Senate Resolution No. 1138

BY: Senator GRIFFO

        HONORING  Maureen  Nash  upon  the occasion of her
        designation as recipient of the 2023 Zonta Rose  Day
        Award on March 8, 2023

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense of this Legislative Body that those who
enhance the quality of life in their community and have shown a long and
sustained commitment to the  maintenance  of  high  standards  in  their
profession,  certainly  have  earned the recognition and applause of all
the citizens of this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Maureen  Nash  upon  the occasion of her designation as recipient of the
2023 Zonta Rose Day Award on Wednesday, March 8,  2023,  in  conjunction
with International Women's Day; and

  WHEREAS,  Held  annually  since  March  8,  1999, Zonta Rose Day was
established to recognize outstanding women like Maureen  Nash  who  have
made  generous  contributions  to  the community and to a brighter, more
equitable future for women and girls; and

  WHEREAS, Maureen Nash is an exceptional school  counselor  who  goes
above  and  beyond to assist her students; she works tirelessly to raise
the standards of New York State's youth and her students look to her for
her knowledge, empathy, and her willingness to  advocate  for  students;

  WHEREAS, Truly a key supporter to students at Rome Free Academy High
School,  Maureen  Nash  helps with coordinating the school's scholarship
program, goes out of her way to have  face-to-face  communications  with
colleagues throughout the building, assists with recruiting students for
two  internship programs: Professional Horizons Program and the Regional
Program for Excellence, and is the cornerstone for each and every one of
her students; and

  WHEREAS, In addition to her counseling duties, Maureen Nash is  also
involved  in  many  community  organizations, volunteering with the Rome
Twigs, the Leo Club, the Rome Republican Committee, Bible Study, Dollars
for Scholars, Book Club, Investment Club,  and  working  at  St.  Paul's
Roman  Catholic Church as a Eucharistic minister and religious education
teacher; and

  WHEREAS, It has always been the objective of this  Legislative  Body
to  honor  and  support  those  individuals  who  have  displayed  their
commitment to the betterment of their communities, and it  is  also  its
intent  to  inscribe upon its records, this tribute to Maureen Nash that
future generations may know and appreciate her admirable character,  her
many  benevolent  deeds, and the respect and esteem in which she is held
by her peers; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
honor  Maureen Nash upon the occasion of her designation as recipient of
the 2023 Zonta Rose Day Award on March 8, 2023; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Maureen Nash.