Senate Resolution No. 85

BY: Senator PARKER

        MEMORIALIZING  Governor  Kathy  Hochul to proclaim
        April 2023, as Alcohol Awareness Month in the  State
        of New York

  WHEREAS,  It is the custom of this Legislative Body to help increase
awareness of serious health issues that affect the lives of citizens  of
New York State; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to memorialize
Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim April 2023, as Alcohol Awareness Month
in the State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Founded and sponsored by NCADD, Alcohol Awareness Month was
established in 1987 to help reduce the stigma so often  associated  with
alcoholism  by  encouraging  communities  to  reach  out to the American
public  each  April  with  information  about  alcohol,  alcoholism  and
recovery; and

  WHEREAS,  Alcoholism  is a chronic, progressive disease, genetically
predisposed and fatal if untreated; however, people can and do  recover;
it  is  estimated  that  as  many  as  20 million individuals and family
members are living lives in recovery; and

  WHEREAS, Alcohol Awareness  Month  provides  a  focused  opportunity
across  America  to  increase awareness and understanding of alcoholism,
its causes, effective treatment and recovery; and

  WHEREAS,   It   is   an   opportunity   to   decrease   stigma   and
misunderstandings  in  order  to dismantle the barriers to treatment and
recovery, and thus, make seeking help more readily  available  to  those
who suffer from this disease; and

  WHEREAS,  Each  April,  NCADD's  National  Network of Affiliates and
other  supporting  organizations  across  the  country  will  use   this
opportunity to address the Nation's No.1 public health problem through a
broad  range  of  media  strategies,  awareness  campaigns, programs and
events in their local communities; and

  WHEREAS, An integral  part  of  NCADD  Alcohol  Awareness  Month  is
Alcohol-Free Weekend, which takes place on the first weekend of April to
raise  public  awareness  about  the  use  of  alcohol and how it may be
affecting individuals, families, businesses and our communities; and

  WHEREAS,  During  Alcohol-Free  Weekend,  NCADD  extends   an   open
invitation  to all Americans to engage in three alcohol-free days; those
individuals or families who experience difficulty or discomfort in  this
72-hour   experiment  are  urged  to  contact  local  NCADD  affiliates,
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Al-Anon to learn more about alcoholism and
its early symptoms; and

  WHEREAS,   Alcoholism   is   a   preventable,   treatable   disease;
alcoholic-related  problems  are  not likely to be reduced by strategies
involving  single  interventions  directed  solely  at  the  individual;

economic, political, social, and environmental forces that work together
to encourage and perpetuate these problems must be addressed; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  imperative that there be greater awareness of this
serious health issue, and more must be done to increase activity at  the
local, State and National levels; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim  April  2023,  as  Alcohol
Awareness Month in the State of New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of  New