S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                     May 27, 2014
       Introduced  by  M. of A. ROSA -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Banks
       AN ACT to amend the banking law, in relation to making certain technical
         corrections thereto
    1    Section  1. Section 6-i of the banking law, as added by chapter 571 of
    2  the laws of 1986 and as further amended by section  104  of  part  A  of
    3  chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    4    S 6-i.  Mortgage  loans.  No person, partnership, corporation, banking
    5  organization, exempt organization as defined  in  section  five  hundred
    6  ninety  of  this  chapter  or other entity shall make a mortgage loan as
    7  defined in section  five  hundred  ninety  of  this  chapter  except  in
    8  conformity  with  the requirements of article twelve-D and in compliance
    9  with such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the superinten-
   10  dent of financial services [or prescribed by the  superintendent]  under
   11  this  section.  Nothing  in  this section shall be construed to limit or
   12  otherwise modify any otherwise applicable requirement of state or feder-
   13  al law.
   14    S 2. Subdivision 3 of section 7 of the banking law, as added by  chap-
   15  ter  184  of  the  laws of 1978 and as further amended by section 104 of
   16  part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   17    3. The superintendent of financial services may promulgate such  regu-
   18  lations  as  [it]  HE OR SHE deems necessary and proper to implement and
   19  define the provisions of this section.
   20    S 3. Subdivision 3 of section 9-f of the banking law,  as  amended  by
   21  chapter 571 of the laws of 1986 and as further amended by section 104 of
   22  part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   23    3. For the purposes of this section, the term (a) "prudent loan" means
   24  a loan upon the security of real property which is prudent by acceptable
   25  banking  standards  and  is  in compliance with all of the provisions of
   26  this chapter[,] AND RULES  AND  regulations  of  the  superintendent  of
   27  financial  services  [and rules of the superintendent]; and (b) notwith-
   28  standing any other provision of this chapter or law to the contrary, the
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 9851                             2
    1  term banking institution when  used  in  this  section  shall  mean  and
    2  include  all  banks,  trust  companies,  savings banks, savings and loan
    3  associations, credit unions, mortgage bankers, exempt  organizations  as
    4  defined  in  article twelve-D of this chapter and foreign banking corpo-
    5  rations whether incorporated, chartered, organized or licensed under the
    6  laws of this state or any other state or the United States.
    7    S 4. Subdivision 2 of section 14-c of the banking  law,  as  added  by
    8  chapter  19 of the laws of 1978 and as further amended by section 104 of
    9  part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   10    2. The superintendent of financial services may alter or  amend  rules
   11  and  regulations  or promulgate additional rules and regulations as [it]
   12  HE OR SHE deems necessary and proper to  effectuate  the  provisions  of
   13  subdivision one.
   14    S  5.  Subdivision 10 of section 100-c of the banking law, as added by
   15  chapter 239 of the laws of 1986 and as further amended by section 104 of
   16  part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   17    10. The superintendent of financial  services  shall  promulgate  such
   18  regulations  and rules as [it] HE OR SHE considers appropriate to govern
   19  the administration of common  trust  funds  and  short  term  investment
   20  common trust funds.
   21    S  6.  Subdivision  4 of section 103 of the banking law, as amended by
   22  chapter 313 of the laws of 2001, the opening  paragraph  and  the  fifth
   23  undesignated  paragraph  as  further amended by section 104 of part A of
   24  chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   25    4. Make a loan upon the security of real estate within or without this
   26  state which does not comply with any such rules or  regulations  as  the
   27  superintendent of financial services may prescribe.
   28    No  loan shall be made under the provisions of this subdivision except
   29  upon the written and signed certificate of an appraiser appointed pursu-
   30  ant to policies established by the board of directors, certifying to the
   31  value of the premises according to his judgment.
   32    The provisions of this subdivision shall not constitute the  authority
   33  to make a loan to a natural person upon the security of a mortgage which
   34  is not a first lien.
