Senate Resolution No. 412

BY: Senator PARKER

        COMMENDING  Detective Dalsh Veve upon the occasion
        of his designation as recipient of a Liberty  Medal,
        the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the
        New York State Senate

  WHEREAS,  It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize and
honor  those  distinguished  officers  and  citizens  who  would  devote
themselves  to public service, demonstrating great courage and diligence
in providing  for  the  care  and  welfare  of  the  citizens  of  their
communities and this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Within  every community of the State of New York there are
certain individuals who, by virtue of their commitment  and  dedication,
command  the  respect  and  admiration  of  their  community  for  their
exemplary contributions and service on behalf of others; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to commend  Detective
Dalsh  Veve  upon  the  occasion  of  his  designation as recipient of a
Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the  New
York State Senate; and

  WHEREAS,  The New York State Senate Liberty Medal was established by
Resolution and is  awarded  to  individuals  who  have  merited  special
commendation  for exceptional, heroic, or humanitarian acts on behalf of
their fellow New Yorkers; and

  WHEREAS, On Saturday, June 3, 2017,  at  approximately  11:50  p.m.,
NYPD  Officer  Dalsh  Veve  and  fellow  officers from the 67th Precinct
responded to multiple 911 calls reporting gunshots in the East  Flatbush
neighborhood  of  Brooklyn;  after discovering it was fireworks, Officer
Veve noticed a suspicious sedan parked in front of a fire hydrant; and

  WHEREAS, As Officer Dalsh Veve began to question  the  occupants  of
the  vehicle,  the 15 year-old driver hit the gas and sped off, with the
10 year veteran hanging onto the driver side of the car; the  young  man
haphazardly  sped through the quiet residential streets, driving as fast
as 56 miles per hour; and

  WHEREAS, After being dragged for two and  one-half  blocks,  Officer
Dalsh  Veve  fired  two  shots  into  the speeding vehicle, striking the
driver, before falling to  the  ground  on  East  53rd  Street;  shortly
thereafter,  the  car,  which  had  been  stolen,  was found crashed and
abandoned; and

  WHEREAS, The injured officer was carried to his colleague's car  and
driven  to  Kings  County  Hospital  Center; Officer Dalsh Veve suffered
excessive brain damage, and at one point, was placed  into  a  medically
induced coma; and

  WHEREAS,  For  his  steadfast  and  unremitting  commitment  to  the
citizens of East Flatbush,  Officer  Dalsh  Veve  was  promoted  to  the
distinguished  rank  of Detective in October of 2017; fortunately, after
almost a year of treatment,  Officer  Veve  was  released  from  Kessler

Institute for Rehabilitation in West Orange, New Jersey, in May of 2018;

  WHEREAS, For his astute and courageous actions, Detective Dalsh Veve
was  the  recipient  of  the  Assistant  Chief Patrick D. Brennan Police
Officer of the Year Award at a Ceremony on Wednesday, October 24,  2018;
in  addition to this prestigious award, he has received 23 commendations
for his exemplary police work, and has  amassed  for  than  350  arrests
since joining the force in January of 2011; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body that those
dedicated public servants who unselfishly  devote  their  lives  to  the
preservation  of  order  and the protection of others are worthy and due
full praise for their commitment and noble endeavors; now, therefore, be

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commend  Detective  Dalsh  Veve  upon the occasion of his designation as
recipient of a  Liberty  Medal,  the  highest  honor  bestowed  upon  an
individual by the New York State Senate; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Detective Dalsh Veve.