Senate Resolution No. 1462

BY: Senator PARKER

        CELEBRATING  the  Feast  of Epiphany, Three Kings'
        Day, on January 6, 2022

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is  justly  proud  to  celebrate  the
Feast of Epiphany, Three Kings' Day, on January 6, 2022; and

  WHEREAS,  Epiphany, or the Feast of Epiphany, most commonly known as
Three Kings' Day, happens twelve days after Christmas, on  January  6th;
it  is  a  Catholic observance and a day for commemorating the visit the
Three Wise Men paid to Baby Jesus; and

  WHEREAS, The day of Epiphany is  a  Feast  Day,  and  it  marks  the
beginning  of  the  Epiphanytide, a catholic season that lasts from this
day until Ash Wednesday; it is also the end of the 12 Days of Christmas,
a period which begins on Christmas Day and ends  on  the  Epiphany;  the
days  symbolize  Jesus  Christ's  birth  and  the  manifestation  of his
divinity, respectively; and

  WHEREAS,  The  word  Epiphany  comes  from  the  Greek   and   means
manifestation;  in religious terms, a manifestation is the appearance of
an invisible being in their visible form; and

  WHEREAS, On the day of Epiphany, people celebrate not only the visit
of the Three Kings but also the time when Jesus was baptized  and  began
spreading and teaching the Word about his father, God; these are the two
times  when  Catholics  believe  Christ's  importance  and divinity were
manifested; and

  WHEREAS, Originating in the 2nd century,  Epiphany  is  one  of  the
oldest known Christian celebrations; its history is written in the Bible
in  the book of Matthew, where he writes about the Wise Men who followed
a star in the East for twelve days in the desert to Bethlehem, to  visit
baby Jesus who they believed to be the King of Jews; and

  WHEREAS, The day of Epiphany was usually when Eastern Churches would
celebrate Jesus's birthday, however, this was changed in the 4th century
AD  to December 25th, and Epiphany was set to January 6th, as they still
are today; and

  WHEREAS, As a holiday that is celebrated around the World, there are
quite a few different Epiphany traditions; in America, most people stick
to celebrating Epiphany by attending church service, where the sermon is
focused on Jesus's baptism and the revelation of his holiness; and

  WHEREAS, In some countries, such as Spain and Italy, January 6th  is
the  day  when children receive their Christmas gifts, as it was the day
when Jesus received his gifts; many countries also have their version of
the traditional King Cake; and

  WHEREAS, Finally, January 6th is commonly the day when  people  take
down their Christmas trees, as it marks the official end of the Holidays
season; and

  WHEREAS, It is fitting and proper to give thanks to God by observing
the Feast of Epiphany in New York State on January 6, 2022, when all may
acknowledge   our  blessings  and  express  gratitude  for  them,  while
recognizing the need for strengthening religious and moral values in our
State and nation; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
celebrate the Feast of Epiphany, Three Kings' Day, on January 6, 2022.