Assembly Resolution No. 208

BY: M. of A. Palmesano

        COMMEMORATING   the   30th  Anniversary  of  Court
        Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)  of  the  Southern
        Tier, Inc.

  WHEREAS,  A  great  community  is only as great as those persons and
organizations  that   provide   exemplary   service,   whether   through
participation in voluntary programs, through unique personal achievement
in  their profession or other endeavors, or simply through a lifetime of
good citizenship; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud  to  commemorate  the
30th  Anniversary  of  Court  Appointed  Special  Advocate (CASA) of the
Southern Tier, Inc.; and

  WHEREAS, For three decades, CASA of  the  Southern  Tier,  Inc.  has
diligently  worked  to  recruit and train volunteers to advocate for the
best interest of abused and neglected children in Family Court; and

  WHEREAS,  CASA  of  the  Southern  Tier,  Inc.  defines  its  target
population  as those children in foster care, or at risk of foster care,
who are the subjects of  ongoing  Family  Court  Article  10  Abuse  and
Neglect  proceedings; children assigned are of any age between birth and
up to 21 years of age, any gender, ethnicity and income level; and

  WHEREAS, CASA is an  unduplicated  service  program  which  provides
trained  volunteers who represent the best interest of abused/maltreated
children in Family Court proceedings; CASA of the Southern Tier, Inc. is
one of over 900 programs nationwide, with a core  of  more  than  85,000
volunteers  advocating  for  children's  right  to  a  safe,  secure and
permanent loving home; and

  WHEREAS, In New York State, there are 18 local programs covering  30
counties  with  approximately  600  volunteers  that  serve  over  3,000
children; currently, CASA of the Southern Tier serves children in Family
Court within Chemung, Steuben  and  Schuyler  Counties  averaging  25-35
volunteers a year while serving between 75-120 children; and

  WHEREAS,  CASA  of Chemung County, Inc. began when the New York Task
Force on Permanency Planning and the Junior League of Elmira  approached
the  Chemung  County  Family Court about the benefits to be gained using
CASA volunteers in Family Court; in 1994, the agency  expanded  services
to  Schuyler County, and in 2002, CASA expanded into Steuben County, and
formally became CASA of the Southern Tier, Inc.; and

  WHEREAS, For 30 years, CASA of the  Southern  Tier  has  strived  to
ensure every child is in a safe, secure, and loving home; and

  WHEREAS,  The  success  of  CASA  of  the Southern Tier is in direct
correlation to the efforts of  its  staff,  whose  involvement  is,  and
always has been, characterized by an impressive commitment, an unbridled
enthusiasm,   and  an  uncompromising  standard  of  excellence  in  all
endeavors on behalf of the institution and the community it serves; and

  WHEREAS, It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that  when
individuals and organizations of such noble aims and accomplishments are
brought  to  our  attention, they should be celebrated and recognized by
all the citizens of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 30th Anniversary of  Court  Appointed  Special  Advocate
(CASA) of the Southern Tier, Inc.; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to CASA of the Southern Tier, Inc.