S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                     May 10, 2012
       Introduced by M. of A. FRIEND -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Environmental Conservation
       AN  ACT  to  authorize the commissioner of environmental conservation to
         convey a utility easement over certain  real  property  owned  by  the
         state of New York
    1    Section 1. Subject to the provisions of this act  but  notwithstanding
    2  any  inconsistent  provisions  of any general, special or local law, the
    3  commissioner of environmental conservation (hereinafter referred  to  as
    4  "commissioner") is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for and on
    5  behalf  of  and  in  the name of the state of New York with the owner of
    6  real property located in the town of Orange, county of Schuyler,  desig-
    7  nated as Sugar Hill Reforestation with identification number 72.00-1-10,
    8  or  the  company with whom such owner of real property has contracted or
    9  intends to contract for  the  provision  of  electrical  power  at  such
   10  location  (hereinafter referred to as "grantee"), for a utility easement
   11  over a reforestation area in the town of Orange, county of Schuyler,  in
   12  exchange  for such consideration as shall be approved by the commission-
   13  er.
   14    S 2. The commissioner may define and convey the easement and right-of-
   15  way as authorized pursuant to section one of this act only upon  consid-
   16  eration of:
   17    (a) the environmental compatibility of utility poles and utility lines
   18  with their surroundings, including the impact of such poles and lines on
   19  the  natural  environment,  wildlife  and  birds,  the aesthetics of the
   20  region and outdoor recreational opportunities; and
   21    (b) whether or not the public good shall be served  by  granting  such
   22  easement.
   23    S 3. The easement authorized to be conveyed pursuant to section one of
   24  this  act  shall  be described in an instrument of conveyance describing
   25  the metes and bounds of such easement and shall  include  the  following
   26  language:
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 10197                            2
    1    A  permanent  right  of  way and easement over the following described
    2  parcels of land for the sole purpose  of  constructing,  reconstructing,
    3  relocating,  extending,  operating,  inspecting, maintaining, repairing,
    4  replacing, and at grantee's pleasure,  removing  any  poles,  towers  or
    5  lines  of  poles, lines of towers, supporting structures, cables, cross-
    6  arms, overhead and underground wires, guys, braces, and  other  fixtures
    7  and  appurtenances  which the grantee shall require now and from time to
    8  time for the transmission and/or distribution of electric  current,  in,
    9  upon,  over and across said land and/or the highways abutting or running
   10  through said land and including the right to clear or trim vegetation to
   11  the   edge   thereof   by   manual   or   mechanical   means.   Use   of
   12  chemicals/herbicides  for  clearing  said  parcels  is prohibited unless
   13  prior approval for the same is granted by  the  department  of  environ-
   14  mental  conservation,  division  of  lands and forests. In order to give
   15  such department sufficient notification  of,  and  to  allow  responsive
   16  conveyance  of  needed  stipulations  and  requirements  specific to the
   17  clearing and/or trimming actions to be undertaken by  the  grantee,  its
   18  employees,  contractors  and  subcontractors,  and  its  successors  and
   19  assigns, all work dealing with any and all vegetation will  be  done  in
   20  accordance  with  the special terms and conditions as stated in a tempo-
   21  rary revocable permit (TRP), or other applicable instrument,  issued  by
   22  such division of lands and forests.
   23    Compensation  for  the  stumpage  value  for trees to be felled by the
   24  grantee shall be paid to such department with the felled trees to become
   25  the property of the grantee. Stumpage value is to  be  determined  by  a
   26  department  forester  based on the most recent department stumpage price
   27  report at the time the trees are felled.
   28    S 4. The commissioner may prescribe additional terms for such exchange
   29  of real property. Such contract shall not become binding upon the  state
   30  until  approved by the director of the budget and the state comptroller.
   31  Notwithstanding the provisions of the public lands law,  the  conveyance
   32  of  the  state-owned easement pursuant to such contract shall be without
   33  reservation or exception, except as provided for in such contract.  Upon
   34  certification  by  the  commissioner  to  the  commissioner  of  general
   35  services of a copy of the contract, and certification that  the  grantee
   36  has  complied  with  all terms and conditions of the contract upon their
   37  part to be kept and performed, together with a description of the  ease-
   38  ment  and  right-of-way  to  be  exchanged,  the commissioner of general
   39  services shall convey the permanent easement as described in  accordance
   40  with  the provisions of the contract. Any monies received by the depart-
   41  ment of environmental conservation as part  of  this  exchange  of  real
   42  property shall be deposited in the environmental protection fund.
   43    S 5. This act shall take effect immediately.