Senate Resolution No. 936

BY: Senator GRIFFO

        COMMEMORATING the 100th Anniversary of the Western
        Town Library on June 29, 2023

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize that
the  quality  and  character of life in the communities across the great
State of New York is reflective of certain exemplary organizations whose
purpose is dedicated to serving the  community  and  the  needs  of  its
citizenry; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commemorate  the  100th  Anniversary  of the Western Town Library, to be
celebrated on Thursday, June 29, 2023 with a myriad  of  events  at  the
Western Town Library in Westernville, New York; and

  WHEREAS,  In 1923, a group of forward thinking ladies of the Town of
Western, New York congregated to develop a local library  to  serve  the
town  and surrounding communities; the first board of trustees consisted
of: Eleanor Floyd, Minnie Davis, Nellie Warcup, Ida  Reese,  Lenora  Van
Wagen, Cora Pillmore, and Minnie Pierce; and

  WHEREAS, Initially located within several private homes, the Western
Town Library found support from the community and was placed in the Town
Hall, and then at its current location, at 9172 Main Street; the library
was  given  a  provisional  charter  by the Board of Regents on April 7,
1923; and

  WHEREAS, In 1960, the Western Town Library  became  affiliated  with
the  Mid York Library System in 1960 and an absolute charter was granted
by the Board of Regents on November 21, 1974; and

  WHEREAS, The Western Town Library's mission is to  provide  valuable
and  relevant  service  to the communities of Westernville, Ava, Holland
Patent, Lee Center, Boonville, and others; the library is  dedicated  to
providing  library  materials,  computer  access,  and special events to
support the community; and

  WHEREAS, Today, the Western Town Library serves nearly 3,000 patrons
every year and 6,000 people checked out library materials in  2022;  the
collection  of  the library contains 10,532 volumes and circulates 9,825
items annually; and

  WHEREAS, In addition to providing the  Westernville  community  with
opportunities  to  read,  the  Western  Town  Library  also  serves as a
community events center, hosting activities for children and adults; and

  WHEREAS, The members of the Western Town Library Board  of  Trustees
for  2023  include:  Jamie Wilbert, Board President; Joan Zelinski, Vice
President; Cynthia  Arthur,  Corresponding  Secretary;  Christina  Born,
Recording  Secretary;  Jason Kerr, Treasurer; Cindy Mierek; Sue Naresky;
Lawrence Mierek; Nancy Nieley; Veronica McFee; Lisa  Mumpton;  and  Anna
Radell-Weaver; and

  WHEREAS,  A vital part of its community, this remarkable institution
has continually strived to  provide  outstanding  service,  focusing  on
education,  recreation, and social inclusion, to a diverse population of
neighborhood residents; and

  WHEREAS,  The  success  enjoyed  by  the  Western Town Library is in
direct correlation to the efforts of the  Board  of  Trustees  and  many
individuals  who  have supported the development of the library over the
years; and

  WHEREAS, Steeped in a proud and distinguished history,  the  Western
Town  Library  may take just pride in its purposeful growth, as it looks
forward  to  continuing  to  serve   the   educational,   cultural   and
intellectual needs of the community; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Western Town  Library  on  June
29, 2023; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the Western Town Library.