Senate Resolution No. 836


        HONORING   Eric  and  Keri  Carlstrom  upon  their
        designation for special recognition by the Grenville
        Baker Boys and Girls Club on June 9, 2023

  WHEREAS, A great community is only as great  as  those  persons  who
provide  exemplary  service,  whether through participation in voluntary
programs, through unique personal achievement  in  their  profession  or
other endeavors, or simply through a lifetime of good citizenship; and

  WHEREAS,  It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize that
the quality and character of life in the  communities  across  New  York
State  are  reflective  of  the concerned and dedicated efforts of those
individuals who devote themselves to the welfare of  the  community  and
its citizenry; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Eric and Keri Carlstrom upon their designation for  special  recognition
by  the  Grenville Baker Boys and Girls Club; the two will be recognized
for their dedicated efforts at the Grenville Boys and Girls Club's  73rd
Annual  Gala,  "Moondance  by  the Bay," on Friday, June 9, 2023, at the
Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club in Oyster Bay, New York; and

  WHEREAS, Aptly selected for this year's  distinguished  honor,  Eric
Carlstrom,  an  Executive  Vice President-Managing Director for Aon, and
Keri, a former educator, have been involved  with  The  Grenville  Baker
Boys and Girls Club for over 25 years; and

  WHEREAS, Eric Carlstrom was a member of the Grenville Baker Boys and
Girls Club's Board of Directors, served on the Operations Committee, and
was  a  co-chair  of  the  2000  Capital  Campaign to construct a second
gymnasium for the Club; he is also a member of  the  Advisory  Board  of
Tuesday's  Children and the Association Board of Cold Spring Harbor Lab;

  WHEREAS, Keri Carlstrom, while raising their three  children,  Sven,
Magnus, and Erik Reid, began serving her community by joining the Locust
Valley Parent's Council and eventually becoming a member of the Board of
Education;  at  the  Grenville  Baker Boys and Girls Club, she served on
various committees over the years, including the Golf, Tennis, and  Gala
committees;  she  also  volunteered at the Club's community Thanksgiving
Dinner; she currently serves as President of the Board of  Trustees  for
the Locust Valley Library; and

  WHEREAS,  Eric  and  Keri Carlstrom, in true dedication and love for
their community, have additionally been involved with  local  charities,
including  the  Fund  for the Poor, Oak Neck Athletic Council's Lacrosse
Program, and Momma's House; they are sincerely  dedicated  to  improving
children's  lives  through  education,  and  justly  deserving  of their
special recognition; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is pleased to have  this  opportunity
to  express  its  highest admiration for Eric and Keri Carlstrom, and to

wish  them  continued  success  in  all  their  future  endeavors;  now,
therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Eric and Keri Carlstrom upon the occasion of their designation for
special recognition by the Grenville Baker Boys and Girls Club  on  June
9, 2023; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Eric and Keri Carlstrom.