Senate Resolution No. 616

BY: Senator COMRIE

        COMMEMORATING   the   149th   Anniversary  of  St.
        Joseph's Episcopal Church,  and  paying  tribute  to
        this year's honorees on March 17, 2019

  WHEREAS,  Religious institutions, and the many spiritual, social and
educational benefits they confer, play a vital role in  the  development
of the moral fabric of a responsible citizenry; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the tradition of this State and this Nation to pay
tribute to those institutions and individuals who  have  contributed  to
the ethical and spiritual values of their communities; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body is justly proud to commemorate the
149th Anniversary of St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, and to  pay  tribute
to this year's honorees; and

  WHEREAS, This auspicious occasion will be celebrated at The Feast of
St.  Joseph's  149th  Anniversary Luncheon on Sunday, March 17, 2019, at
Jericho Palace in Queens Village, New York; the event will also launch a
year-long celebration towards  St.  Joseph's  Episcopal  Church's  150th
Anniversary; and

  WHEREAS, This year's honorees include the Brotherhood of St. Andrew,
Queens  Assembly, The Order of the Daughters of the King, and the Queens
Village Lions Club; and

  WHEREAS, Each and every one of  these  organizations  has  played  a
vital  role  in  the  shaping  of  the  St.  Joseph's  Episcopal  Church
community; over the years,  members  of  these  groups  have  served  as
mentors, lay leaders and passionate advocates to the Church, the Jamaica
Deanery and the Episcopal Church as a whole; and

  WHEREAS,  St.  Joseph's  Episcopal Church stands on the threshold of
tomorrow, prepared to meet the challenges of the  coming  decades  while
retaining that spiritual resolve which characterizes its past; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is the custom of this Legislative Body to take note of
enduring religious institutions and to bring such  institutions  to  the
attention of the people of this Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 149th Anniversary of St. Joseph's Episcopal Church,  and
to  pay  tribute  to  this  year's  honorees  on  March  17, 2019, fully
confident that this commemoration reflects the belief  in  those  values
which enhance the dignity and purpose of life; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to St. Joseph's Episcopal Church.