

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 31, 2024

        Introduced  by M. of A. ALVAREZ -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Children and Families -- committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to amend the social services law, in relation to inspections of
          child day care homes, programs and  facilities,  and  opioid  overdose

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  Subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (d) of subdivision 2, para-
     2  graph (a) of subdivision 2-a,  subparagraph  (i)  of  paragraph  (c)  of
     3  subdivision  3,  subdivision  6  and  paragraph  (a) of subdivision 7 of
     4  section 390 of the social services law, subparagraph (iv)  of  paragraph
     5  (d)  of  subdivision  2 and subdivision 6 as added by chapter 750 of the
     6  laws of 1990, subdivision 2-a as added and subparagraph (i) of paragraph
     7  (c) of subdivision 3 as amended by chapter 416 of the laws of 2000,  and
     8  paragraph  (a) of subdivision 7 as amended by chapter 160 of the laws of
     9  2003, are amended to read as follows:
    10    (iv) (A) Child day care providers who have been issued a license shall
    11  openly display such license in  the  facility  or  home  for  which  the
    12  license is issued. Child day care providers who have registered with the
    13  department shall provide proof of registration upon request.
    14    (B) Home based child day care providers who have been issued a license
    15  shall additionally openly display the number of household members living
    16  in the home and update when there is any change in household.  Child day
    17  care providers must disclose the most recently updated information imme-
    18  diately  upon  request to an inspector, parent, legal guardian, or rela-
    19  tive within the third degree of consanguinity  of  the  parent  of  such
    20  child.
    21    (a)  The office of children and family services shall promulgate regu-
    22  lations  which  establish  minimum  quality  program  requirements   for
    23  licensed  and  registered child day care homes, programs and facilities.
    24  Such requirements shall include but not be limited to (i) the  need  for
    25  age  appropriate  activities,  materials and equipment to promote cogni-
    26  tive, educational, social, cultural, physical, emotional,  language  and

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8966--A                          2

     1  recreational  development  of  children  in  care in a safe, healthy and
     2  caring environment (ii) principles of childhood development (iii) appro-
     3  priate staff/child ratios for family day care homes,  group  family  day
     4  care  homes, school age day care programs and day care centers, provided
     5  however that such staff/child ratios shall not be  less  stringent  than
     6  applicable  staff/child  ratios  as set forth in part four hundred four-
     7  teen, four hundred sixteen, four hundred seventeen or four hundred eigh-
     8  teen of title eighteen of the New York code of rules and regulations  as
     9  of January first, two thousand (iv) appropriate levels of supervision of
    10  children in care (v) minimum standards for sanitation, health, infection
    11  control,  nutrition,  buildings  and  equipment, safety, security proce-
    12  dures, first aid, fire prevention, fire  safety,  evacuation  plans  and
    13  drills, prevention of child abuse and maltreatment, staff qualifications
    14  and  training, record keeping, and child behavior management (vi) educa-
    15  tion on overdose prevention.
    16    (i) The office of children and family services shall establish a toll-
    17  free statewide telephone number and electronic mail to receive inquiries
    18  about child day care homes, programs and facilities  and  complaints  of
    19  violations of the requirements of this section or regulations promulgat-
    20  ed  under this section. The office of children and family services shall
    21  develop a system for investigation, which shall include  inspection,  of
    22  such  complaints. The office of children and family services may provide
    23  for such investigations through purchase  of  services.  The  office  of
    24  children  and  family  services  shall develop a process for publicizing
    25  such toll-free telephone number and electronic mail to  the  public  for
    26  making  inquiries  or complaints about child day care homes, programs or
    27  facilities.  A child day care provider shall be required to display such
    28  toll free telephone number and electronic mail alongside their license.
    29    6. Unless otherwise limited by law, a parent with legal custody  or  a
    30  legal  guardian  of  any  child  in  a child day care program shall have
    31  unlimited and on demand access to such child or  ward.  Such  parent  or
    32  guardian  unless  otherwise limited by law, also shall have the right to
    33  inspect on demand during its hours of operation any area of a child  day
    34  care  center, group family day care home, school-age child care program,
    35  or family day care home to which the child or ward  of  such  parent  or
    36  guardian  has  access  or which could present a hazard to the health and
    37  safety of the child or ward.   Such right to  inspect  shall  be  posted
    38  alongside the child day care provider's license.
    39    (a)  The  department  shall implement on a statewide basis programs to
    40  educate parents and other potential consumers of child day care programs
    41  about their selection and use.  The  department  may  provide  for  such
    42  implementation  through  the  purchase of services. Such education shall
    43  include, but not be limited to, the following topics:
    44    (i) types of child day care programs;
    45    (ii) factors to be considered in selecting and  evaluating  child  day
    46  care programs;
    47    (iii) regulations of the department governing the operation of differ-
    48  ent types of programs;
    49    (iv)  rights of parents or guardians in relation to access to children
    50  and inspection of child day care programs;
    51    (v) information concerning the availability of child day  care  subsi-
    52  dies;
    53    (vi) information about licensing and registration requirements;
    54    (vii)  prevention  of  child  abuse and maltreatment in child day care
    55  programs, including screening of child day care providers and employees;
    56    (viii) tax information; [and]