   35    Where the collateral for any loan consists partly of real estate secu-
   36  rity  and partly of other security, including a guarantee or endorsement
   37  by or an obligation or commitment of a person other than  the  borrower,
   38  only  the  amount  by  which the loan exceeds the value as collateral of
   39  such other security, as found in good faith by a duly authorized officer
   40  of such bank or trust company, at the time of the making of the loan  or
   41  commitment  therefor,  shall  be  considered a loan upon the security of
   42  real estate, provided, that in no event shall a  loan  be  considered  a
   43  loan  upon the security of real estate (i) where the principal amount of
   44  any real estate security taken therefor is less than fifteen per  centum
   45  of  the amount of such loan or (ii) where the loan is payable in monthly
   46  or quarterly installments over a period not to exceed one hundred  twen-
   47  ty-one months and does not exceed twenty thousand dollars and is for the
   48  purpose  of  paying the cost of any repairs, alterations or improvements
   49  upon, or in connection with, or, as the  superintendent  may  authorize,
   50  the  equipping  of existing structures or the building of new structures
   51  by the owners thereof or by the lessees under a lease expiring not  less
   52  than  six  months after the maturity of the loan or (iii) where the loan
   53  is fully guaranteed or insured by the United States or a state,  or  any
   54  department,  agency  or  instrumentality thereof, and for the payment of
   55  which loan the full faith and credit of the United  States  or  of  such
   56  state  is  pledged  and  if under the terms of the guaranty or insurance
       A. 9851                             3
    1  agreement the bank or trust company will  be  assured  of  repayment  in
    2  accordance  with  the terms of the loan or (iv) where there is a binding
    3  and valid commitment or agreement by a financially  responsible  lender,
    4  purchaser  or  other  financially responsible party either directly with
    5  the lending bank or trust company or which is for the benefit of, or has
    6  been assigned to, the lending bank or  trust  company  and  pursuant  to
    7  which  commitment,  agreement  or  assignment,  the lender, purchaser or
    8  other party is required to advance to the lending bank or trust  company
    9  within  thirty  months from the date of such commitment or agreement the
   10  full amount of the loan to be made by the lending bank or trust  company
   11  upon the security of real estate improved by a building or buildings, or
   12  to   be   improved  by  a  building  or  buildings  in  the  process  of
   13  construction, the major portion of which building is  used,  or  in  the
   14  case  of  a  building under construction is to be used, for residential,
   15  business, manufacturing or agricultural purposes, and where pursuant  to
   16  the  terms  and  provisions of such commitment or agreement such advance
   17  shall be made prior to or upon the maturity of the loan by  the  lending
   18  bank or trust company.
   19    Real  estate  security  for purposes of this section shall not include
   20  (a) an assignment of rents under a lease, (b) a mortgage or  other  lien
   21  upon  a  leasehold, (c) a mortgage or other lien upon leasehold, royalty
   22  or other rights  in  oil,  gas,  minerals,  standing  timber,  or  other
   23  products  of  land, (d) a mortgage or other lien made or given upon real
   24  estate and taken  as  collateral  security  for  loans  to  a  borrower,
   25  provided,  that  at  the  time  of  the making of the loan or commitment
   26  therefor, repayment thereof is reasonably expected to be made out of the
   27  operations of such borrower or of the mortgagor, or (e)  such  mortgages
   28  or  other  liens  on  property  as may be specifically exempted from the
   29  limitations and restrictions of this subdivision by  the  superintendent
   30  of  financial  services by general or specific regulations [adopted by a
   31  three-fifths vote of all its members]. Nothing in this  paragraph  shall
   32  be construed to imply that security of a kind not mentioned herein is to
   33  be deemed real estate security.
   34    The  limitations  and restrictions contained in this subdivision shall
   35  not prevent the acceptance of any real estate  security  to  secure  the
   36  payment  of  a  debt previously contracted in good faith. Every mortgage
   37  and every assignment of a mortgage taken or held by such bank  or  trust
   38  company  shall  immediately be recorded or registered in its name in the
   39  office of the clerk or the proper recording officer  of  the  county  in
   40  which  the real estate described in the mortgage is located, except that
   41  where the underlying real estate is located outside  the  state  of  New
   42  York  such  mortgage  or assignment may be recorded or registered in the
   43  name of a duly authorized nominee, and except that if such  mortgage  or
   44  assignment  of  mortgage or of an interest therein shall be taken from a
   45  corporation organized under the banking law or all of the capital  stock
   46  of  which  is owned by not less than twenty savings banks of this state,
   47  the bank or trust company may hold such  mortgage  or  assignment  unre-
   48  corded  unless the superintendent shall direct the bank or trust company
   49  to record the same. The recording or registering of assignments of mort-
   50  gages shall not be  required  when  not  less  than  ten  mortgages  are
   51  assigned  as  security  for  a  loan,  the term of which does not exceed
   52  twelve months.
   53    Any bank or trust company may renew from time to time  any  loan  upon
   54  the security of real estate lawfully made by it prior to June thirtieth,
   55  nineteen hundred thirty-seven.
