

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 15, 2024

        Introduced by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. K. Brown) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Mental Health

        AN  ACT  to  amend the mental hygiene law, in relation to establishing a
          co-occurring disorders patient bill of rights; and making an appropri-
          ation therefor

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The mental hygiene law is amended by adding a new section
     2  19.47 to read as follows:
     3  § 19.47 Co-occurring disorders patient bill of rights.
     4    The office shall, in conjunction with state  agencies  which  interact
     5  with  persons with co-occurring disorders including, but not limited to,
     6  the office of mental health, department of social  services,  office  of
     7  children  and  family services, department of corrections, department of
     8  health, department of financial services, and the department  of  educa-
     9  tion:
    10    1. Adopt a co-occurring disorders patient bill of rights and implement
    11  such  bill  of  rights as policy. Such bill of rights shall include, but
    12  not be limited to:
    13    a. the right to be welcomed/nondiscrimination: Individuals  and  fami-
    14  lies  seeking  and  receiving treatment for co-occurring disorders shall
    15  receive services without regard to age, race, color, sexual orientation,
    16  religion, marital status, sex,  disability,  gender  identity,  national
    17  origin, payment source or any other protected basis.
    18    b.  the  right  to have co-occurring disorders needs accurately recog-
    19  nized:   Individuals with co-occurring disorders,  and  their  families,
    20  shall  receive  appropriate  screening  for the presence of co-occurring
    21  disorders, accurate documentation of  the  results  of  that  screening,
    22  complete  access  to their health records and cost estimates, and timely
    23  access to competent re-assessments when needed.
    24    c. the right to receive co-occurring  disorders  services  matched  to
    25  needs:    Individuals  shall  receive integrated, co-occurring disorders
    26  capable services for their co-occurring mental health and substance  use
    27  disorder  conditions  that  are appropriately matched to their needs and

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10261                            2

     1  preferences, including, but not limited to acuity, severity,  and  stage
     2  of  change  for  each condition. This right shall apply to mental health
     3  and/or substance use disorder addiction programs for adults and/or chil-
     4  dren  and youth in hospital-based, residential, community-based settings
     5  and at school-based mental health satellites.
     6    d. the right to receive the highest quality of co-occurring  disorders
     7  treatment:  In  every  setting,  individuals  and families shall receive
     8  high-quality evidence-based co-occurring disorders services, including a
     9  full array of best and promising practices for medication and  non-medi-
    10  cation  interventions  for both mental health and substance use disorder
    11  needs.
    12    e. the right to continuity  of  care:  Individuals  with  co-occurring
    13  disorders,  and their families, shall receive appropriately matched help
    14  for both conditions for as long as they need that help. The  expectation
    15  that  individuals  can  rely on self-help after only a single episode of
    16  care in a program with limited length of stay shall be  deemed  inappro-
    17  priate  for  people  who  are likely to have not one, but two persistent
    18  conditions that may require help for an extended time-period.
    19    f. the right to help and hope for  family  and  loved  ones:  Families
    20  shall  be  involved in contributing to the care of their loved ones, and
    21  receiving quality education, support, and treatment to help them heal.
    22    g. the right for people at risk to have access  to  prevention:  Young
    23  people with either mental health or substance use disorder are at higher
    24  risk of developing co-occurring disorders, and their families, and shall
    25  receive  educational and preventive interventions as soon as possible in
    26  both normative settings, including but not limited to  schools,  and  in
    27  treatment  settings,  including  but  not  limited  to behavioral health
    28  programs treating children and youth.
    29    h. the right to accountability and redress:  Consumers  shall  receive
    30  services  within  a fully transparent system where payors, providers and
    31  government work in partnership, guided by input from people and families
    32  with lived experience.
    33    i. the right to a peer advocate: People  with  co-occurring  disorders
    34  shall  receive  peer  support  services  providing  hope,  advocacy, and
    35  systems navigation. To adequately serve people with co-occurring  disor-
    36  ders, such peer support services shall include, but not be limited to, a
    37  robust  and  collaborative  peer  workforce with diverse and specialized
    38  lived expertise  as  well  as  cross-training,  ensuring  person-driven,
    39  recovery-oriented, trauma-informed, culturally fluent services.
    40    j.  the right to receive services from adequately resourced providers:
    41  People with co-occurring disorders needs  shall  receive  services  from
    42  providers  of  all  types who are paid appropriately to serve those with
    43  the greatest need.
    44    k. the right to safe housing: People with co-occurring  disorders  and
    45  without  access  to  a permanent residence shall receive safe supportive
    46  housing that is recovery-oriented, and encourages independence.
    47    2. Submit a report to the legislature and the governor on  the  status
    48  of  integrated  services delivery in New York, including state operated,
    49  contracted, and regulated services in each region  of  the  state.  This
    50  report shall include, but not be limited to:
    51    a.  the  best  available data on the prevalence of co-occurring disor-
    52  ders, whether diagnosed or  not,  in  the  current  service  population,
    53  including  the  population  of children receiving mental health services
    54  whose parents or caregivers have substance use challenges.
    55    b. indications as to whether the  available  prevalence  data  matches
    56  expected  prevalence  based on national benchmarks, or whether the popu-

