

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      March 3, 2020

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A. L. ROSENTHAL -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Correction

        AN ACT to amend the correction law, in relation to the rights  of  preg-
          nant inmates

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 and subdivision 2 of section
     2  611 of the correction law, paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 as amended  by
     3  chapter  17  of the laws of 2016 and subdivision 2 as amended by chapter
     4  242 of the laws of 1930, are amended and a new subdivision 4 is added to
     5  read as follows:
     6    (c) No restraints of any kind shall be used  when  such  woman  is  in
     7  labor,  admitted  to  a hospital, institution or clinic for delivery, or
     8  recovering after giving birth. Any such personnel as may be necessary to
     9  supervise the woman during transport to and from and during her stay  at
    10  the hospital, institution or clinic shall be provided to ensure adequate
    11  care,  custody  and  control  of  the woman, except that no correctional
    12  staff shall be present in the delivery room during the birth of  a  baby
    13  unless  requested  by  the medical staff supervising such delivery or by
    14  the woman giving birth. The woman shall be permitted to have one support
    15  person of her choosing accompany her into the delivery room  during  the
    16  birth of the child. The superintendent or sheriff or his or her designee
    17  shall  cause  such  woman to be subject to return to such institution or
    18  local correctional facility as soon after the birth of her child as  the
    19  state  of  her  health  will permit as determined by the medical profes-
    20  sional responsible for the care of such woman. If such woman is confined
    21  in a local correctional facility, the  expense  of  such  accommodation,
    22  maintenance  and  medical  care shall be paid by such woman or her rela-
    23  tives or from any available funds of the local correctional facility and
    24  if not available from such sources, shall be a charge upon  the  county,
    25  city  or  town  in which is located the court from which such inmate was
    26  committed to such local correctional facility. If such woman is confined
    27  in any institution under the control of the department, the  expense  of
    28  such  accommodation,  maintenance and medical care shall be paid by such

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9965                             2

     1  woman or her relatives and if not  available  from  such  sources,  such
     2  maintenance and medical care shall be paid by the state.  In cases where
     3  payment  of such accommodations, maintenance and medical care is assumed
     4  by  the  county,  city  or town from which such inmate was committed the
     5  payor shall make payment by issuing payment instrument in favor  of  the
     6  agency  or  individual  that  provided such accommodations and services,
     7  after certification has been made by the  head  of  the  institution  to
     8  which  the inmate was legally confined, that the charges for such accom-
     9  modations, maintenance and medical care were necessary and are just, and
    10  that the institution has no available funds for such purpose.
    11    2. A child so born may be returned with its mother to the correctional
    12  institution in which the mother is confined  unless  the  chief  medical
    13  officer of the correctional institution shall certify that the mother is
    14  physically  unfit  to care for the child, in which case the statement of
    15  the said medical officer shall be final.  A  child  may  remain  in  the
    16  correctional institution with its mother for such period as seems desir-
    17  able for the welfare of such child, but not after it is one year of age,
    18  provided,  however, if the mother is in a state reformatory and is to be
    19  paroled shortly after the child becomes one year of age, such child  may
    20  remain  at  the state reformatory until its mother is paroled, but in no
    21  case after the child is eighteen months old. If the mother is an  inmate
    22  at a state correctional facility, the department shall inform her of her
    23  ability to apply to any nursery program run by the department. The offi-
    24  cer  in  charge  of such institution may cause a child cared for therein
    25  with its mother to be removed from the institution at  any  time  before
    26  the  child  is  one  year  of  age.  He shall make provision for a child
    27  removed from the institution without its mother or a  child  born  to  a
    28  woman  inmate  who is not returned to the institution with its mother as
    29  hereinafter provided.  He may, upon proof being furnished by the  father
    30  or  other  relatives  of their ability to properly care for and maintain
    31  such child, give the child into the care and custody of such  father  or
    32  other  relatives,  who  shall  thereafter maintain the same at their own
    33  expense. If it shall appear that such  father  or  other  relatives  are
    34  unable  to properly care for and maintain such child, such officer shall
    35  place the child in the care of the commissioner  of  public  welfare  or
    36  other officer or board exercising in relation to children the power of a
    37  commissioner  of public welfare of the county from which such inmate was
    38  committed as a charge upon such county. The officer  in  charge  of  the
    39  correctional  institution  shall  send  to such commissioner, officer or
    40  board a report of all information available in regard to the mother  and
    41  the child. Such commissioner of public welfare or other officer or board
    42  shall care for or place out such child as provided by law in the case of
    43  a child becoming dependent upon the county.
    44    4.    The  chief medical officer of each correctional facility housing
    45  female inmates or his or her designee shall inform any inmate  known  to
    46  be  pregnant  of  her  option  of  participating in pregnancy counseling
    47  services and of her right to abortion services.
    48    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
    49  it shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition,  amend-
    50  ment  and/or repeal of any rules or regulations necessary for the imple-
    51  mentation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be made by
    52  the department of corrections and community supervision in  consultation
    53  with the department of health on or before such effective date.