

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      June 20, 2024

        Introduced  by  COMMITTEE  ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Jones) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Transportation

        AN ACT to amend the transportation law, in relation to establishing  the
          New  York  road  salt  reduction  council  and  the New York road salt
          reduction advisory committee

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The transportation law is amended by adding a new article
     2  23 to read as follows:
     3                                 ARTICLE 23
     4                    NEW YORK ROAD SALT REDUCTION PROGRAM
     5  Section 500. Legislative findings.
     6          501. Definitions.
     7          502. New York road salt reduction council.
     8          503. New York road salt reduction advisory committee.
     9    § 500. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that the report  of
    10  the  Adirondack  road  salt reduction task force complies with the Randy
    11  Preston road salt reduction act, and that its recommendations should  be
    12  implemented  to  protect  public health and the environment from contam-
    13  ination by road salt.  The  legislature  further  finds  that  effective
    14  implementation requires interagency cooperation and coordination, atten-
    15  tion extending beyond the boundaries of the Adirondack park. A mechanism
    16  for such does not currently exist but should be created. The legislature
    17  further recognizes that both state and local agencies need the expertise
    18  and  experience  of  scientists, engineers, nongovernmental institutions
    19  advocating for clean water, highway  users,  and  others  in  developing
    20  solutions  to the problems posed by the need to control ice and snow for
    21  the safety of the traveling public without contaminating drinking  water
    22  and  impairing  natural  resources supporting life, a sound economy, and
    23  healthful recreation. The legislature also finds that the public  has  a
    24  right  to  know  about  the  purchase,  storage, and use of road salt by
    25  governmental entities and the effects thereof.
    26    § 501. Definitions. As used in this article the following terms  shall
    27  have the following meanings:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10608                            2

     1    1.  "Advisory  committee" means the New York road salt reduction advi-
     2  sory committee established by section five hundred three of  this  arti-
     3  cle.
     4    2.  "Council" means the New York salt reduction council established by
     5  section five hundred two of this article.
     6    3. "Pilot  program"  means  the  road  salt  reduction  pilot  studies
     7  described in the Report.
     8    4.  "Report"  means  the  two thousand twenty-three report of the task
     9  force to the governor and legislature, including its recommendations and
    10  background and technical appendix.
    11    6. "Task force" means the Adirondack road salt  reduction  task  force
    12  established under the Randy Preston road salt reduction act.
    13    § 502. New York road salt reduction council. 1. There is hereby estab-
    14  lished  the  New  York  road  salt reduction council. Such council shall
    15  consist of a total of fifteen members and shall include:
    16    (a) the commissioner;
    17    (b) the commissioner of environmental conservation;
    18    (c) the commissioner of health;
    19    (d) the chairperson of the New York state thruway authority;
    20    (e) the commissioner of the New York city department of  environmental
    21  protection;
    22    (f)  the presidents of the New York state association of counties, New
    23  York association of towns and the New York conference of mayors;
    24    (g) three appointees upon recommendation of the senate majority;
    25    (h) three appointees upon recommendation of the assembly majority; and
    26    (i) the chair of the road salt reduction advisory committee.
    27    With the exception of the chair of the road  salt  reduction  advisory
    28  committee  and  any  members  appointed  by  the  legislature, all other
    29  members may appoint a designee to serve on their behalf.
    30    2. The commissioner and the commissioner of environmental conservation
    31  or their designees shall serve as joint chairs of the council.
    32    3. The members of the council shall include individuals with expertise
    33  in the science of road salt contamination and the best practices of road
    34  management. Task force members shall receive no compensation  for  their
    35  services  but  shall  be  reimbursed  for  actual and necessary expenses
    36  incurred in the performance of their duties, to  the  extent  funds  are
    37  appropriated for such purpose. Each member of the council shall be enti-
    38  tled  to  one vote. Any approvals or adoptions of recommendations by the
    39  council shall require a supermajority of its members. No action  may  be
    40  taken by the council unless there is a quorum, which shall be a majority
    41  of  the  members  of  the council. Any vacancies on the council shall be
    42  filled in the manner provided for the initial appointment.  The  council
    43  shall meet at least quarterly.
    44    4. The council shall, without limitation:
    45    (a)  From  time  to time assess the nature, scope and magnitude of the
    46  environmental, ecological,  agricultural,  economic,  recreational,  and
    47  social impacts caused by the use of road salt in the state;
    48    (b)  By  two  thousand  twenty-seven, recommend quantifiable limits in
    49  regulation for road salt use that are protective of water quality stand-
    50  ards and drinking water maximum  contaminant  levels,  while  preserving
    51  acceptable levels of service for the driving public;
    52    (c)  Recommend  incentives  for  the local adoption of best management
    53  practices for minimum salt use during winter road maintenance;
    54    (d) Recommend scientifically defensible drinking water maximum contam-
    55  inant levels and water quality standards that protect freshwater ecology

