean descent in obtaining permanent residency in the United States through church sponsorship; and WHEREAS, Under the luminous direction of The Most Reverend Dr. Voni B. Johyn, Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church stands on the threshold of tomorrow, prepared to meet the challenges of the coming decades while retaining that spiritual resolve which characterizes its past; and WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to take note of enduring religious institutions and to bring such institutions to the attention of the people of this Empire State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commemorate the 27th Anniversary of Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church of Brooklyn, New York on June 9, 2019; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Most Reverend Dr. Voni B. Johyn, Isaiah's Temple of Mount Hope Spiritual Baptist Church, Brooklyn, New York.