Senate Resolution No. 1073

BY: Senator AKSHAR

        COMMENDING  Cody  Maricle for his substantial role
        in saving the lives of a family during a house  fire
        in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, on March 17, 2019

  WHEREAS,  Citizens  across the State of New York are inspired by and
indebted to our noble firefighters who exhibit courage and bravery every
day in the course of their duties; and

  WHEREAS, New York State firefighters exemplify the  power  of  human
compassion  and  the  strength of the American spirit through actions of
the  most  heroic  magnitude;  their  sacrifices  and   their   selfless
dedication  merit  tribute and recognition by all citizens of this great
Nation; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly   proud   to   commend
Firefighter Cody Maricle for his substantial role in saving the lives of
a  family  during  a house fire in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania; he will be
honored for his heroic efforts at an event on Saturday, May 4, 2019; and

  WHEREAS, At approximately 1 a.m. on Sunday, March 17, 2019, off-duty
Firefighter Cody Maricle observed a fire  at  a  house  located  at  476
Washington  Street;  by  the  time he called 911, the flames had already
extended to both stories of the house on the exterior and was  beginning
to burn through to the interior; and

  WHEREAS,  Without regard for his own safety, Cody Maricle ran to the
burning building, opened the front door and awakened the five members of
the family who were still sleeping  in  their  home  because  the  smoke
detectors had not been activated; as conditions rapidly deteriorated, he
helped  the terrified family escape from the second floor of the burning
home; and

  WHEREAS, The Susquehanna Fire Department was dispatched at 1:07 a.m.
and arrived on  the  scene  with  its  first  engine;  the  firefighters
discovered  two  stories  of the house were fully involved, and the heat
from the fire was already causing damage to the house next door; and

  WHEREAS, Upon the arrival of the  second  engine,  the  firefighters
laid  large-diameter  hose  from a nearby hydrant and made connection to
the first engine; at this time, heavy winds drove the fire from the rear
of the house throughout the entire  structure  and  began  causing  heat
damage  to  two  neighboring  houses  on  the left and rear; through the
astute actions of the firefighters, the fire was brought  under  control
and all units were clear at 3:55 a.m.; and

  WHEREAS,  Due  to  the  due  diligence  of off-duty Firefighter Cody
Maricle, a family of five and their dog survived a devastating  fire  in
which they lost everything but their lives; and

  WHEREAS, Firefighters unwaveringly serve our great State with pride,
valor,  and integrity; these respected men and women are often the first
to respond to  an  emergency,  whether  the  emergency  is  a  fire,  an

accident,  natural  disaster, act of terrorism, medical crisis, or spill
of hazardous materials; and

  WHEREAS,  It  takes  a  special  dedication, a strong desire to help
others and a tireless sense of community to forsake precious  time  with
family  and friends to respond to the signal that a neighbor is in need;
Cody Maricle is such a firefighter; he heroically  performs,  above  and
beyond the call of duty, those responsibilities which define the task of
fire protection; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Cody Maricle for his substantial role in saving the lives  of  a
family during a fire on March 17, 2019; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Cody Maricle.