

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     April 24, 2024

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A. SANTABARBARA -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on People with Disabilities

        AN ACT in relation to requiring  the  commissioner  of  the  office  for
          people  with  developmental  disabilities  to work with an independent
          firm to allow such firm to conduct a study on the number of  New  York
          state  residents  in  need  of  disability services and the office for
          people  with  developmental  disabilities'  eligibility  criteria  and
          determinations  following diagnostic evaluations by a licensed profes-
          sional and distribution of services

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. 1. The commissioner of the office for people with develop-
     2  mental disabilities shall work with an independent firm  to  allow  such
     3  firm  to  conduct  a comprehensive study analyzing the office for people
     4  with developmental disabilities, the number of New York state  residents
     5  in  need of disability services and the effectiveness of using the adap-
     6  tive behavior assessment system to determine  eligibility  for  services
     7  and  submit a report to the speaker of the assembly, the minority leader
     8  of the assembly, the temporary president of  the  senate,  the  minority
     9  leader  of  the  senate and the governor's office of employee relations,
    10  and make publicly available on the office's website no  later  than  one
    11  year after the effective date of this section.
    12    2. (a) Such report shall include, but not be limited to:
    13    (i)  the number of persons with a developmental disability in New York
    14  state who qualified for services through  the  office  for  people  with
    15  developmental disabilities within the last five years;
    16    (ii)  the  number  of persons with a developmental disability who have
    17  applied for services and were deemed ineligible through the  office  for
    18  people with developmental disabilities within the last five years;
    19    (iii)  the  number of persons with a developmental disability for whom
    20  the adaptive behavior assessment system determined their eligibility for
    21  services within the last five years;
    22    (iv) the number of persons with a developmental  disability  for  whom
    23  the  adaptive  behavior assessment system determined their ineligibility

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9869                             2

     1  for services from the office for people with developmental  disabilities
     2  due  to  scoring above the threshold of eligibility within the last five
     3  years and who completed the office for people with  developmental  disa-
     4  bilities' appeal process after being deemed ineligible;
     5    (v) the number of persons with a developmental disability who appealed
     6  their  ineligibility determination and ultimately received services from
     7  the office for people with developmental disabilities;
     8    (vi) an analysis of eligibility requirements,  services  determination
     9  process,  and any other processes deemed necessary for review within the
    10  scope of such report; and
    11    (vii) recommendations based on the findings  from  the  report  as  to
    12  whether  the state can take additional action to ensure those in need of
    13  services provided by the office for people with developmental  disabili-
    14  ties are deemed eligible.
    15    (b)  The independent firm shall separate their findings in such report
    16  regionally to assist in targeting the areas that are most underserved.
    17    3. For the purposes of this section, the independent firm may  conduct
    18  such  study  in  conjunction with any other department, division, board,
    19  bureau, commission, agency, or public  authority  of  the  state  deemed
    20  necessary.    To  the  maximum  extent feasible, the commissioner of the
    21  office for people with developmental disabilities shall be authorized to
    22  request, receive, and utilize such  resources  and  data  of  any  other
    23  department,  division,  board,  bureau,  commission,  agency,  or public
    24  authority of the state as he or she may reasonably request  to  properly
    25  carry out his or her powers and duties pursuant to this section.
    26    4.  The commissioner of the office for people with developmental disa-
    27  bilities shall promulgate rules and regulations as may be  necessary  to
    28  effectuate the provisions of this section.
    29    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.