       A. 9851                             4
    1    None  of  the prohibitions and restrictions contained in this subdivi-
    2  sion shall apply to any corporation all of the capital stock of which is
    3  owned by not less than twenty savings banks of this state.
    4    S 7. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 8 of section 108 of the banking law,
    5  as  added by chapter 344 of the laws of 1974, such subdivision as renum-
    6  bered by chapter 512 of the laws of 1977,  and  as  further  amended  by
    7  section  104  of part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to
    8  read as follows:
    9    (d) The superintendent of financial services may promulgate such regu-
   10  lations as [it] HE OR SHE deems necessary and proper  to  implement  and
   11  define  the provisions of this subdivision. The superintendent of finan-
   12  cial services may prescribe maximum charges from time to time,  but  not
   13  more  often than once in any six month period, and shall provide reason-
   14  able notice to the public of any change in such maximum charges, of  the
   15  effective  date  of such change, which shall not be less than seven days
   16  following the adoption of such change by the superintendent of financial
   17  services, and of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to this  subdi-
   18  vision.
   19    S 8.  Section 111 of the banking law, as amended by chapter 360 of the
   20  laws  of 1984 and as further amended by section 104 of part A of chapter
   21  62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   22    S 111. Profits; credits to surplus fund and to undivided  profits.  In
   23  any  case  where  the combined capital stock, surplus fund and undivided
   24  profits of a bank or trust company do not equal ten per  centum  of  its
   25  net deposit liabilities, the superintendent of financial services may in
   26  [its]  HIS  OR  HER discretion require such bank or trust company at the
   27  close of each accounting period  to  credit  its  surplus  fund  with  a
   28  portion of its net profits for such period, not to exceed ten per centum
   29  thereof,  until  its  combined capital stock, surplus fund and undivided
   30  profits equal ten per centum of its net  deposit  liabilities.  For  the
   31  purposes  of this section, the term "net deposit liabilities" shall mean
   32  total deposits including all amounts due to national banks, banks, bank-
   33  ers, trust companies and savings banks, the amounts due on certified and
   34  cashier's checks, and for unpaid dividends less the amounts of  balances
   35  due  from  national  banks, banks, bankers, and trust companies and cash
   36  items in process of collection payable immediately upon presentation  in
   37  the United States.
   38    S  9.    Paragraph  (b) of subdivision 3 of section 130 of the banking
   39  law, as amended by chapter 217 of  the  laws  of  2010  and  as  further
   40  amended  by  section 104 of part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is
   41  amended to read as follows:
   42    (b) The superintendent of financial services shall have the  power  to
   43  determine by regulation who shall be considered, under the provisions of
   44  this  subdivision,  to  be  an  executive  officer,  and by a general or
   45  specific regulation[, upon a three-fifths vote of all its  members,]  to
   46  grant  permission  to an executive officer of a bank or trust company to
   47  be an executive officer, director or trustee or both an executive  offi-
   48  cer  and director or a trustee of another bank or trust company, savings
   49  bank, or savings and loan association, national  bank,  federal  savings
   50  bank  or  federal  savings association, the principal office of which is
   51  located in this state, bank holding company, or foreign  banking  corpo-
   52  ration maintaining a branch in this state. Such permission may be grant-
   53  ed  only  if in the judgment of the superintendent of financial services
   54  such service by the executive officer will be consistent with the policy
   55  of the state of New York as declared in section ten of this chapter. The
   56  superintendent of financial services shall have the power to revoke such
       A. 9851                             5
    1  permission [by a like vote] whenever [it] HE OR SHE finds, after reason-
    2  able notice and an opportunity to be heard,  that  the  public  interest
    3  requires such revocation.
    4    S  10.  Subdivision 4 of section 234-b of the banking law, as added by
    5  chapter 883 of the laws of 1980 and as further amended by section 104 of
    6  part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    7    4. The superintendent of financial services is authorized  to  promul-
    8  gate  such regulations as [it] HE OR SHE may deem necessary or proper to
    9  implement the provisions of this section and the proper exercise of  the
   10  powers granted by this section.
   11    S  11.    Section 380-h of the banking law, as added by chapter 883 of
   12  the laws of 1980, subdivisions 1 and 4 as further amended by section 104
   13  of part A of chapter 62 of the laws of  2011,  is  amended  to  read  as
   14  follows:
   15    S 380-h.  Trust powers. 1. The superintendent of financial services is
   16  authorized and empowered to grant permission to a savings and loan asso-
   17  ciation to exercise any or all of the powers specified in  sections  one
   18  hundred, one hundred-a, one hundred-b and one hundred-c of this chapter.
