Senate Resolution No. 1735

BY: Senator KAPLAN

        COMMENDING   Valedictorian   Eish  Maheshwari  and
        Salutatorian Sahith Vadada of Herricks High  School,
        in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments

  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body to act in accord
with its long-standing traditions, to honor  the  youth  of  today,  the
leaders  of  tomorrow,  whose  character  and achievements exemplify the
ideals and values cherished by this great State and Nation; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly   proud   to   commend
Valedictorian Eish Maheshwari and Salutatorian Sahith Vadada of Herricks
High School, in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments; and

  WHEREAS,  Valedictorian  Eish  Maheshwari  and  Salutatorian  Sahith
Vadada represent the best of developed potential inherent  in  our  most
precious  resource,  our youth; their achievements have brought enduring
honor to their families and communities and  should  be  recognized  and
saluted; and

  WHEREAS,  Valedictorian  Eish  Maheshwari  and  Salutatorian  Sahith
Vadada may now stand with  pride  as  they  assess  their  achievements,
experience  the  satisfaction  of  their  labors  and  the  joy of their
accomplishments, eager to face the  new  experiences  of  a  challenging
world; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Valedictorian Eish Maheshwari and Salutatorian Sahith Vadada  of
Herricks    High   School,   in   recognition   of   their   outstanding
accomplishments; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to  Valedictorian  Eish  Maheshwari and Salutatorian Sahith