Senate Resolution No. 1129

BY: Senator BIAGGI

        MOURNING  the death of Joseph Migliucci, legendary
        restaurateur,  distinguished  citizen  and   devoted
        member of his community

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens  of  the  State  of  New York whose lifework and civic endeavor
served to enhance the quality of life  in  their  communities  and  this
great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Joseph Migliucci, legendary Arthur Avenue restaurateur who
took Mario's Restaurant through its 100th year in 2019, died on  Monday,
April  6,  2020,  at  the age of 81, due to complications related to the
novel coronavirus; and

  WHEREAS, Born in Manhattan on November 18,  1938,  Joseph  Migliucci
was the fourth generation of the venerable Migliucci family of chefs and
restaurateurs who opened Mario's Pizzeria in 1919, at 2342 Arthur Avenue
in the Little Italy section of The Bronx; and

  WHEREAS,  He was the son of Mario and Rose, grandson of Giuseppe and
great grandson of Scolastica whom collectively  guided  Mario's  from  a
small  pizzeria  to  a  renown  Italian eatery patronized and beloved by
multiple generations of customers; and

  WHEREAS,  His  parents  urged  him  to  higher   education   and   a
professional  career;  while studying engineering in college, he decided
on a different course and left to join the family business; and

  WHEREAS,  Joseph  Migliucci  brought  boundless   energy,   superior
technical  and  mechanical  skills and love for people, food and life to
the  restaurant;  he  learned  all  facets  of  the  business:  cooking,
prepping,  cleaning,  repairing, purchasing, serving, hosting, marketing
and finances; and

  WHEREAS, Trained by  Mario  and  Uncle  Clemente,  Joseph  Migliucci
became  both  a  world  class  chef  and  master  pizza maker of Mario's
signature thin crust Neapolitan style pies for which it remains  famous;
generations  of  customers  fortunate  enough  to  eat a Joseph made pie
attest that no one did it better; and

  WHEREAS,  Far  beyond  preparing  meals,  Joseph  Migliucci  touched
countless  individuals though his acts of love, kindness and friendship;
employees struggling with  all  kinds  of  life's  obstacles,  customers
seeking  comfort  or  advice,  fellow  businessmen  needing  assistance,
friends needing help - or  bail  -  and  the  'down  and  out'  fighting
addiction needing guidance or a second chance, found it from Joseph; and

  WHEREAS,  With  a  gentle  heart, large frame and even bigger hands,
Joseph Migliucci provided compassion to his fellow  man  so  many  times
that  the  touching  expressions  of  tribute  arising  from  his sudden
departure are far too many to list; and

  WHEREAS, Joseph Migliucci displayed his generosity to  the  end;  in
his final days of life at the hospital as his condition deteriorated, he
chose  his  fate  and  told  the night nurse "... give the ventilator to
somebody else who needs it"; even in these trying  times,  true  to  his
nature, he managed to touch the lives of those around him; and

  WHEREAS,  Joseph  Migliucci  shined  when  it  came to the Migliucci
character, undoubtedly passed down in the  genes:  making  any  customer
feel  welcomed  like family; his smile and sincere inquiry of a patron's
satisfaction with their dining was second to none; his genuine  dialogue
concerning  a  customer's  health, family or one of his favorite topics,
how to fix a car, rounded out a truly pleasant meal, no matter how small
or big the occasion; and

  WHEREAS, He knew the names of customers, their parents and  children
and  if  he could not recall it, you would never know it; many customers
became his lifelong friends; and

  WHEREAS, Joseph Migliucci was a role model to his family  simply  by
the  way  he  lived each day; his first marriage produced two daughters,
Regina and Michele; Regina ran Mario's at her father's side for the last
31 years and takes over the restaurant's reigns; and

  WHEREAS, Joseph Migliucci's subsequent marriage  to  Barbara  is  to
this  day,  49 years later, a testament to Sinatra's classic "The Second
Time Around"; it was not  an  easy  order  for  Joseph,  the  commitment
included  Barbara's  two sons; undaunted, he raised them as his own with
Michael becoming a master chef and Christopher, at Joseph's  insistence,
a  successful  trial  attorney;  together,  Joseph  and  Barbara had two
children, Nicole and Mario; Mario cheffed at the restaurant; and  Joseph
Migliucci  is  survived  by  his  wife,  Barbara;  the  six children; 16
grandchildren and three great grandchildren;  as  well  as  his  sister,
Diane Lentini; and

  WHEREAS,   Joseph   Migliucci  would  want  you  to  know  that  his
granddaughter, Lauren, is a nurse at White Plains Hospital  and  due  to
coronavirus  protocols  precluding  any family members presence, she was
the only family there; at his request, she tirelessly stayed by his side
comforting him  and  holding  his  hand;  in  addition  to  coordinating
facetime  phone calls with loved ones, Lauren arranged a group call with
Joseph's wife, most of the children, and many grandchildren that  Joseph
desired near the end; and

  WHEREAS,  Lauren  represented  the  entire loving family at Joseph's
side; he gave her money from his wallet, telling  her  it  was  for  her
birthday, two weeks away, in case he was not there; and

  WHEREAS,  Joseph  Migliucci  inspired  all  who  knew  him  with his
exemplary morals and ethics and instilled those values in so  many;  the
world  is  a  better  place for the mark he left on it; he will be truly
missed by many; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
mourn  the  death  of  Joseph  Migliucci,  and  to  express  its deepest
condolences to his family; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Joseph Migliucci.