Senate Resolution No. 755

BY: Senator PARKER

        HONORING  Most Worshipful Walter C. King, Jr. upon
        the  occasion  of  his   designation   for   special
        recognition by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand
        Lodge  Free and Accepted Masons State of New York on
        April 20, 2019

  WHEREAS, The unity of  our  State  and  Nation  is  built  upon  the
compassion  of  individuals  such  as Walter C. King, Jr. who uphold the
values of community life and who, through their great actions, epitomize
the best of humanity; and

  WHEREAS, This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to  honor  Most
Worshipful  Walter C. King, Jr. upon the occasion of his designation for
special recognition by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge  Free
and  Accepted  Masons  State  of  New  York  to  be  celebrated  at  its
Testimonial Luncheon on Saturday, April 20, 2019, at the  Doubletree  by
Hilton Tarrytown; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Most  Worshipful  Prince  Hall  Grand  Lodge Free and
Accepted Masons State of New York is  a  non-profit  organization  which
embodies  a  beautiful  system  of  morality,  veiled  in  allegory  and
illustrated by symbols; and

  WHEREAS, Born in Martinsville Virginia, Walter C.  King, Jr. and his
family relocated to Bedford Hills,  before  settling  in  Ossining,  New
York;  he  graduated  from  Ossining  High School, where he met his wife
Joan, and went on to trade school for auto mechanics; and

  WHEREAS, A man of many hats, Walter  C.  King,  Jr.  is  a  business
owner,  volunteer  and  family  man; he has been the owner of King Shell
Service Station for the past 28 years, as well as CEO of Little Kings  &
Queens Daycare for 25 years; and

  WHEREAS,   With   a  steadfast  and  unwavering  commitment  to  his
community, Walter C. King, Jr. has been a Volunteer  Ossining  Auxiliary
Police  Officer  for  15  years and is a 33-year veteran of the Ossining
Volunteer Fire Department, serving in the Senate Hook & Ladder  Company;
he is also a lifetime member of the NAACP; and

  WHEREAS,  A  dedicated  Master Mason since 1991, Walter C. King, Jr.
holds the titles of  Past  Master,  Past  Excellent  High  Priest,  Past
Commander-in-Chief,  Past  Illustrious Potentate, Past Associate Patron,
Past Grand Librarian and Past District Deputy Grand Master-at-large;  in
2006, he received his 33 degree, the highest degree of Masonry; and

  WHEREAS,  Walter  C. King, Jr.'s devotion to Masonry led to his 2012
election to Junior Grand Warden; in 2018, he was elected to the position
of Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand
Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and  Accepted
Masons  of  the State of New York, the esteemed position he continues to
hold today; and

  WHEREAS, It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that  when
individuals  of  such  noble aims and accomplishments are brought to our
attention, they should be celebrated and recognized by all the  citizens
of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Most Worshipful Walter C. King,  Jr.  upon  the  occasion  of  his
designation  for  special recognition by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall
Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons State of  New  York  on  April  20,
2019; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Most Worshipful Walter C. King, Jr.