Senate Resolution No. 740

BY: Senator MAYER

        HONORING  Judy  Troilo  upon  the  occasion of her
        designation  for  special  recognition  at  the  3rd
        Annual  Women's  History  Month Celebration on March
        23, 2019

  WHEREAS, Women's History Month, celebrated each year in March, is  a
time  to  reflect  upon  and  pay  tribute to the women of our State and
Nation  for  their  contributions  to  their   communities   and   their
professions; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  custom of this Legislative Body that women of
every economic, ethnic, and religious background have  made  significant
contributions to their community and to the State of New York, and it is
appropriate   to  recognize  them  and  to  publicly  acknowledge  their
endeavors which have enhanced the basic humanity among us all; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Judy Troilo upon the occasion of her designation for special recognition
at  the  3rd Annual Women's History Month Celebration on Saturday, March
23, 2019, at The Rye Arts Center, Rye, New York; and

  WHEREAS, Judy Troilo has truly devoted herself to the welfare of her
community and its citizenry; and

  WHEREAS, Born and raised in Westchester County, Judy  Troilo  joined
The  LOFT  team  as  Executive  Director  in  November  of 2014, working
tirelessly to elevate the LGBT community in Westchester; and

  WHEREAS, Judy Troilo brings a  wealth  of  experience  in  both  the
not-for-profit  sector  and  the  arts and entertainment industry to her
leadership position at The LOFT; and

  WHEREAS, Under the able leadership of  Judy  Troilo,  The  LOFT  has
significantly  grown  to deliver necessary programs and services to LGBT
people living within the local community; and

  WHEREAS, Prior to joining The LOFT, Judy Troilo served for more than
10 years as Executive Director for an Albany-based  New  York  statewide
not-for-profit  organization  which assists thousands of disenfranchised
individuals and families with health services, employment opportunities,
and affordable housing; and

  WHEREAS, Judy Troilo also worked in the entertainment  industry  for
15  years, 11 of which she spent with a major record label as one of the
youngest recording industry executives and as one of the few female vice
presidents at the time; and

  WHEREAS,  In  this  capacity,  Judy  Troilo  was   instrumental   in
developing  artists  such  as Melissa Etheridge and The Cranberries, and
worked with other renowned artists such as Grace Jones, Tom  Waits,  and
U2; and

  WHEREAS,   With   a  steadfast  and  unwavering  commitment  to  her
community, Judy Troilo is a  proud  member  of  the  Westchester  County
Women's Advisory Board and has worked in countless other ways to improve
the lives of people in Westchester County; and

  WHEREAS,  Judy  Troilo holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the
School of Visual Arts in New York City; and

  WHEREAS, Rare indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown  by  an
individual  for  the  benefit  of others which Judy Troilo has displayed
throughout her life; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative  Body  that  those  who
enhance  the well-being and vitality of their community and have shown a
long and sustained commitment to excellence certainly  have  earned  our
recognition and applause; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Judy Troilo upon the  occasion  of  her  designation  for  special
recognition at the 3rd Annual Women's History Month Celebration on March
23, 2019; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Judy Troilo.