S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2009-2010 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   September 4, 2009
       Introduced by M. of A. THIELE -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Energy
       AN  ACT in relation to creating a sustainable energy loan program in the
         town of Southampton
    1    Section  1.  Legislative intent.   (a) It is the intent of the town of
    2  Southampton to promote energy efficiency among residents and  businesses
    3  within  the  town, including the promotion of energy efficiency improve-
    4  ments and the utilization of renewable energy sources in existing build-
    5  ings within the town.
    6    (b) In order to address the issue of global climate change and  green-
    7  house  gas  emissions  in the town of Southampton, the town has embarked
    8  upon an effort to reduce energy demand from existing buildings so as  to
    9  have  the  town of Southampton meet statewide energy efficient goals. In
   10  order to assist residents and businesses in the town of Southampton make
   11  energy efficiency  improvements  more  affordable  and  to  promote  the
   12  installation  and  utilization  of such improvements, it is necessary to
   13  set forth a mechanism to finance the  cost  of  such  energy  efficiency
   14  improvements.
   15    (c)  Pursuant  thereto, this legislation will help lower energy costs,
   16  reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make energy efficiency and renewable
   17  energy improvements more affordable by  offering  a  sustainable  energy
   18  loan  program  to  assist  homeowners  and businesses within the town of
   19  Southampton in the  installation  of  distributed  generation  renewable
   20  energy  sources  or  energy  efficiency  improvements.  Such loans to be
   21  offered by the town shall be repaid over a period  of  time  through  an
   22  annual assessment on the property of the borrower.
   23    S  2.  Town  of  Southampton sustainable energy loan program. 1. Defi-
   24  nitions.  For the purposes of this act, the following terms  shall  have
   25  the following meanings:
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 9117                             2
    1    (a) "Distributed generation" shall mean the generation of energy close
    2  to the point of use.
    3    (b)  "Renewable  energy source" shall mean solar, wind, photovoltaics,
    4  tidal, geothermal, fuel cell technologies and  low-impact,  run-of-river
    5  hydroelectric  electric  generating equipment with capacity up to thirty
    6  megawatts with no new storage impoundment.
    7    (c) "Energy efficiency improvement" shall mean a material  improvement
    8  made to an existing residential or business property that reduces energy
    9  consumption,  including  but  not limited to caulking, weatherstripping,
   10  air sealing, insulation, heating and  cooling  systems  upgrades,  solar
   11  thermal systems and conservation measures, in a cost-effective manner as
   12  determined  by  the  town,  provided,  however,  that "energy efficiency
   13  improvement" does not include a household appliance, such as  a  washing
   14  machine or refrigerator, that is not permanently fixed to real property.
   15    2.  Sustainable  energy loan program. (a) The town of Southampton, New
   16  York at its discretion shall offer a sustainable energy loan to homeown-
   17  ers and businesses for the financing of the installation of  distributed
   18  generation  renewable  energy  sources and/or energy efficiency improve-
   19  ments that will be permanently affixed to the property of the borrower.
   20    (b) The town of Southampton is authorized to use monies made available
   21  for the program from federal grants that may be used for  this  purpose,
   22  to implement the sustainable energy loan program.
   23    (c)  Such loans shall only be available to owners of improved residen-
   24  tial and commercial properties that are undergoing capital  improvements
   25  or upgrades.
   26    (d)  The  loans  issued by the town pursuant to this program, shall be
   27  repaid by the borrower through an assessment levied by the town  on  the
   28  real  property  where  the  sustainable  energy  loan  was applied. Such
   29  assessment shall be included annually within the town real property  tax
   30  bill which is transmitted to the borrower until repaid in full.
   31    (e)  The  aggregate amount of each sustainable energy loan provided by
   32  the town of Southampton shall not exceed the actual cost of  the  equip-
   33  ment  and materials necessary for the installation of distributed gener-
   34  ation  renewable  energy  sources  or  energy  efficiency  improvements,
   35  including the installation costs of such equipment.
   36    (f)  Assessments levied pursuant to this section, including any inter-
   37  est and penalties, shall constitute a lien upon the parcel of real prop-
   38  erty for which the loan is made.
   39    3. Necessity. The town board  of  Southampton,  New  York  located  in
   40  Suffolk county declares that this legislation is necessary for the imme-
   41  diate  protection  of  the public interest and for the implementation of
   42  the energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction plans of the town  of
   43  Southampton and the state of New York.
   44    S 3. This act shall take effect immediately.