Senate Resolution No. 1735

BY: Senator O'MARA

        CONGRATULATING  the  Waverly  High School Football
        Team  upon  the  occasion  of  capturing  the   2023
        NYSPHSAA  Class  C Football Championship on December
        2, 2023

  WHEREAS, Individual and team championships are highly  sought  after
in  high  school  sports;  this  Legislative Body commends rare athletic
achievements and pays special  recognition  to  those  who  pursue  such
excellence and become examples for the youth of this great Empire State;

  WHEREAS,  Athletic  competition  helps to enhance both the moral and
physical development of young athletes, preparing them for the future by
instilling in them the importance of teamwork, encouraging a standard of
healthy living, and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to  congratulate  the
Waverly  High  School  Football  Team upon the occasion of capturing the
2023 NYSPHSAA Class C Football Championship  on  Saturday,  December  2,
2023 at JMA Wireless Dome in Syracuse, New York; and

  WHEREAS,  To  the  praise  and  applause  of their excited fans, the
Wolverines defeated  Fonda-Fultonville  in  a  decisive  46-26  victory;
besting  No.  1  ranked  Fonda-Fultonville,  Waverly utilized a balanced
aerial assault and running attack to surge past the Braves; and

  WHEREAS,  This  being  the  first  state  championship  for  Waverly
football,  the  last time the Wolverines reached the State quarterfinals
was one year ago and in 2015; this state title win made  school  history
for the Waverly High School Football Team; and

  WHEREAS,  Proudly  donning  the  school's  colors  of red and white,
family, friends, and the community at large loyally and enthusiastically
supported the Wolverines throughout their journey as  they  ended  their
season  with  an  impressive  13-1  overall record and their first state
title; and

  WHEREAS, In  a  sport  such  as  football,  which  demands  athletic
prowess,  speed  and agility, Head Coach Jason Miller and his assistants
have worked hard to hone the skills of this championship team,  teaching
these  outstanding  athletes lessons which will prove invaluable both on
and off the field; and

  WHEREAS, Head Coach Jason Miller and all of the outstanding athletes
on  the  Waverly  High  School  Football  Team  have  clearly   utilized
dedication,   determination   and   teamwork   in  providing  a  lasting
contribution to the spirit of excellence which is a tradition  of  their
school; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate the members of the Waverly High School Football Team: Hogan
Shaw, Carter George, Ben Shaw, Drayton Dekay, Ronin Ault, Joey  Tomasso,
Dalton Davis, Xavier Watson, Kolsen Kealthley, Payton Fravel, Seto Noto,

Chase  Wheeler,  Jay  Pipher,  Jace Fravel, Bryce Laforest, Ethan Perry,
Braeden Nichols,  Justin  Koenig,  Nate  Peters,  Josh  Silva,  Matthias
Welles,  Tim  George,  Derek  Johnson, Ryan Shepard, JT Williams, Jarren
Ennis,  Jacob  Benjamin,  Daniel  Fischer, Carson Rockwell, Jace Peters,
Hayden Bill, Kayne McCutcheon, Aiden Strope,  Troy  Beeman,  Kam  Hills,
Jake VanHouten, Jack Cheresnowsky, Tristan Campbell, Roger Webster; Head
Coach  Jason  Miller;  DC  David  Shaw;  Line  Coach  Derek Bowman; Wide
Receiver and Defensive Back Coaches Peyton Miller and Jeff Mastrantuono;
Running Back and Safety Coach Josh  Mastrantuono;  Head  Modified  Coach
Chad Rylott; Operations Pete Girolamo; Modified Coach Trevor Bauman; and
lastly,  Assistant  Joe  Tomasso upon the occasion of capturing the 2023
NYSPHSAA Class C Football Championship on December 2, 2023;  and  be  it

  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the members of the Waverly  High  School  Football  Team,
Head  Coach  Jason  Miller,  Superintendent  Dr. Eric Knolles, Principal
Ashley Hunt, and Athletic Director Rich McIntosh.