Senate Resolution No. 1730

BY: Senator MAYER

        HONORING  Senior Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman upon the
        occasion of his designation of  special  recognition
        for 36 years of service to Larchmont Temple

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the custom of this Legislative Body to acknowledge
outstanding individuals whose professional  lives,  personal  endeavors,
and   community   service  are  an  example  and  inspiration  to  their
colleagues, friends, family, and community; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Senior  Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman upon the occasion of his designation of
special recognition for 36 years of service to Larchmont Temple; and

  WHEREAS, Senior Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman is being  honored  for  his
dedication  to  his  position  as Senior Rabbi and also for serving as a
teacher, mentor, community leader, and friend to many; and

  WHEREAS, Serving Larchmont Temple for 36 years, Senior Rabbi Jeffrey
J.  Sirkman has a special connection with youth, inspiring  them  to  go
out  into  the world with a solid moral compass; his "kids," as he calls
them, stay in touch with him for years; and

  WHEREAS, Ordained by  HUC-JIR  in  1987,  Senior  Rabbi  Jeffrey  J.
Sirkman  received  his  B.A. in Religion and his M.A. in Theology with a
Certificate in Modern Jewish Thought  from  Boston  University;  he  has
served  the  Temple and Jewish community in a number of roles from Chair
of the Program Advisory Committee for URJ  Eisner  Camp,  to  Admissions
Committee  of  HUC-JIR,  to  board  member  on  a  variety  of community
organizations; and

  WHEREAS,  Having  forged  strong  relationships   with   neighboring
faith-based  communities,  Senior  Rabbi  Jeffrey J. Sirkman facilitates
monthly  inter-faith  dialogues  and  hosts  Strait  Gate  Church's  MLK
celebration  each  year; he focuses on establishing a face-to-face faith
and building sacred relationships to affirm that every person who  seeks
can find a place within the Jewish community; and

  WHEREAS, At the core of his leadership, Covenant remains the mission
that  gives  meaning  to Temple membership and Jewish life; Senior Rabbi
Jeffrey J. Sirkman cherishes the gift of Torah,  whether  learning  with
dozens  every  Shabbat  morning  at our Temple's Chevrah Torah table, or
guiding students in Religious School from their Bar or  Bat  Mitzvah  to
post Confirmation; and

  WHEREAS,  Engaging  with  both  young  and  adult learners through a
spectrum of scholars  and  sacred  teachers,  Senior  Rabbi  Jeffrey  J.
Sirkman  works  to  affirm  the  bond  we  share with Israel and has led
hundreds of congregants and their  extended  families  in  hands-on  and
inspirational visits to Israel; and

  WHEREAS,  Devoted to educating others on the Jewish practice, Senior
Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman is currently the Rabbi  Stephen  Wise  Visiting

Scholar  at  the  Hebrew  Union  College-Jewish  Institute  of  Religion
teaching 5th year rabbinic and cantorial students, the year-long  course
for senior students in professional development; and

  WHEREAS,  With him throughout has been his late wife, Susan z'l, and
their four children, Aaron, Alexander, Gabriel (Chelsea) and Sophie, all
of whom feel privileged to be a part of his life and rejoice in his many
achievements; and

  WHEREAS,  Rare  indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication   shown   by
individuals  for  the  benefit  of  others which Senior Rabbi Jeffrey J.
Sirkman has displayed throughout his life; and

  WHEREAS, It has always been the objective of this  Legislative  Body
to  honor  and  support  those  individuals  who  have  displayed  their
commitment to the betterment of their communities, and it is the  intent
of  this  Legislative Body to inscribe upon its records, this tribute to
Senior Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman, that future generations  may  know  and
appreciate  his  admirable character, his many benevolent deeds, and the
respect and esteem in which he is held by his peers; now, therefore,  be

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor  Senior  Rabbi  Jeffrey  J.  Sirkman  upon  the  occasion  of  his
designation  of special recognition for 36 years of service to Larchmont
Temple; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Senior Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman.