

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 5, 2024

        Introduced  by M. of A. ZACCARO -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Transportation

        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation  to  a  feebate
          program for medium and heavy duty vehicles

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The vehicle and traffic law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     2  article 17-D to read as follows:

     3                                ARTICLE 17-D
     5  Section 499-e. Purpose of article.
     6          499-f. Definitions.
     7          499-g. Application.
     8          499-h. Creation of feebate program.
     9          499-i. Public awareness campaign.
    10          499-j. Annual report.
    11    § 499-e. Purpose of article. There is hereby created a feebate program
    12  in which all covered vehicles are subject to either an efficiency fee or
    13  an  efficiency  rebate,  based upon such covered vehicle's fuel economy.
    14  Such program shall be designed to be  revenue  neutral  and  to  respond
    15  dynamically to market trends, zero emission or near zero emissions model
    16  availability,  actual  and  projected covered motor vehicle registration
    17  data, and any other such factor the commissioner deems relevant.
    18    § 499-f. Definitions. As used in this  article,  the  following  terms
    19  shall have the following meanings:
    20    1.  "Covered vehicle" or "covered motor vehicle" shall mean all medium
    21  and heavy duty vehicles with a gross vehicle weight  rating  of  greater
    22  than  ten  thousand  pounds registered on or after the effective date of
    23  this section.
    24    2. "Efficiency fee" shall mean a  fee  levied  upon  the  owner  of  a
    25  covered  vehicle based on such vehicle's fuel economy pursuant to subdi-
    26  vision two of section four hundred ninety-nine-h of this article.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9045                             2

     1    3. "Efficiency rebate" shall mean a rebate given to  the  owner  of  a
     2  covered  vehicle based on such vehicle's fuel economy pursuant to subdi-
     3  vision three of section four hundred ninety-nine-h of this article.
     4    4.  "Feebate program" shall refer to the system of efficiency fees and
     5  efficiency rebates created in this article.
     6    5. "Fuel economy" shall refer to the number of miles a covered vehicle
     7  can travel using a specific amount of fuel or a combination of fuels, as
     8  reflected in such vehicle's miles per gallon or miles per gallon  equiv-
     9  alent.
    10    6.  "Gross  vehicle  weight rating" shall mean the weight of a vehicle
    11  consisting of the unladen  weight  and  the  maximum  carrying  capacity
    12  recommended by the manufacturer of such vehicle.
    13    7.  "Miles per gallon" or "MPG" shall refer to the measure of distance
    14  that a covered vehicle running on gasoline or diesel fuel can travel per
    15  gallon of such fuel as rated by the Environmental Protection Agency.
    16    8. "Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent" or "MPGe" shall refer to the
    17  measure of distance that a covered vehicle running on  non-liquid  fuels
    18  can  travel  per unit of energy as rated by the Environmental Protection
    19  Agency.
    20    9. "Revenue neutrality" or "revenue neutral" shall mean  a  goal  that
    21  the efficiency fees described in subdivision two of section four hundred
    22  ninety-nine-h  of  this article cover the cost of the efficiency rebates
    23  described in subdivision three of such section.
    24    10. "Near zero emissions" shall mean a vehicle that uses zero emission
    25  technologies or technologies that provide a  pathway  to  zero  emission
    26  operations  or  that  incorporates other technologies that significantly
    27  reduce exhaust emissions of any greenhouse gas, criteria  pollutant,  or
    28  precursor  pollutant  under  any  and all possible operational modes and
    29  conditions.
    30    11. "Zero emission" shall mean a vehicle powered by means of a battery
    31  or fuel cell or a combination thereof, or another source of power,  that
    32  produces  zero  exhaust emissions of any greenhouse gas, criteria pollu-
    33  tant or precursor pollutant under any and all possible operational modes
    34  and conditions.
    35    § 499-g. Application. This article shall apply to all covered vehicles
    36  registered on or after the effective date of this section.
    37    § 499-h. Creation of feebate program. 1. The commissioner shall either
    38  levy an efficiency fee, at the dollar amount  described  in  subdivision
    39  two  of  this  section,  or  furnish an efficiency rebate, at the dollar
    40  amount described in subdivision three of this section, upon  or  to  the
    41  owner  of each covered vehicle required to register in this state pursu-
    42  ant to section four hundred one of this title at the time of such regis-
    43  tration.
    44    2. Efficiency fees. The commissioner shall levy an efficiency  fee  on
    45  every  covered vehicle that receives less than 10 MPG or MPGe in accord-
    46  ance with the following table:

    47  Fuel economy in MPG or MPGe:       Dollar amount of efficiency fee:
    48  Fewer than 3                       $45,000
    49  At least 3 but less than 5         $30,000
    50  At least 5 but less than 7         $20,000
    51  At least 7 but less than 10        $10,000

