Senate Resolution No. 786

BY: Senator ASHBY

        MOURNING  the  death  of Patrick J. Hogan, retired
        and heroic police investigator  with  the  New  York
        State  Police,  distinguished  citizen  and  devoted
        member of his community

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens of the State of New York  whose  lifework  and  civic  endeavor
served  to  enhance  the  quality  of life in their communities and this
great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, Patrick J. Hogan of North  Greenbush,  New  York,  died  on
Thursday,  April  13,  2023, at the age of 61, after an illness stemming
from his assignment in and around the World Trade Center site  following
the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001; and

  WHEREAS,  Patrick  J. Hogan was born to the late Tove (Andersen) and
John Hogan in Troy, New York, where he was a student at Catholic Central
High School; after  graduating,  he  attended  Hudson  Valley  Community
College and Siena College where he earned his bachelor's degree; and

  WHEREAS,  For  22 years, Patrick J. Hogan was a trooper with the New
York State Police  Department,  retiring  on  May  30,  2018,  with  the
esteemed rank of Investigator; and

  WHEREAS,  During the aftermath of the tragic events of 9/11, Patrick
J.    Hogan,  without  fear  for  his   own   safety,   aided   in   the
search-and-recovery efforts at the World Trade Center, heroically paying
the ultimate sacrifice for his tireless efforts; and

  WHEREAS,  Patrick  J.  Hogan  also  proudly  served his country as a
member of the United  States  Marine  Corps  serving  over  seven  years
including the conflicts in Beirut, Lebanon and the Persian Gulf War; and

  WHEREAS,  Patrick  J.  Hogan  married  the former Nancy A. Weber and
together, they raised their three children in North Greenbush; and

  WHEREAS, Predeceased by his parents, Patrick J. Hogan is survived by
his wife of nearly 30 years, Nancy; one son, Tyler; two daughters, Emily
and Kelly; three brothers, Michael, Peter (Lorraine), and  Matthew;  one
sister,  Elizabeth  Behan;  several  nieces  and  nephews,  and numerous
friends, as well as a legion of fellow veterans and  officers  who  will
long cherish his memory; and

  WHEREAS, Patrick J. Hogan's life was a portrait of service, a legacy
which  will  long  endure  the  passing  of  time,  and will remain as a
comforting memory to all he served and befriended; and

  WHEREAS, Patrick J.  Hogan's  name  is  synonymous  with  character,
dignity, intellect, depth and humor, qualities evident to his family and
to  all  those  who  were fortunate enough to have known him; he will be
deeply missed and truly merits the grateful tribute of this  Legislative
Body; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
mourn the death  of  Patrick  J.  Hogan,  and  to  express  its  deepest
condolences to his family; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Patrick J. Hogan.