Senate Resolution No. 1103

BY: Senator JORDAN

        CONGRATULATING  James R. Campion upon the occasion
        of his  retirement  after  more  than  19  years  of
        distinguished     service     as     President    of
        Columbia-Greene Community College

  WHEREAS, It is the practice of this Legislative Body to take note of
and  publicly  acknowledge  individuals  of  remarkable  integrity   and
character whose endeavors have enhanced the quality of education in this
great State; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
congratulate  James R. Campion upon the occasion of his retirement after
more  than  19  years  of  distinguished   service   as   President   of
Columbia-Greene Community College; and

  WHEREAS,  James  R.  Campion  has  been  in the SUNY system for five
decades, holding an Associate of Arts  degree  from  Dutchess  Community
College, Bachelor of Science degree from SUNY New Paltz, and a Master of
Science degree in Educational Administration and Certificate of Graduate
Studies in Autism from the University at Albany, SUNY; and

  WHEREAS,   James  R.  Campion  began  his  illustrious  career  with
Columbia-Greene Community College as an administrator in 1974,  when  he
started  as Director of Financial Aid on the same day the current campus
in Columbia County opened; and

  WHEREAS, He later  advanced  to  Assistant  Dean  of  Community  and
Educational  Services  before  serving as Dean of Community Services and
Executive  Director  of  the  Columbia-Greene  Community  Foundation,  a
position  he  held for 20 years prior to his appointment as President in
2000; and

  WHEREAS,  As  the   fifth   and   longest   serving   President   of
Columbia-Greene  Community  College,  James  R.  Campion has created and
fostered opportunities for his students, faculty,  and  staff,  ensuring
pathways  for  their  educational  success as well as their personal and
professional growth; and

  WHEREAS, A prolific volunteer in both Columbia and Greene  counties,
James R. Campion is a former member and secretary of the Columbia County
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, and a past director and chaplain
of the Columbia County Association in the City of New York; and

  WHEREAS,  In  addition,  he  currently  serves  as  a trustee of the
Columbia Economic Development Corporation as well as  a  member  of  the
Advisory  Board  of  Directors  of  the Bank of Greene County, the Olana
Partnership Emeritus Council, and the Columbia County  Community  Health
Care Consortium Board of Directors; and

  WHEREAS,  The  recipient  of numerous awards and accolades, James R.
Campion has been named to the State  University  of  New  York's  Alumni

Honor  Roll,  and  was  recognized  with the SUNY Chancellor's Award for
Excellence in Professional Service; and

  WHEREAS,  James R. Campion has clearly had an enduring impact on the
students of  Columbia-Greene  Community  College,  as  well  as  on  the
community-at-large,  and accordingly merits recognition and applause for
his impressive dedication to others; and

  WHEREAS, With him throughout have been his wife,  Donna,  and  their
three children, Florentina, Robert Joshua, and Elena, who have all shown
him love and support and rejoice in his many achievements; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of the New York State Senate to commend the
efforts of those individuals who work to support our proud traditions of
institutions  of  higher education by providing their skills and talents
to our colleges; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  James R. Campion upon the occasion of his retirement after
more  than  19  years  of  distinguished   service   as   President   of
Columbia-Greene Community College; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to James R. Campion.