    52    3. Efficiency rebates. The commissioner shall  furnish  an  efficiency
    53  rebate to every covered vehicle that receives at least 10 MPG or MPGe in
    54  accordance with the following table:

        A. 9045                             3

     1  Fuel economy in MPG or MPGe:       Dollar amount of efficiency rebate:
     2  At least 10 but less than 20       $45,000
     3  At least 20 but less than 30       $100,000
     4  At least 30                        $150,000
     5    4.  (a)  The  commissioner,  in  consultation with the commissioner of
     6  environmental conservation and the president of the New York state ener-
     7  gy research and development authority, shall annually review and  recom-
     8  mend adjustments to the efficiency fees and rebates provided in subdivi-
     9  sions  two  and  three  of this section, respectively, as needed, to the
    10  legislature with the goal of  maintaining  revenue  neutrality  for  the
    11  program.
    12    (b)  The  commissioner may examine actual covered motor vehicle regis-
    13  tration data for the prior fiscal year, market  availability  and  price
    14  points  of  covered  vehicles which are zero emission or near zero emis-
    15  sions models, actual and projected fuel economies of  covered  vehicles,
    16  and any other factors the commissioner deems relevant for the adjustment
    17  of  the  dollar  amounts of the efficiency fees and rebates set forth in
    18  this subdivision.
    19    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of  this  subdivi-
    20  sion, the commissioner may use the revenues collected from the efficien-
    21  cy  fees described in subdivision two of this section to cover the costs
    22  of administration of the feebate program and may incorporate such admin-
    23  istrative costs into the design of the program when recommending adjust-
    24  ments to the efficiency fee and rebate dollar amounts.
    25    5. (a) The commissioner shall prominently display the  dollar  amounts
    26  of  efficiency fees and efficiency rebates and corresponding fuel econo-
    27  mies described in this article on the  department's  website  and  shall
    28  post a clear and conspicuous notice whenever such dollar amounts or fuel
    29  economies are changed.
    30    (b) The commissioner shall require that all dealers required to regis-
    31  ter  with  the  department  under the provisions of section four hundred
    32  fifteen of this title prominently display the dollar  amounts  of  effi-
    33  ciency  fees  and  efficiency  rebates  and corresponding fuel economies
    34  described herein at such dealers' places of business and on  such  deal-
    35  ers' websites and shall promulgate regulations to effectuate the same.
    36    §  499-i. Public awareness campaign. The commissioner shall conduct an
    37  educational campaign to make  covered  vehicle  manufacturers,  dealers,
    38  fleet purchasers, and the general public aware of the provisions of this
    39  article.  Such campaign may include public service announcements, adver-
    40  tisements, media campaigns, mass mailings,  conferences,  presentations,
    41  informational  materials  in  print,  electronic, or other media, or any
    42  other strategy the commissioner deems fit to inform the  public  of  the
    43  feebate  program  created  by  this  article. Such campaign must include
    44  assistance by a natural person by phone and/or email in order  to  field
    45  inquiries about such program.
    46    §  499-j. Annual report. 1. No later than one year after the effective
    47  date of this section, and annually thereafter,  the  commissioner  shall
    48  prepare  a  report  on  the feebate program established by this article.
    49  Such report shall include:
    50    (a) the dollar amounts and thresholds of the efficiency fees and effi-
    51  ciency rebates of the prior year;
    52    (b) the amount of revenues collected by the department from efficiency
    53  fees;
    54    (c) the costs of complying with the provisions of this article;

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     1    (d) the amount of efficiency rebates disbursed to  owners  of  covered
     2  vehicles  after  accounting  for the costs described in paragraph (c) of
     3  this subdivision;
     4    (e)  an aggregate description of the number and types of registrations
     5  of covered vehicles and the fuel economies in MPG or MPGe of such  vehi-
     6  cles;
     7    (f) recommendations for any legislative changes to this article; and
     8    (g)  any other information the commissioner deems necessary to include
     9  as a description and review of the feebate program.
    10    2. Such report shall be delivered to the temporary  president  of  the
    11  senate,  the  speaker  of  the assembly, and the governor.   Such report
    12  shall also be posted for public review in a clear and conspicuous manner
    13  on the department's website.
    14    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately;  provided  that  sections
    15  499-e,  499-f, 499-g, 499-h and 499-j of the vehicle and traffic law, as
    16  added by section one of this act shall take  effect  three  years  after
    17  they  shall  have  become  a  law.  Effective immediately, the addition,
    18  amendment and/or repeal of any rule  or  regulation  necessary  for  the
    19  implementation  of  this  act on its effective date are authorized to be
    20  made and completed on or before such effective date.