Senate Resolution No. 1544


        LEGISLATIVE  RESOLUTION memorializing Governor Kathy
        Hochul  to  proclaim April 24, 2024, as Denim Day in
        the State of New York

  WHEREAS, Sexual violence is a horrific and widespread act  of  crime
that is broadly defined as any unwanted sexual contact, including rapes,
verbal and physical assault, and harassment; and

  WHEREAS,  Victims  of  sexual  violence  are often blamed for having
contributed or  led  to  the  perpetration  of  violence  through  their
behavior or physical appearance; and

  WHEREAS,   In   1999,  the  Italian  Supreme  Court  overturned  the
conviction of a man accused of rape on the grounds that the victim  must
have  helped her rapist remove her tight-fitting jeans, thereby implying
consent; and

  WHEREAS, This ruling infuriated the Italian public, leading women to
wear denim to work the day after the conviction; and

  WHEREAS, In April of 1999, Patricia Giggans, the Executive  Director
of   Peace   Over  Violence,  established  Denim  Day  in  Los  Angeles,
California, in conjunction with Sexual Assault Awareness Month; and

  WHEREAS, Since 1999, the event has grown into a worldwide  movement,
occurring  annually  in  50  states and over 119 countries and including
female, male and LGBTQ participants; and

  WHEREAS,  Through  the  Scarsdale  Coalition  on  Family  Violence's
tireless efforts, Denim Day will take place on, April 24, 2024, in towns
and cities throughout Westchester County and New York State; and

  WHEREAS, Children and adolescents are at high-risk for being victims
of   sexual  violence,  with  half  of  female  rape  victims  reporting
experiencing their first rape before 18, and over a quarter of male rape
victims raped for the first time before the age of 10; and

  WHEREAS, Over 15,000  people  with  developmental  disabilities  are
raped  each year in the United States, and over 20,000 more estimated to
have experienced sexual violence; and

  WHEREAS, It is estimated that over 50%  of  LGBTQ  individuals  have
experienced at least one incidence of sexual violence; and

  WHEREAS,  Awareness  campaigns  such  as Denim Day have done much to
empower victims and their loved ones, and to educate  potential  victims
of the dangers of sexual violence; and

  WHEREAS,  Though  much  progress  has been made in the fight against
sexual violence, the fact that almost 50% of women and 20% of  men  have
been or will be victims of sexual violence highlights continued need for
advocacy; and

  WHEREAS,  This Legislative Body strongly supports the efforts of the
Scarsdale Coalition  on  Family  Violence  to  educate  persons  in  our
community  about  the true impact of rape and sexual assault in not only
Westchester County, but the entire State of New York; now, therefore, be

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 24, 2024,  as  Denim
Day in the State of New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of  New
York; and the Scarsdale Coalition on Family Violence.