

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      June 1, 2022

        Introduced  by  COMMITTEE  ON  RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Niou) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Economic Development

        AN ACT to amend the alcoholic beverage control law, in  relation  to  an
          exemption  for  certain property from the prohibition of alcohol sales
          within a certain distance from a school

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Subdivision  7  of  section  64 of the alcoholic beverage
     2  control law is amended by adding a  new  paragraph  (e-14)  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    (e-14)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subdi-
     5  vision, the  authority  may  issue  a  retail  license  for  on-premises
     6  consumption  for  a premises which shall be within two hundred feet of a
     7  building occupied exclusively as a school, church,  synagogue  or  other
     8  place  of worship, provided such premises constitutes a premises for the
     9  sale of food or beverages at retail  for  consumption  on  the  premises
    10  located wholly within the boundaries of the Borough of Manhattan, county
    11  of  New  York,  City  and  State  of  New York, bounded and described as
    12  follows:
    13    PARCEL I:
    14    ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of  land,  situate,  lying  and
    15  being in the Borough of Manhattan, County of New York, City and State of
    16  New York, bounded and described as follows:
    17    BEGINNING  at  the  corner  formed by the intersection of the westerly
    18  side of Broadway with the southerly side of Thames Street, as  shown  on
    19  certain  map  entitled, "Map or Plan of the closing and discontinuing of
    20  that part of Thames Street between Broadway and Trinity Place or  Church
    21  Street and of that part of Temple Street the north side of Thames Street
    22  and  a  new street laid out between Broadway and Trinity Place or Church
    23  Street, to be known as Thames Street and that  part  of  Temple  Street,
    24  between  the  north  side of said new street and the south side of Cedar
    25  Street, as widened, and the laying out of a new street between  Broadway
    26  and  Trinity  Place  or Church Street, to be known as Thames Street, and
    27  the widening of Cedar Street  at  the  southerly  side  thereof  between

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10521                            2

     1  Broadway  and  Trinity Place or Church Street in the First Ward, Borough
     2  of Manhattan, City of New York, dated April 25, 1906, Jos. O.B. Webster,
     3  Engineer of street opening", filed in the Office of the Register of  the
     4  County of New York on May 1, 1906, as Map No, 1109-A; and
     5    RUNNING  THENCE  Westerly along the southerly side of Thames Street as
     6  shown  on  said  map,  two  hundred  sixty-six  and  seventy-eight   one
     7  hundredths feet to the easterly side of Trinity Place;
     8    THENCE  Southerly  along  the easterly side of Trinity Place, seventy-
     9  five and thirty one-hundredths feet to the  northerly  side  of  Trinity
    10  Church Property;
    11    THENCE  Easterly  along the northerly side of Trinity Church Property,
    12  two hundred sixty and fifty-four one-hundredths  feet  to  the  westerly
    13  side of Broadway; and
    14    THENCE  Northerly  along the westerly side of Broadway, sixty-nine and
    15  eight-one-hundredths feet, to the point or place of BEGINNING.
    16    PARCEL II:
    17    ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of  land,  situate,  lying  and
    18  being in the Borough of Manhattan, County of New York, City and State of
    19  New York, bounded and described as follows:
    20    BEGINNING  at  the  corner  formed by the intersection of the westerly
    21  side of Broadway with the new  line  of  the  southerly  side  of  Cedar
    22  Street,  as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map or Plan of the closing
    23  and discontinuing of that part of Temple  Street  between  Broadway  and
    24  Trinity  Place  or  Church Street and that part of Temple Street between
    25  the north side of Thames Street and a new street and the south  side  of
    26  Cedar  Street,  as  widened,  and the laying out of a new street between
    27  Broadway and Trinity Place or Church  Street,  to  be  known  as  Thames
    28  Street,  and  the widening of Cedar Street on the southerly side thereof
    29  between Broadway and Trinity Place or Church Street in the  First  Ward,
    30  Borough  of Manhattan, City of New York, dated April 25, 1906, Jos. O.B.
    31  Webster, Engineer of street opening", filed in the Register of the Coun-
    32  ty of New York on May 1, 1906, as Map No. 1109-A; and
    33    RUNNING THENCE Westerly along the said new line of Cedar  Street,  two
    34  hundred  seventy-five and thirty-one one hundredths feet to the easterly
    35  side of Trinity Place;
    36    THENCE Southerly along the easterly side of Trinity  Place,  sixty-one
    37  eleven  one-hundredths  feet  to the northerly side of Thames Street, as
    38  shown on the above described map;
    39    THENCE Easterly along the northerly side of Thames Street, two hundred
    40  sixty-nine and sixty one-hundredths feet to the westerly side of  Broad-
    41  way; and
    42    THENCE  Northerly  along  the westerly side of Broadway, sixty-one and
    43  five one-hundredths feet to the point or place of BEGINNING.
    44    PARCEL III:
    45    TOGETHER WITH those certain rights and privileges in favor of  Parcels
    46  I  and  II, as contained in the Revocable Consent Agreement given by the
    47  New York City Department  of  Transportation,  as  grantor,  to  Trinity
    48  Centre  LLC, as grantee, dated February 10, 2006 and recorded in the New
    49  York City Register's Office on April 21, 2006, as CRFN 2006000225366.
    50    PARCEL IV:
    51    TOGETHER WITH those certain rights and privileges in favor of  Parcels
    52  I  and  II, as contained in the Revocable Consent Agreement given by the
    53  New York City Department  of  Transportation,  as  grantor,  to  Trinity
    54  Centre  LLC, as grantee, dated February 10, 2006 and recorded in the New
    55  York City Register's Office on April 21, 2006, as CRFN 2006000225398.
    56    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.