        A. 8966--A                          3

     1    (ix) factors to be considered in selecting and  evaluating  child  day
     2  care  programs  when  a child needs administration of medications during
     3  the time enrolled[.]; and
     4    (x)  all information required to be displayed or posted by a child day
     5  care provider.
     6    § 2.  Section 390 of the social services law is amended  by  adding  a
     7  new subdivision 15 to read as follows:
     8    15.  All  inspections  of  the premises of any child day care provider
     9  pursuant to the provisions of this section shall include only  a  visual
    10  inspection of every room and closet in the home or facility.
    11    §  3.  Subdivision  1  of section 390-a of the social services law, as
    12  amended by chapter 416 of the laws of 2000, is amended and a new  subdi-
    13  vision 6 is added to read as follows:
    14    1.  All  office  of  children  and family services and municipal staff
    15  employed to accept registrations, issue licenses or conduct  inspections
    16  of  child day care homes, programs or facilities, subject to the amounts
    17  appropriated therefor, shall receive training in at least the following:
    18  regulations promulgated by the office of children  and  family  services
    19  pursuant  to  section  three  hundred  ninety of this title; child abuse
    20  prevention and identification; safety and security procedures  in  child
    21  day  care  settings;  the principles of childhood development, [and] the
    22  laws, regulations and procedures governing the  protection  of  children
    23  from  abuse or maltreatment, and to recognize the presence of controlled
    24  substances as defined under section  thirty-three  hundred  six  of  the
    25  public health law and common paraphernalia.
    26    6.  (a)  All  providers  of  child day care shall provide and maintain
    27  onsite opioid antagonists, as defined in  section  thirty-three  hundred
    28  nine  of  the  public  health law, in quantities and types deemed by the
    29  commissioner of health. Such opioid antagonists shall be  out  of  reach
    30  from  children  and  accessible  by  every  operator,  program director,
    31  employee and assistant for use during emergencies to any  individual  on
    32  premises  suspected of having an opioid overdose whether or not there is
    33  a previous history of opioid abuse.
    34    (b) The office of children and family services, in  consultation  with
    35  the  department  of  health  and  the  office  of addiction services and
    36  supports, shall provide child day care providers  and  a  parent,  legal
    37  guardian,  or  relative  within the third degree of consanguinity of the
    38  parent of such child, information on how to obtain  overdose  prevention
    39  training  and  opioid  antagonists.  Such information shall include free
    40  opioid antagonists through existing programs or services.
    41    (c) Any person or entity  acting  reasonably  and  in  good  faith  in
    42  compliance with this subdivision shall not be subject to criminal, civil
    43  or administrative liability solely by reason of such action.
    44    §  4.  Subparagraphs (ix) and (x) of paragraph (b) of subdivision 3 of
    45  section 390-a of the social services law, subparagraph (ix)  as  amended
    46  and  subparagraph  (x)  as added by chapter 675 of the laws of 2019, are
    47  amended and a new subparagraph (xi) is added to read as follows:
    48    (ix) for operators, program directors,  employees  and  assistants  of
    49  family  day  care  homes, group family day care homes and child day care
    50  centers, education and information on the identification, diagnosis  and
    51  prevention of shaken baby syndrome; [and]
    52    (x)  adverse  childhood  experiences  (ACEs), focused on understanding
    53  trauma and on nurturing resiliency[.]; and
    54    (xi) overdose prevention training pursuant to a program approved under
    55  section thirty-three hundred nine of the public health law.

        A. 8966--A                          4

     1    § 5. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
     2  have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
     3  repeal  of  any  rule  or regulation necessary for the implementation of
     4  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made  and  completed
     5  on or before such effective date.