Senate Resolution No. 141

BY: Senator PARKER

        MEMORIALIZING  Governor  Kathy  Hochul to proclaim
        January 1, 2023, as World Day of Peace in the  State
        of New York

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the practice of this Legislative Body to recognize
official days  which  exemplify  the  spirit  and  struggle  of  peoples
throughout  the  world  to  achieve  independence  and live in peace and
freedom; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern  and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  hereby memorializes
Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim January 1, 2023, as World Day of Peace
in the State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Celebrated annually on January 1st, World Day of  Peace  is
primarily  a  Catholic  feast  day  dedicated  to universal peace on the
Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of  God;  on  this  occasion,  Popes  make
authoritative declarations on the Catholic Social Teachings (C.S.T.) and
the benefits of a peaceful society; and

  WHEREAS,  World  Day  of  Peace  began  in  1967  when  Pope Paul VI
announced the world needs to be sensitized and oriented  for  peace  and
understanding;  inspired  by  the  papal  letters  "Pacem in Terris" and
"Populorum Progressio", the Pope recommended the church play  a  greater
role in the search for world peace; and

  WHEREAS,  According  to the letters "Pacem in Terris" and "Populorum
Progressio," the Church and the  Pope  would  focus  on  working  toward
achieving   peace   by   developing  order  in  four  major  areas:  The
relationship of an individual with other human beings, the  relationship
of  an  individual  with  particular  states, the relationship of states
among states, and the relationship of individuals and  states  with  the
worldwide community; and

  WHEREAS,  During  this  time, the church determined that in order to
achieve actual peace, a culture of understanding and tolerance  must  be
developed,  beginning  from  the individual up to the state and then the
global level; and

  WHEREAS, Though the main theme of World Day  of  Peace,  creating  a
culture  of  care,  does  not change, the sub-themes change each year to
match specific needs and rising issues; and

  WHEREAS, In today's world, where intolerance is prevalent, World Day
of Peace serves as a reminder of  how  important  social  tolerance  is,
gives  hope  to  those  facing  hardships,  and serves as a platform for
people and organizations to give a call to action in the name  of  world
peace; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim January 1, 2023, as  World
Day of Peace in the State of New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of  New