Senate Resolution No. 448

BY: Senator MAYER

        HONORING    the   Westchester-Rockland   Guardians
        Association, Inc. upon the occasion  of  celebrating
        its 60th Anniversary

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the practice of this Legislative Body to recognize
and honor those distinguished officers and  citizens  who  would  devote
them-   selves  to  public  service,  demonstrating  great  courage  and
diligence in providing for the care and welfare of the citizens of their
communities and this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, Within every community of the State of New York  there  are
certain  individuals  who, by virtue of their commitment and dedication,
command  the  respect  and  admiration  of  their  community  for  their
exemplary contributions and service on behalf of others; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to  honor  the
Westchester-Rockland Guardians Association, Inc.  upon the  occasion  of
celebrating  its  60th Anniversary to be celebrated on March 24th, 2023,
at the Greentree Country Club in New Rochelle, New York; and

  WHEREAS, The Westchester-Rockland Guardians  Association,  Inc.  has
served  the  interests  of the people of the Empire State by providing a
base for minority law enforcement officers to address their  needs,  the
needs  of  minority  communities, and to have minority representation in
all ranks of law enforcement for 60 years; and

  WHEREAS, All active members are expected to be productive  in  their
departments,  role  models  in their communities, and to work to enhance
conditions of all law enforcement personnel; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Westchester-Rockland  Guardians   Association,   Inc.
provides  scholarships  and  mentoring  to  minority youth, they arrange
food, clothing, book, and toy drives to assist seniors, local  day  care
centers,   health   facilities,  community  centers,  and  disadvantaged
families in Westchester and Rockland Counties; and

  WHEREAS, Members of this organization engage  in  various  community
forums,  focusing  on  topics  such  as  health  and  wellness, domestic
violence, and public safety  awareness;  they  also  strongly  encourage
recruitment,  hiring,  and  promotions of minorities in the field of Law
Enforcement; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Guardians  initiated   creative   ways   to   improve
relationships  within  law  enforcement  agencies,  between  the various
ethnic  and  racial  groups  of  agency  personnel,  as  well   as   the
relationships   between   members   of   law  enforcement  agencies  and
communities of color; and

  WHEREAS, Remaining true to  its  mission,  the  Westchester-Rockland
Guardians  Association,  Inc.,  and  its members who are all volunteers,
work tirelessly to enrich lives, improve community-police relationships,
and promote equity and fairness in law enforcement; and

  WHEREAS, It is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that  those
dedicated  public  servants  who  unselfishly  devote their lives to the
preservation of order, the protection of others,  and  work  toward  the
promotion  of  equality,  are  worthy  and  due  full  praise  for their
commitment and noble endeavors; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend the Westchester-Rockland Guardians Association,  Inc.  upon  the
occasion of celebrating its 60th Anniversary; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted   to   Ret.   Det.   Sgt.   Paul   S.    Hood,    President,
Westchester-Rockland Guardians Association, Inc.