

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 11, 2020

        Introduced  by  COMMITTEE  ON  RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Cruz) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations

        AN ACT to amend the executive law,  in  relation  to  requiring  certain
          employers to provide workforce demographics and equity measurements to
          the division of human rights annually

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section  296-e
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  296-e.  Workforce  demographics  and  equity  measurements.  1. Any
     4  employer with greater than one hundred persons in  employ  per  calendar
     5  year  or  who  bids,  applies, is awarded or receives any combination of
     6  state or municipal contracts or grant funds directly  or  indirectly  in
     7  excess  of fifty thousand dollars per calendar year shall file an annual
     8  report documenting employee demographics and  equity  measurements  with
     9  the  division. Such demographic data shall include each employee's race,
    10  ethnicity, age, and sex or gender identity  or  expression.  The  equity
    11  measurements  shall  include each employee's job category, date of hire,
    12  salary or wages, training  received,  raises,  promotions,  disciplinary
    13  actions,  terminations and benefits, including but not limited to unpaid
    14  benefits or privileges such as flexible scheduling, the ability to  work
    15  from home, or the ability to bring children to work.
    16    2.  The  division shall develop electronic reporting forms to be filed
    17  for each employee's data and for the employer's general data.
    18    3. The division shall aggregate the electronic  forms  into  a  report
    19  that  lists  equity  measurements  for  each  employer including but not
    20  limited to job category, mean  and  median  earnings,  benefits,  hiring
    21  selection,  training,  raises,  promotions,  disciplinary  actions,  and
    22  terminations listed in the form of percentages from highest to lowest by
    23  the demographic factors listed above.
    24    4. The division shall provide the aggregated report to  each  employer
    25  along  with  a  simplified  report in plain language. The employer shall
    26  provide such simplified report in plain language to each current employ-
    27  ee and any former employee  employed  during  the  reporting  year.  The

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10431                            2

     1  report shall be accompanied by a summary in plain language of employees'
     2  rights under Title VII Civil Rights Act Title of 1964, this article, and
     3  any  applicable local statutes for which the employer falls under juris-
     4  diction  including  instructions and deadlines for filing a complaint to
     5  the equal employment opportunity commission, the division, and any other
     6  fair employment protection agency or  similarly  tasked  authority  with
     7  jurisdiction  over  the employer. The employer shall make the aggregated
     8  report available to the public upon request.
     9    5. The division shall aggregate all data  on  a  statewide  level  and
    10  provide  an annual report to the governor and the legislature that shall
    11  be made public on the division's website.
    12    6. Failure to comply with the reporting provisions of this section  or
    13  providing  false  information  may  be  offered  as  proof of employment
    14  discrimination in a complaint and offered as proof in probation, suspen-
    15  sion, and debarment rulings pursuant to subdivision eighteen of  section
    16  two hundred ninety-five of this article.
    17    7.  Failure to comply with the reporting provisions of this section or
    18  providing false information shall require an employer to file an amended
    19  disaggregated report with the division and provide an amended aggregated
    20  report to all current and former employees employed during the reporting
    21  year. The statutory period for filing personal claims with the  division
    22  and  any other New York fair employment protection agency shall begin to
    23  run on the day after the amended aggregated report has been provided  to
    24  all  current and former employees who were employed during the reporting
    25  year.
    26    8. Any board member or officer of the employer who knowingly  provides
    27  false  information, including by encouraging or instructing subordinates
    28  to do so, or who knowingly manipulates their corporate structure for the
    29  purpose of  producing  favorable  aggregate  report  outcomes  shall  be
    30  subject  to  the penalties under section two hundred ninety-nine of this
    31  article.
    32    § 2. Section 295 of the executive law is amended  by  adding  two  new
    33  subdivisions 17 and 18 to read as follows:
    34    17. To require of any employer reports pursuant to section two hundred
    35  ninety-six-e  of  this  article and to carry out the duties set forth in
    36  such section.
    37    18. To set forth rules and  regulations  that  include  standards  for
    38  probation,  suspension  and  debarment  of  employers from all state and
    39  municipal contracts and grants as direct or indirect awardees and recip-
    40  ients on the basis of excessive discrimination claims, selection  proce-
    41  dures found to have adverse impact, failure to file workforce demograph-
    42  ics  and  equity measurements reports as required in section two hundred
    43  ninety-six-e of  this  article,  apparent  and  probable  discriminatory
    44  employment  and  promotion  practices discovered through review of work-
    45  force demographics and equity measurements reports required  in  section
    46  two  hundred  ninety-six-e  of  this  article, or by other investigative
    47  methods.   Employer  probationary  periods  included  in  the  standards
    48  promulgated  pursuant  to  this  subdivision shall last no less than one
    49  year, during which time the employer may  demonstrate  to  the  division
    50  that he or she has complied with rules and regulations regarding employ-
    51  ee selection procedure and employment and promotion practices promulgat-
    52  ed  pursuant  to  this  article. If after this period the division finds
    53  that the employer still exhibits discriminatory  practices  in  employee
    54  selection  procedure  or  employment and promotion practices, suspension
    55  periods of six to eighteen  months  or  debarment  periods  of  eighteen
    56  months  to  three years from state and municipal contracts and grants as

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     1  direct or indirect recipients may  be  issued.  Consecutive  probations,
     2  suspensions,  and debarments may be issued based on continued failure to
     3  comply.
     4    §  3. Subdivision 5 of section 297 of the executive law, as amended by
     5  chapter 160 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
     6    5. Any complaint filed pursuant to this section must be so filed with-
     7  in one year after the alleged unlawful discriminatory  practice  or  one
     8  year  after an employer makes reasonable attempts to provide a workforce
     9  demographics and equity measurements  report  pursuant  to  section  two
    10  hundred  ninety-six-e  of this article, whichever occurs later. In cases
    11  of sexual harassment in employment, any complaint filed pursuant to this
    12  section must be so filed within three years after the  alleged  unlawful
    13  discriminatory practices.
    14    §  4. Subdivision 5 of section 292 of the executive law, as amended by
    15  chapter 161 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    16    5. The term "employer" shall include all employers within  the  state.
    17  As set forth in section two hundred ninety-six-e of this article, parent
    18  companies  and  subsidiaries  shall  be  combined  to  meet criteria for
    19  required reporting.
    20    § 5. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become  a
    21  law; provided, however, that if section 13 of chapter 160 of the laws of
    22  2019  shall  not  have  taken effect on or before such date then section
    23  three of this act shall take effect on the same date  and  in  the  same
    24  manner as such chapter of the laws of 2019 takes effect.