        A. 10261                            3

     1  lation is currently underrecognized,  and  if  the  latter,  a  plan  to
     2  improve the accuracy of data over time.
     3    c.  best  available current information on the degree to which current
     4  mental health and substance use disorders are  co-occurring  use  disor-
     5  ders,  using accepted measures of "co-occurring disorders capability" or
     6  "integrated treatment" as appropriate for the programs  being  measured,
     7  as well as the degree of integration of both mental health and substance
     8  use  disorders  into primary care. Substance use disorder programs shall
     9  be evaluated according to the code of conduct and code of ethics  stand-
    10  ards in the American Society of Addiction Medicine's PCC 4th Edition.
    11    3.  Develop  a five-year plan for implementing the co-occurring disor-
    12  ders bill of rights as well as an annual report of progress  after  each
    13  year,  and then a five-year report summarizing the entire five-year plan
    14  with the next five-year plan. Such five-year plan shall:
    15    a. illustrate a step-by-step implementation science approach to making
    16  significant progress toward  universal  co-occurring  disorders  service
    17  delivery,  build  on  the  current  baseline, and use system improvement
    18  strategies that work primarily  through  leveraging  existing  resources
    19  more effectively to support integrated service delivery.
    20    b. include steps that address changes in regulatory language, contract
    21  language, funding instructions, program design and improvement, clinical
    22  practice and competency development, and inter-program collaboration and
    23  partnership within each community or region.
    24    c.  include  clear  explanations  for  how  existing  funding streams,
    25  including, but not limited to,  federal  block  grant,  Medicaid,  state
    26  funding,  Opioid  Settlement  funds,  insurance  plans, and correctional
    27  funds shall each be designed over time to support co-occurring disorders
    28  service delivery.
    29    d. be designed so that continuous improvement is built  into  existing
    30  infrastructure to ensure sustainability over time.
    31    e.  include  delineation  of anticipated additional resource needs for
    32  developing supportive elements into the system of  care  including,  but
    33  not  limited  to, state co-occurring disorders center of excellence with
    34  seven regional  co-occurring  disorders  centers.  These  centers  shall
    35  provide  training,  consultation,  and  technical  assistance to support
    36  development of universal  co-occurring  disorders  capability  in  their
    37  regions.  These  centers  shall  also evaluate and quantify the need for
    38  additional resources within their regions for specialized,  co-occurring
    39  disorders  enhanced,  evaluation  centers,  and specialized co-occurring
    40  disorders enhanced residential and community based  treatment  programs,
    41  including,  but not limited to, housing supports and peer supports, that
    42  are designed to respond to the subset of individuals  with  co-occurring
    43  disorders  who have the most complex challenges and severe disabilities,
    44  as well as those who are non-English speaking.
    45    f. include system efforts to scale to  improve  prevention  and  early
    46  intervention  for  co-occurring disorders, with a particular focus on at
    47  risk youth, by integrating current prevention efforts  to  address  both
    48  mental health and substance use disorder issues together on a more regu-
    49  lar  basis and by providing broad education on co-occurring disorders to
    50  youth, families, schools, and other youth service providers.
    51    4. Identify the need for additional  resources.  Although  substantial
    52  improvement  can  occur  in  integrated  service delivery through better
    53  leverage of existing resources, there will be additional resources need-
    54  ed to support implementation of the  plan,  as  well  as  resources  for
    55  developing specialized or co-occurring disorders enhanced services where
    56  there  are  significant gaps that may remain even when existing services

        A. 10261                            4

     1  are improved, particularly for the most seriously affected  populations.
     2  The office shall, on or before January first of each year, submit to the
     3  legislature  and  the  governor  the  additional  resources  required to
     4  support  the  implementation  of  the provisions of this section for the
     5  upcoming fiscal year which shall  be  appropriated  for  such  purposes;
     6  provided however, such funds shall only be appropriated if the five-year
     7  plan  for  implementing  the co-occurring disorders bill of rights under
     8  subdivision three of this section includes specific recommendations  for
     9  what  funding  will  be  needed for each year of implementation, and how
    10  such funding will help leverage all current  funding  to  improve  inte-
    11  grated service delivery so as to improve outcomes for the population.
    12    §  2.  The sum of two million dollars ($2,000,000), or so much thereof
    13  as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the office  of  addiction
    14  services  and  supports  out  of any moneys in the state treasury in the
    15  general fund to the credit of the state purposes account  not  otherwise
    16  appropriated,  for its expenses, including personal service, maintenance
    17  and operation in carrying out the provisions of this  act.  Such  moneys
    18  shall be payable on the audit and warrant of the comptroller on vouchers
    19  certified  or  approved  by  the commissioner of the office of addiction
    20  services and supports or such commissioner's  designee,  in  the  manner
    21  prescribed by law.
    22    §  3.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    23  have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
    24  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary  for  the  implementation  of
    25  this  act  on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
    26  on or before such effective date.