Senate Resolution No. 775


        COMMEMORATING   the   40th   Anniversary   of  the
        Skaneateles Festival

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to honor  and  pay
tribute  to  those  individuals and events whose commitment and creative
talents contribute to the cultural enrichment and entertainment of their
community and the entire State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Skaneateles Festival; and

  WHEREAS,  Since  1980,  the   Skaneateles   Festival   has   brought
world-class musicians to the charming lakeside community of Skaneateles,
New  York,  for  four  weeks  of  chamber  music,  chamber orchestra and
children's concerts in the late summer; and

  WHEREAS, The Skaneateles Festival was established by Lindsay Groves,
Claire Robinson, Beth Boudreau and the late  David  &  Louise  Robinson,
small  town  folks  with  a  taste for good music; the informal setting,
innovative programming and community involvement make this an especially
nurturing spot for performers who are eager to return again  and  again,
and who are warmly embraced by the audience; and

  WHEREAS,  The first Festival performances were held in Library Hall,
a modest local  performance  space  above  the  reception  area  of  the
Skaneateles  library;  local  performers with huge talent were the first
attractions on the stage, and continue to be today; and

  WHEREAS, Although the Skaneateles Festival has  grown  exponentially
in  number,  range,  and  background  of  both  performers  and audience
members, the same spirit from four decades ago persists year after year;

  WHEREAS, Over its distinguished 40-year history, and with  the  help
of  its  inspired artistic directors, the Skaneateles Festival has drawn
performers from all over the world; and

  WHEREAS, Among the Skaneateles Festival's  finest  moments  was  the
first  performance  of  a 12 year-old violinist named Hilary Hahn, as it
heralded a  relationship  which  has  lasted  over  25  years,  allowing
concertgoers to witness a skyrocketing career; and

  WHEREAS,  Furthermore,  such artists as Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz
at Lincoln Center Orchestra,  pianists  Joey  Alexander,  Peter  Serkin,
Misha Dichter, and Garrick Ohlsson, bassist Edgar Meyer, conductor David
Zinman,  as well as Time for Three and the Imani Winds, have also helped
bring the Skaneateles Festival to world recognition; and

  WHEREAS, Today the Festival offers a full month of dynamic  concerts
with  record  numbers  in attendance; the popular outdoor Saturday night
concerts, held under the stars at the new Robinson Pavilion at  Anyela's
Vineyards, often draws 850 to 1,000 listeners; and

  WHEREAS,   The   Skaneateles   Festival's  striking  combination  of
community and high-profile musical talent has earned it countless awards
and  accolades,  including  the  CMAcclaim  Award,   three   Adventurous
Programming  Awards  from  ASCAP/CMA, a national prize from the National
Federation of Music Clubs and recognition  from  National  Public  Radio
with  the  Lucien  Wulsin Award for best regional performance by a large
ensemble; and

  WHEREAS, The success  of  the  Skaneateles  Festival  is  in  direct
correlation  to  the  efforts of its Artistic Directors Aaron Wunsch and
Julia Bruskin, as well as its dedicated staff, whose involvement is, and
always has been, characterized by an impressive commitment, an unbridled
enthusiasm,  and  an  uncompromising  standard  of  excellence  in   all
endeavors on behalf of the organization and the community it serves; and

  WHEREAS,   The  treasured  values  of  family  unity  and  wholesome
entertainment for all ages are reflected in the Skaneateles Festival, an
event which  helps  to  foster  community  spirit  and  cooperation  and
preserves the beliefs, ideals and values upon which this great State and
Nation were founded; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Skaneateles Festival; and be  it

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Aaron  Wunsch  and  Julia  Bruskin,  Artistic  Directors,
Skaneateles Festival.