                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     April 12, 2016
        Introduced by M. of A. ABINANTI -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Health -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted
          as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to payments from the
          New York state medical indemnity fund
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Section  2999-j  of  the  public health law is amended by
     2  adding two new subdivisions 2-a and 7-a to read as follows:
     3    2-a. A request for review of a denial of a claim  or  a  denial  of  a
     4  request  for  prior  authorization for the payment or reimbursement from
     5  the fund for qualifying health care costs must be made by  the  claimant
     6  no later than sixty days from receipt of the denial and, at a claimant's
     7  option, by either (a) making application to the court wherein the judge-
     8  ment  was  awarded or the case was settled, or (b) following the process
     9  established by regulations of the commissioner  for  the  administrative
    10  review of a denial of a claim or request for prior authorization.
    11    7-a. A request for a review of a determination by the fund administra-
    12  tor that the relevant provisions of subdivision six of this section have
    13  not  been  met  and/or that the plaintiff or claimant is not a qualified
    14  plaintiff may be made by any of the parties, no later  than  sixty  days
    15  from  receipt  of the denial, by making application to the court wherein
    16  the judgment was awarded or the case was settled.
    17    § 2. Subdivisions 2 and 4 of section 2999-j of the public health  law,
    18  as  added by section 52 of part H of chapter 59 of the laws of 2011, are
    19  amended to read as follows:
    20    2. The provision of qualifying health care costs to  qualified  plain-
    21  tiffs  shall  not be subject to prior authorization, except as described
    22  by the commissioner in regulation; provided, however[, that]:
    23    (a) such  regulation  shall  not  prevent  qualified  plaintiffs  from
    24  receiving  care  or  assistance  that would, at a minimum, be authorized
    25  under the medicaid program; [and provided, further, that]
    26    (b) if any prior authorization is required  by  such  regulation,  the
    27  regulation  shall require that requests for prior authorization be proc-
    28  essed within a reasonably prompt period of  time  and,  subject  to  the
    29  provisions  of subdivision two-a of this section, shall identify a proc-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9835--A                          2
     1  ess for prompt administrative review of any  denial  of  a  request  for
     2  prior authorization[.]; and
     3    (c)  such  regulations shall not prohibit qualifying health care costs
     4  solely on the basis that the qualifying health care cost is  therapeutic
     5  in  nature or on the grounds that the qualifying health care cost is not
     6  limited to the direct need of the patient and may benefit other  members
     7  of the household.
     8    4. The amount of qualifying health care costs to be paid from the fund
     9  shall  be  calculated[: (a) with respect to services provided in private
    10  physician practices on the basis of one hundred percent of the usual and
    11  customary rates,] on the basis of one hundred percent of the  usual  and
    12  customary  cost.  For the purposes of this section, "usual and customary
    13  costs" shall mean the  eightieth  percentile  of  all  charges  for  the
    14  particular  health  care  service performed by a provider in the same or
    15  similar specialty and provided in the same geographical area as reported
    16  in a benchmarking database maintained by a nonprofit organization speci-
    17  fied by the superintendent of financial services. If no such  rates  are
    18  available  qualifying health care costs shall be calculated on the basis
    19  of no less than one hundred thirty percent of Medicaid or Medicare rates
    20  of reimbursement, whichever is higher. If no  such  rate  exists,  costs
    21  shall  be  reimbursed  as defined by the commissioner in regulation[; or
    22  (b) with respect to all other services, on the basis of  Medicaid  rates
    23  of  reimbursement  or,  where no such rates are available, as defined by
    24  the commissioner in regulation].
    25    § 3.  Subdivision 1 of section 2999-h of the  public  health  law,  as
    26  added  by  section  52  of  part H of chapter 59 of the laws of 2011, is
    27  amended to read as follows:
    28    1. "Birth-related neurological injury" means an injury to the brain or
    29  spinal cord of a live infant caused by  the  deprivation  of  oxygen  or
    30  mechanical injury occurring in the course of labor, delivery or resusci-
    31  tation  or  by  other  medical  services provided or not provided during
    32  delivery [admission] that rendered  the  infant  with  a  permanent  and
    33  substantial  motor impairment or with a developmental disability as that
    34  term is defined by section 1.03 of the mental hygiene law, or both. This
    35  definition shall apply to live births only.
    36    § 4.  The public health law is amended by adding a new section  2999-k
    37  to read as follows:
    38    §  2999-k.  Consumer  and  stakeholder workgroup. The department shall
    39  convene a workgroup comprised of qualified plaintiffs or representatives
    40  of qualified plaintiffs,  physicians,  advocates  and  other  interested
    41  parties.  Such workgroup shall be co-chaired by the commissioner and the
    42  superintendent of financial services, and shall be composed of not  less
    43  than  nine  members  appointed  by  the  governor, of which two shall be
    44  appointed upon recommendation of the temporary president of  the  senate
    45  and two shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the speaker of the
    46  assembly.  If the commissioner seeks to promulgate rules and regulations
    47  pursuant to this title, he or she shall submit the  proposed  rules  and
    48  regulations to the workgroup for its input and comments. The commission-
    49  er  shall  consider the input and comments of the workgroup prior to the
    50  implementation of any proposed rule or regulation,  and  if  he  or  she
    51  shall  act  in  a  manner  inconsistent  with  the workgroup's input and
    52  comments, the commissioner shall provide the reasons therefor  in  writ-
    53  ing.
    54    §  5. This act shall take effect on the forty-fifth day after it shall
    55  have become a law.