Senate Resolution No. 269

BY: Senator GRIFFO

        CONGRATULATING  Maria and Alan Ringlund, owners of
        The Photo Shoppe Fusion Art & Gift Gallery, upon the
        occasion of their  retirement  after  more  than  30
        years of service

  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize the
achievements of those individuals  and  businesses  which  substantially
contribute  to the economic vitality of their communities and the entire
Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
congratulate Maria and Alan Ringlund, owners of The Photo Shoppe  Fusion
Art  &  Gift  Gallery,  upon the occasion of their retirement after more
than 30 years of service; and

  WHEREAS, Maria and Alan Ringlund will officially close its doors for
the last time under their ownership on Friday, March 31, 2023; and

  WHEREAS, For over  three  decades,  Maria  and  Alan  Ringlund  have
provided  the residents of Rome and Oneida County as a whole, with their
expertise and photography needs; and

  WHEREAS, In 1992, Maria and Alan Ringlund opened The Photo Shoppe in
Rome, New York, to develop camera film  and  provide  various  supplies;
they  soon  added  custom  framing  and  sales  and Maria began to offer
portrait work; today, she continues to specialize in portraits and photo
restoration work, and has contracts to shoot professional portraits  for
AmeriCU  Credit  Union,  Rome Police and Fire departments, Oneida County
Sheriff's Office and Rome Health; and

  WHEREAS, With the advent of technology in the  mid-  to  late-1990s,
Maria  and  Alan Ringlund reinvented their business to stay current with
the latest advances in digital cameras and photography; and

  WHEREAS, As  the  business  flourished,  it  moved  to  its  current
location on Turin Road in April of 2014; with the extra space, Maria and
Alan  Ringlund  decided  to  host gallery shows with opening receptions,
which quickly grew in popularity thanks to local artists who wanted  and
needed  a  space  to  show  their  paintings  and  craft pieces, such as
jewelry, glasswork, woodworking and fiber arts; and

  WHEREAS, Maria and Alan Ringlund are looking  forward  to  traveling
more and exploring their passion for music and music photography; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  with  great  pleasure  that  this Legislative Body
commends Maria and Alan Ringlund for their commitment and  contributions
to  the  community  they have so ably served for the more than 30 years;
now, therefore, be it,

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  Maria and Alan Ringlund, owners of The Photo Shoppe Fusion
Art & Gift Gallery, upon the occasion of  their  retirement  after  more

than  30  years  of  service,  and  to wish them success in their future
endeavors; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Maria and Alan Ringlund.