        A. 10608                            3

     1  and public health, to be adopted  by  the  department  of  environmental
     2  conservation and department of health, respectively;
     3    (e)  Recommend  actions for state agencies to undertake to comply with
     4  quantifiable limits for road salt use as proposed under paragraph (b) of
     5  this subdivision;
     6    (f) Recommend  budget  allocations  and/or  legislation  necessary  to
     7  reduce  road salt use while maintaining acceptable levels of service for
     8  the driving public;
     9    (g) From time to time make a record of actions taken by members of the
    10  council, state and local governments, and the public  to  implement  the
    11  recommendations of the task force in the report;
    12    (h)  Monitor  the progress of the Adirondack road salt reduction pilot
    13  programs and determine what follow up steps are in the  public  interest
    14  to implement recommendations statewide; and
    15    (i)  Regularly  share  data,  including  that provided by the advisory
    16  committee, among members of the council, state  and  local  governments,
    17  the advisory committee, and the public to inform decision-making, reduce
    18  inconsistent  and  redundant  actions,  and  identify problems requiring
    19  coordinated actions.
    20    5. The council shall prepare an annual report  describing  its  activ-
    21  ities during the preceding twelve months. Such report shall be submitted
    22  to the governor and legislature and made available to the public.
    23    §  503.  New  York road salt reduction advisory committee. 1. There is
    24  hereby established the New York road salt reduction  advisory  committee
    25  that  is comprised of individuals representing nongovernmental organiza-
    26  tions with knowledge about the public  health,  environmental  and  road
    27  safety implications of road salt use. Such advisory committee shall have
    28  up  to  twenty-five  members,  with  up to seven members selected by the
    29  commissioner and commissioners of environmental conservation and health,
    30  up to six members selected by the senate majority,  up  to  six  members
    31  selected  by  the assembly majority, up to three members selected by the
    32  senate minority and up to three members selected by the assembly minori-
    33  ty, with at least one member from each of the following:
    34    (a) Adirondack watershed institute at Paul Smith's college;
    35    (b) College of agriculture and life sciences of Cornell university;
    36    (c) Hudson riverkeeper;
    37    (d) Lake George association;
    38    (e) any New York based branch of the American Automobile Association;
    39    (f) Snow and ice management association;
    40    (g) the New York section of the American water works association;
    41    (h) the New York state drinking water quality council;
    42    (i) Cary institute; and
    43    (j) New York state federation of lake associations.
    44    2. Promptly upon the selection of at least twelve members to the advi-
    45  sory committee, the commissioner and the commissioner  of  environmental
    46  conservation  shall convene a meeting of the advisory committee at which
    47  the advisory committee by majority vote of those present shall select  a
    48  chair  from  among  the  members  to preside over the meeting and future
    49  meetings. Thereafter, meetings may be held as shall be determined by the
    50  chair or upon the written request of at least five members.  Any  member
    51  can attend advisory committee meetings in person or by means of communi-
    52  cations  equipment allowing all persons participating to hear each other
    53  at the same time. A majority of the selected and  then  serving  members
    54  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the  conduct  of business at advisory
    55  committee meetings.

        A. 10608                            4

     1    3. The advisory committee shall provide information, advice, and guid-
     2  ance to the council concerning the use, management, and effects of  road
     3  salt  on public highways including, but not limited to, implementing the
     4  recommendations of the task force, conducting  the  pilot  program,  new
     5  relevant  scientific  data and findings, changes in snow and ice manage-
     6  ment technologies, and  factors  relating  to  the  appropriate  balance
     7  between  maintaining  safe roads and otherwise protecting clean drinking
     8  water and other natural resources from contamination.
     9    4. The members of the advisory committee shall serve  without  compen-
    10  sation,  except  members  shall  be  allowed  their necessary and actual
    11  expenses incurred in the performance of their duties under this section.
    12    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.