Senate Resolution No. 1041

BY: Senator FUNKE

        CONGRATULATING  Teddy  Warfle upon the occasion of
        capturing  the  NYSPHSAA  2019  Nordic  Skiing  Boys
        Individual Classic 10k on February 25, 2019

  WHEREAS,  Individual  and team championships are highly sought after
in high school sports; this  Legislative  Body  commends  rare  athletic
achievements  and  pays  special  recognition  to  those who pursue such
excellence and become examples for the youth of this great Empire State;

  WHEREAS, Athletic competition helps to enhance both  the  moral  and
physical development of young athletes, preparing them for the future by
instilling in them the importance of teamwork, encouraging a standard of
healthy living, and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and

  WHEREAS,  A  standout  ski  racer for the Honeoye Falls-Lima Central
School District, Teddy Warfle won  the  Nordic  Skiing  New  York  State
Championship in the Boys Individual Class 10k with an impressive time of
35:23.1  on  Monday,  February  25, 2019, at Gore Mountain Ski Resort in
North Creek, New York; and

  WHEREAS, The following day, Teddy Warfle and his teammates  won  the
2.5K Boys Skate Relay with a time of 18:41.7; and

  WHEREAS,  The  athletic  talent  displayed by Teddy Warfle is due in
great part to the  efforts  of  Coach  Bernie  Gardner  and  his  expert
coaching  staff,  skilled  and inspirational tutors, respected for their
ability to develop potential into excellence; and

  WHEREAS, Teddy Warfle's overall record  is  outstanding;  throughout
the season, he was loyally and enthusiastically supported by his family,
teammates, friends and the community at large; and

  WHEREAS,  Athletically  and  academically,  Teddy  Warfle has proven
himself to be an unbeatable combination of talents, reflecting favorably
on his school; and

  WHEREAS, Coach Bernie Gardner has done  a  superb  job  in  guiding,
molding and inspiring Teddy Warfle towards his goals; and

  WHEREAS,  Sports  competition instills the values of teamwork, pride
and accomplishment, and Teddy Warfle has clearly made a contribution  to
the  spirit  of  excellence  which  is  a  tradition of his school; now,
therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  Teddy  Warfle  upon the occasion of capturing the NYSPHSAA
2019 Nordic Skiing Boys Individual Classic 10k on February 25, 2019; and
be it further

  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Teddy Warfle and Coach Bernie Gardner.