   19  In passing upon applications for permission to exercise any such powers,
   20  the superintendent of financial services may take into consideration the
   21  amount  of  surplus  of  the  applying  association, whether or not such
   22  surplus is sufficient under the circumstances of the case, the needs  of
   23  the  community  to  be served and any other facts and circumstances that
   24  seem [to it] proper, and may grant or refuse it permission accordingly.
   25    2. Whenever the laws of this state require a trust company acting in a
   26  fiduciary capacity to deposit securities with the state authorities  for
   27  the  protection  of  private or court trusts, a savings and loan associ-
   28  ation, so acting, is empowered to make similar deposits of securities.
   29    4. The superintendent of financial services is authorized  to  promul-
   30  gate  such regulations as [it] HE OR SHE may deem necessary or proper to
   31  implement the provisions of this section and the proper exercise of  the
   32  powers granted by this section.
   33    S  12.  Section 455 of the banking law, as added by chapter 608 of the
   34  laws of 1996, subdivisions 1 and 3 as further amended by section 104  of
   35  part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   36    S  455.  Trust  powers. 1. The superintendent of financial services is
   37  authorized and empowered to grant permission to a credit union to  exer-
   38  cise  any  or  all  of the powers specified in sections one hundred, one
   39  hundred-a, one hundred-b and one hundred-c of this chapter.  In  passing
   40  upon applications for permission to exercise any such powers, the super-
   41  intendent  of  financial services may take into consideration the amount
   42  of net worth of the applying credit union, whether or not such net worth
   43  is sufficient under the circumstances of the  case,  the  needs  of  the
   44  community  to  be served and any other facts and circumstances that seem
   45  [to it] proper, and may grant or refuse it permission accordingly.
   46    2. Whenever the laws of this state require a trust company acting in a
   47  fiduciary capacity to deposit securities with the state authorities  for
   48  the protection of private or court trusts, a credit union, so acting, is
   49  required and empowered to make similar deposits of securities.
   50    3.  The  superintendent of financial services is authorized to promul-
   51  gate such regulations as [it] HE OR SHE may deem necessary or proper  to
   52  implement  the provisions of this section and the proper exercise of the
   53  powers granted by this section.
   54    S 13. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section  595  of  the  banking
   55  law,  as  amended  by  chapter  571  of  the laws of 1986 and as further
       A. 9851                             6
    1  amended by section 104 of part A of chapter 62 of the laws of  2011,  is
    2  amended to read as follows:
    3    (a)  Through  a  course  of  conduct,  the  licensee or registrant has
    4  violated any provisions of this  article,  or  any  rule  or  regulation
    5  promulgated by the superintendent of financial services[, or any rule or
    6  regulation  prescribed  by  the  superintendent]  under  and  within the
    7  authority of this article or of any other law,  rule  or  regulation  of
    8  this state or the federal government;
    9    S  14.  Subdivision 7 of section 600 of the banking law, as amended by
   10  chapter 315 of the laws of 2008 and as further amended by section 104 of
   11  part A of chapter 62 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   12    (7) One or more subsidiaries or affiliates of a bank,  trust  company,
   13  savings  bank  or  savings  and  loan association, which are not a bank,
   14  trust company, savings bank or savings and loan  association,  as  those
   15  terms  are  defined in section two of this chapter, with the bank, trust
   16  company, savings bank or savings and loan association of which it  is  a
   17  subsidiary  or  affiliate,  as  the superintendent of financial services
   18  shall approve and enter on its records; provided, however, that  nothing
   19  in  this subdivision shall be deemed to authorize a bank, trust company,
   20  savings bank or savings and loan association to exercise  any  power  or
   21  engage in any activity that it may not exercise or engage in pursuant to
   22  this  chapter.  The  superintendent of financial services may promulgate
   23  such regulations as [it] HE OR SHE deems necessary and proper to  imple-
   24  ment  and  define  the  provisions  of this subdivision. Nothing in this
   25  subdivision shall alter, affect or impair any regulation  or  resolution
   26  adopted,  or  that  may  be  adopted, by the superintendent of financial
   27  services, pursuant to section twelve-a or former sections fourteen-g  or
   28  fourteen-h of this chapter.
   29    S 15.  This act shall take effect immediately.