                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 18, 2018
        Introduced  by  M. of A. McDONALD, FAHY -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Cities -- committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT authorizing the city of Albany to alienate certain lands used as
          parkland and to dedicate certain other lands as parklands
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. Subject to the provisions of this act, the city of Albany,
     2  Albany county, acting by and  through  its  governing  body,  is  hereby
     3  authorized  to  discontinue the use of parklands and alienate such lands
     4  more particularly described in  section  three  of  this  act,  for  the
     5  purpose  of  constructing  and maintaining a disinfection and floatables
     6  control project, and associated infrastructure, also known as the Beaver
     7  Creek Clean River Project (screening and disinfection  satellite  treat-
     8  ment  facility), on such parklands, and upon such other terms and condi-
     9  tions as determined by the governing body of the city of Albany.
    10    § 2. The authorization contained in section one of this act shall take
    11  effect only upon the condition that the city of Albany shall dedicate an
    12  amount equal to or greater than the fair market value of  the  parklands
    13  being discontinued towards the acquisition of new parklands and/or capi-
    14  tal improvements to existing park and recreational facilities.
    15    § 3. The parklands authorized by section one of this act to be discon-
    16  tinued as parklands are described as follows:
    17  ALL  that certain piece or parcel of land located in the City of Albany,
    18  County of Albany, State of New York and being more particularly  bounded
    19  and described as follows:
    20  Parcel 1
    21  Commencing  at  a point on the westerly street boundary of Martin Luther
    22  King Jr. Boulevard at its intersection with the southerly street bounda-
    23  ry of Park Avenue and running along the said westerly street boundary of
    24  Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard a distance of 235± feet to the point of
    25  beginning of the herein described Parkland Alienation Parcel  1;  thence
    26  continuing along said westerly street boundary of Martin Luther King Jr.
    27  Boulevard the following two (2) courses and distances:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10790--A                         2
     1    1.  South 24°31'32" West, a distance of 9.53 feet to a point of curva-
     2  ture; and
     3    2.  along  a  curve to the left having a radius of 308.00 feet, an arc
     4  length of 47.87 feet and a chord of South 20°04'22" West, a distance  of
     5  47.82 feet to a point;
     6  Thence  running through lands now or formerly of the City of Albany, Tax
     7  Parcel 76.10-1-3, the following sixteen (16) courses and distances:
     8    1. North 84°48'55" West, a distance of 68.00 feet to a point;
     9    2. South 05°11'05" West, a distance of 40.76 feet to a point;
    10    3. South 53°21'58" West, a distance of 17.83 feet to a point;
    11    4. South 63°54'14" West, a distance of 16.84 feet to a point;
    12    5. South 70°11'06" West, a distance of  139.34  feet  to  a  point  of
    13  curvature;
    14    6.  along  a curve to the right having a radius of 328.96 feet, an arc
    15  length of 84.34 feet and a chord of North 42°37'38" West, a distance  of
    16  84.11 feet to a point;
    17    7. North 35°16'56" West, a distance of 54.59 feet to a point;
    18    8. North 05°11'03" East, a distance of 109.30 feet to a point;
    19    9. North 39°02'50" West, a distance of 575.64 feet to a point;
    20    10. North 50°57'31" East, a distance of 80.00 feet to a point;
    21    11. South 39°02'50" East, a distance of 579.49 feet to a point;
    22    12. South 84°48'57" East, a distance of 179.54 feet to a point;
    23    13. North 50°05'39" East, a distance of 28.88 feet to a point;
    24    14. South 39°54'21" East, a distance of 57.00 feet to a point;
    25    15. South 50°05'39" West, a distance of 21.49 feet to a point; and
    26    16.  South  39°54'21"  East,  a distance of 70.63 feet to the point or
    27  place of beginning.
    28  Containing 109,051 square feet or 2.50 acres of land, more or less.
    29  Subject to all rights, easements, covenants or restrictions of record.
    30  Subject to any statement of facts that an up to date abstract  of  title
    31  would disclose.
    32    § 4. In the event that the city of Albany received any funding support
    33  or  assistance from the federal government for the purchase, maintenance
    34  or improvement of the parklands set forth in section three of this  act,
    35  the  discontinuance  and  alienation  of such parkland authorized by the
    36  provisions of this act shall not occur until  the  city  of  Albany  has
    37  complied  with  any federal requirements pertaining to the alienation or
    38  conversion of such parklands, including satisfying the secretary of  the
    39  interior  that the alienation or conversion complies with all conditions
    40  which the secretary of  the  interior  deems  necessary  to  assure  the
    41  substitution of other lands shall be equivalent in fair market value and
    42  usefulness to the lands being alienated or converted.
    43    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.