

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 28, 2020

        Introduced  by M. of A. JACOBSON, WEPRIN, OTIS -- read once and referred
          to the Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection

        AN ACT to amend the public service law and the general business law,  in
          relation to consumer protections against cramming

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The opening paragraph of section 92-d of the public service
     2  law, as separately amended by chapters 546 and 547 of the laws of  2000,
     3  is amended to read as follows:
     4    Each  local  exchange  telephone company shall inform its customers of
     5  the provisions of section ninety-two-i of this article,  sections  three
     6  hundred  ninety-nine-p  [and],  three  hundred  ninety-nine-z  and three
     7  hundred ninety-nine-pp of the general business law, and article ten-B of
     8  the personal property law, as such provisions relate to  the  rights  of
     9  consumers with respect to cramming, telemarketers, sellers, the no tele-
    10  marketing sales call statewide registry and automatic dialing-announcing
    11  devices, by means of:
    12    § 2. The public service law is amended by adding a new section 92-i to
    13  read as follows:
    14    §  92-i.    Cramming  prohibited. 1. For the purposes of this section,
    15  "cramming" means the inclusion and imposition of charges on the  invoice
    16  or  bill  of a customer from a telephone corporation at the request of a
    17  third party or billing aggregator that (a) were not  authorized  by  the
    18  customer,  or  (b)  if  authorized,  were obtained through misleading or
    19  deceptive means.
    20    2. A customer shall not be liable for charges appearing on the invoice
    21  or bill of a telephone corporation that are the result of  cramming.  No
    22  charges  for  any products or services, other than those provided by the
    23  telephone corporation, its affiliates, a third party video provider with
    24  whom a telephone corporation or its affiliate jointly  market  services,
    25  or  otherwise permitted by law, shall be included on any bill or invoice
    26  of a customer, unless the third party requesting  the  payment  of  such
    27  charges retains and provides upon request valid proof that:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9624                             2

     1    (a) the customer was provided with clear and conspicuous disclosure of
     2  all  material  terms  and  conditions  of  the  product or service being
     3  offered, including but not limited to all initial and recurring  charges
     4  and  the fact that such charges shall appear on the customer's telephone
     5  bill;
     6    (b)  after  receiving  clear and conspicuous disclosure as provided in
     7  paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the customer explicitly consented  to
     8  the nature and amount of such charges; and
     9    (c)  the  third  party  offering the product or service or an agent of
    10  such third party provided the customer with a toll-free telephone number
    11  the customer may call and an address to which the customer may write  to
    12  resolve any billing dispute.
    13    3.  Any charges for third party products or services that are included
    14  on a bill or invoice by a telephone corporation without the  consent  of
    15  the customer having been obtained as provided in subdivision two of this
    16  section  shall  be void and unenforceable, and shall be removed from the
    17  bill or invoice upon notice from such customer.
    18    4. The commission shall  supervise  and  ensure  compliance  with  the
    19  provisions of this section, and may promulgate any rules and regulations
    20  it deems necessary or desirable to ensure such compliance, including but
    21  not  limited to any additional requirements for verification of customer
    22  orders and any additional standards that third parties  or  agents  must
    23  meet to be authorized to receive payment through the inclusion of charg-
    24  es  on  bills  or  invoices  of telephone corporations. Any failure by a
    25  telephone corporation to comply with the provisions of this section  may
    26  be  redressed  as provided in subdivision three of section ninety-six of
    27  this article or as otherwise authorized by law.
    28    § 3. The general business law is amended by adding a new section  390-
    29  bb to read as follows:
    30    §  390-bb.  Cramming  prohibited. 1. For the purposes of this section,
    31  "cramming" means the inclusion and imposition of charges on the  invoice
    32  or  bill  for  telephone  service  to a customer from a cable television
    33  company, as defined in section two hundred twelve of the public  service
    34  law,  that  provides  telephone service to customers in New York, at the
    35  request of a third party or billing aggregator that (a) were not author-
    36  ized by the customer,  or  (b)  if  authorized,  were  obtained  through
    37  misleading or deceptive means.
    38    2. A customer shall not be liable for charges appearing on the invoice
    39  or bill of a cable television company for telephone service that are the
    40  result  of cramming. No charges for any products or services, other than
    41  those provided by the cable television company, its affiliates, a  third
    42  party  video provider with whom a cable television company or its affil-
    43  iate jointly market services, or otherwise permitted by  law,  shall  be
    44  included  on any bill or invoice for telephone service, unless the third
    45  party requesting the payment of such charges retains and  provides  upon
    46  request valid proof that:
    47    (a) the customer was provided with clear and conspicuous disclosure of
    48  all  material  terms  and  conditions  of  the  product or service being
    49  offered, including but not limited to all initial and recurring  charges
    50  and  the fact that such charges shall appear on the customer's telephone
    51  service bill;
    52    (b) after receiving clear and conspicuous disclosure  as  provided  in
    53  paragraph  (a) of this subdivision, the customer explicitly consented to
    54  the nature and amount of such charges; and
    55    (c) the third party offering the product or service  or  an  agent  of
    56  such third party provided the customer with a toll-free telephone number

        A. 9624                             3

     1  the  customer may call and an address to which the customer may write to
     2  resolve any billing dispute.
     3    3.  Any charges for third party products or services that are included
     4  on a bill or invoice for telephone service by a cable television company
     5  without the consent of the customer having been obtained as provided  in
     6  subdivision  two  of  this  section shall be void and unenforceable, and
     7  shall be removed from the bill or invoice upon notice from such  custom-
     8  er.
     9    §  4.  Subdivision  1  of  section 227-a of the public service law, as
    10  added by chapter 83 of the laws of 1995, is amended to read as follows:
    11    1. Every cable  television  company,  and  all  officers,  agents  and
    12  employees of any cable television company shall obey, observe and comply
    13  with every order, direction or requirement made by the commission, under
    14  authority  of  this  article, so long as the same shall be and remain in
    15  force. Except as provided in subdivision two of this section, any  cable
    16  television  company which shall violate any provision of this article or
    17  section three hundred ninety-bb of the general business  law,  or  which
    18  fails,  omits  or  neglects to obey, observe or comply with any order or
    19  any direction or requirement of the commission,  shall  forfeit  to  the
    20  people of the state of New York a sum to be set by the commission not to
    21  exceed  one thousand dollars for each and every offense; every violation
    22  of any such order or direction or requirement, or  of  this  article  or
    23  section  three hundred ninety-bb of the general business law, shall be a
    24  separate and distinct offense, and, in case of a  continuing  violation,
    25  every  day's  continuance  thereof  shall  be  a  separate  and distinct
    26  offense.
    27    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    28  it shall have become a law.