

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 20, 2024

        Introduced  by M. of A. HYNDMAN -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions

        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation  to  creating  a
          New  York  city  transit  authority safety advisory panel to study and
          report on safety from terrorist acts and to provide for  a  moratorium
          on  the  closing of token booths and minimum staffing levels on trains
          operated in passenger service in the New York city transit system

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Short  title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "transit authority passenger security and safety act".
     3    § 2. The public authorities law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
     4  1204-g to read as follows:
     5    § 1204-g. Minimum staffing of trains operated in passenger service. 1.
     6  The  legislature  finds  that the presence of train conductors and train
     7  operators on subway trains operated by  the  authority  is  particularly
     8  essential  to  the safety of passengers when emergencies arise including
     9  when trains are in tunnels under bodies of water  or  on  bridges,  when
    10  trains  are  long  or  composed  of numerous cars, and during periods of
    11  heavy passenger volume.
    12    2. The authority shall insure that at least one train operator and one
    13  conductor shall be deployed on each and every train in passenger service
    14  which meets one of the following conditions:
    15    a. The train is made up of more than four railroad cars or is  greater
    16  than three hundred sixty feet in length; or
    17    b.  The train serves passengers on a line that passes through a tunnel
    18  under a river or tidal estuary or on bridges; or
    19    c. The train is operating in passenger service on  a  line  where  the
    20  potential  passenger load on the train at any point in time is in excess
    21  of seven hundred fifty passengers.
    22    § 3. The public authorities law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    23  1205-b to read as follows:
    24    §  1205-b.  New York city transit authority safety advisory panel.  1.
    25  a. There is hereby created the New York city  transit  authority  safety

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9582                             2

     1  advisory  panel, to study, monitor and make recommendations with respect
     2  to the public safety from terrorist threats  and  criminal  mischief  in
     3  passenger  stations  of  the  authority, its subsidiaries and the Staten
     4  Island rapid transit operating authority.
     5    b.  The  New  York  city transit authority safety advisory panel shall
     6  consist of seven members appointed by the governor, of whom two  members
     7  shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the temporary president of
     8  the senate and two members shall be appointed upon the recommendation of
     9  the  speaker  of  the assembly. The members of the New York city transit
    10  authority safety advisory panel shall be selected from the law  enforce-
    11  ment,  emergency response management, worker and rider advocate communi-
    12  ties and shall include at least three  members  who  are  commuters  who
    13  regularly use the transportation services of the authorities referred to
    14  in  paragraph  a  of this subdivision. The chairperson shall be a member
    15  selected by the membership of the committee. Vacancies  occurring  shall
    16  be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
    17    c.  The members of the New York city transit authority safety advisory
    18  panel shall receive no compensation for  their  services  but  shall  be
    19  reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance
    20  of their duties.
    21    2.  a. The New York city transit authority safety advisory panel shall
    22  undertake a study to evaluate  the  range  of  strategies  available  to
    23  ensure  the  safety of the public, including its ingress and egress from
    24  passenger stations, and all means of  deterring  terrorist  attacks  and
    25  criminal mischief. Such study shall be submitted to the governor and the
    26  legislature, and made available to the public, within three years of the
    27  effective  date  of this section. Such report shall be made available to
    28  the public immediately following its submission to the governor and  the
    29  legislature.
    30    b. No token booths within the passenger stations of the authority, its
    31  subsidiaries  or  the  Staten  Island  rapid transit operating authority
    32  shall be closed or partially closed, except for purposes  of  repair  or
    33  renovation  or  in case of emergency, until the later of July first, two
    34  thousand twenty-five or the date  of  the  submission  of  the  advisory
    35  panel's report to the governor and the legislature.
    36    3.  The  New  York  city  transit  authority safety advisory panel may
    37  request and shall receive from any department, division, board,  bureau,
    38  commission, agency, public authority of the state or any public subdivi-
    39  sion  thereof  such  assistance  and  data as will enable it to properly
    40  carry out its activities and to effectuate the  purposes  set  forth  in
    41  this section.
    42    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.