Senate Resolution No. 50

BY: Senator GRIFFO

        COMMENDING  Joe Trisolino upon the occasion of his
        designation for special recognition after  30  years
        of  dedicated service to radio stations 92.7 FM, The
        DRIVE and 93.8 FM, El Zorro

  WHEREAS, Individuals who give of their time and energies  and  serve
the best interests of their communities are an asset beyond remuneration
and cannot be sufficiently extolled; and

  WHEREAS,  Joe Trisolino has given not only of his time and energies,
but also of his competence, intelligence, and care  for  his  community,
and consequently has been designated for special honor; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to commend Joe
Trisolino upon the occasion of his designation for  special  recognition
after  30  years  of  dedicated  service  to radio stations 92.7 FM, The
DRIVE, and 93.8 FM, El Zorro, to be celebrated at the 92.7  FM  Listener
Appreciation  Party  on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, in Utica, New York;

  WHEREAS, A proud graduate of Utica Free  Academy  High  School,  Joe
Trisolino pursued an education in Broadcasting at HCCC; and

  WHEREAS,  After graduating college, Joe Trisolino started his career
at the 96.9 WOUR  radio  station,  where  he  learned  important  career
skills, including being an Album Oriented Rock  (AOR) Radio Personality;
after  a  few years there, he would move onto assume his current role as
Program Director at 92.7 FM, The DRIVE, and 93.8 FM, El Zorro; and

  WHEREAS, Joe Trisolino has been called upon to contribute  his  time
and  talents  to countless civic and charitable endeavors and has always
given of himself unstintingly; and

  WHEREAS, Throughout the entire period of his service,  a  period  of
constructive  involvement,  Joe Trisolino has stood constant in dignity,
good grace, and humor; and

  WHEREAS, Joe Trisolino's radio career has enabled him to  work  with
many  local  businesses,  non-profits,  and  numerous local and national
bands, as well as members of his community who tune in to listen to  him
on the radio six days a week; and

  WHEREAS,  Rare  indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown by an
individual for the benefit of others which Joe Trisolino  has  displayed
throughout his life; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Joe Trisolino upon the occasion of his designation  for  special
recognition  after  30 years of dedicated service to radio stations 92.7
FM, The DRIVE, and 93.8 FM, El Zorro; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Joe Trisolino.