

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 30, 2024

        Introduced  by M. of A. BRONSON -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Labor

        AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to dependent workers

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Short  title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "dependent worker act".
     3    § 2. Legislative findings and intent. 1. It is hereby declared  to  be
     4  the public policy of the state to ensure that laborers and other workers
     5  who  depend  for  their livelihood on working for others, offering their
     6  time, labor and personal services in exchange for hourly wages or  other
     7  compensation,  are  timely  and  fully paid and informed regarding their
     8  earnings, without the uncertainty, delay and denial that may result when
     9  their employment status is disputed by claims that they are  independent
    10  contractors rather than employees.
    11    2.  It  is  further  declared  to be the public policy of the state to
    12  ensure that such dependent workers shall have the right to organize  and
    13  bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing based
    14  on the state's constitutional recognition that the labor of human beings
    15  is  not  a  commodity  or  an  article of commerce and shall never be so
    16  considered or construed.
    17    3. The legislature finds that the ability of such dependent workers to
    18  find opportunities for work has been transformed by technology to expand
    19  day work to digital work, allowing workers to establish their availabil-
    20  ity by the minute and hour, rather than simply by the day. In  light  of
    21  this  shift, the legislature finds that further examination is warranted
    22  to determine  the  extent  to  which  various  employment  benefits  and
    23  substantive  protections  that  were historic bargains struck with input
    24  from labor and management, through bargaining, legislation, and adminis-
    25  trative rate setting and rulemaking, should be extended to such  digital
    26  work,  regardless of employment status. The collective bargaining oppor-
    27  tunities and public  meetings  provided  through  this  legislation  can
    28  provide  experience  and  input  that  is not currently available to the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8925                             2

     1  legislature  to  inform  determinations  regarding  such  benefits   and
     2  substantive protections.
     3    4. This chapter shall be deemed an exercise of the police power of the
     4  state  for the protection of the public welfare, prosperity, health, and
     5  peace of the people of the state.
     6    5. Nothing herein shall diminish the rights of any  worker,  including
     7  those  already  or prospectively determined by a court or administrative
     8  agency to be an employee.
     9    § 3. Section 2 of the labor law, is amended by adding a  new  subdivi-
    10  sion 19 to read as follows:
    11    19.  "Dependent  worker"  means  an  individual  who provides personal
    12  services to a consumer of  such  personal  services  through  a  private
    13  sector  third-party  that:  establishes  the gross amounts earned by the
    14  individual; establishes the amounts charged to  the  consumer;  collects
    15  payment  from  the  consumer; pays the individual; or any combination of
    16  the preceding. The term "dependent worker"  applies  without  regard  to
    17  whether  the  individual provides such services in the name of the indi-
    18  vidual or in the name of a business or as a  separate  business  entity,
    19  and  without regard to whether the consumer of such personal services is
    20  an individual, business, other entity, or any  combination  thereof.  No
    21  governmental  entity  shall  be considered a third-party for purposes of
    22  the definition of the term "dependent worker". Whenever the term employ-
    23  ee is defined by law to include a dependent worker for certain purposes,
    24  then for such statute and purposes a dependent worker shall be deemed to
    25  be employed by the third-party referenced above, who shall be deemed  to
    26  be  an  employer  engaged in an employment relationship with a dependent
    27  worker, unless otherwise excluded from such statute or purposes.   Work-
    28  ers  classified  as  employees  by  other means or who satisfy any other
    29  legal test for employment,  including  those  already  or  prospectively
    30  determined  by  a  court or administrative agency to be employees, shall
    31  not have any rights or protections diminished  by  application  of  this
    32  subdivision.
    33    §  4. Subdivision 2 of section 190 of the labor law, as added by chap-
    34  ter 548 of the laws of 1966, is amended to read as follows:
    35    2. "Employee" means any person employed for hire by an employer in any
    36  employment and for purposes of  sections  one  hundred  ninety-one,  one
    37  hundred ninety-two, one hundred ninety-five and one hundred ninety-six-d
    38  of  this  article, as well as any regulations adopted thereunder and any
    39  provisions relating  to  the  enforcement  of  such  sections  including
    40  sections  one  hundred ninety-six, one hundred ninety-six-a, one hundred
    41  ninety-seven, one hundred ninety-eight, one hundred ninety-eight-a,  two
    42  hundred  eleven,  two hundred thirteen, two hundred fifteen, two hundred
    43  eighteen, two hundred nineteen, and two hundred nineteen-c of this chap-
    44  ter, shall include a dependent worker, as defined by section two of this
    45  chapter.
    46    § 5. Subdivision 3 of section 701 of  the  labor  law  is  amended  by
    47  adding a new paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    48    (d)  The  term  "employee"  shall  also include a dependent worker, as
    49  defined by section two of this chapter, for purposes of this article, of
    50  article twenty-A, and of sections two hundred eight, two  hundred  nine,
    51  two hundred nine-a, and two hundred eleven-a of this chapter, as well as
    52  any  regulations  promulgated  thereunder and any provisions relating to
    53  the enforcement of such article  and  sections  including  sections  one
    54  hundred  ninety-six,  one  hundred ninety-six-a, two hundred eleven, two
    55  hundred thirteen, and two hundred fifteen of this chapter.

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     1    § 6. The commissioner of labor shall hold public meetings with  repre-
     2  sentatives  of  businesses,  employees  and dependent workers to examine
     3  various state labor and related laws that regulate employment rights and
     4  benefits to identify which  provisions  could  be  extended  to  provide
     5  dependent  workers  with  the  same,  or similar, rights and benefits as
     6  employees have, consistent with the underlying purposes of each statuto-
     7  ry scheme without substantially curtailing opportunities  for  dependent
     8  workers  to  earn  income sufficient to provide adequate maintenance for
     9  themselves and their families, and whether changes should be made to the
    10  definition of dependent worker, as defined by section  2  of  the  labor
    11  law.
    12    §  7. The commissioner of labor may hold separate meetings, or convene
    13  committees, to examine different industries and services, including, but
    14  not limited to personal transportation (including taxis, black  car  and
    15  ride  sharing  services),  local  delivery (including messenger and food
    16  delivery services), and various personal services  (including  temporary
    17  staffing services, cleaning services, and custom errand services).
    18    § 8. The commissioner of labor shall make a report of his or her find-
    19  ings  to  the  governor,  the temporary president of the senate, and the
    20  speaker of the assembly, within one year of the  first  public  meeting.
    21  Such  report shall include recommendations for further action and legis-
    22  lation.
    23    § 9. The provisions of law to be examined by the commissioner of labor
    24  shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    25    a. social safety net employment laws, including:
    26    i. compensation for the unemployed, under the  unemployment  insurance
    27  law, under article 18 of the labor law;
    28    ii.  compensation  and  medical  benefits  for  workplace injuries and
    29  illnesses under articles 1-8 of the workers' compensation law;
    30    iii. compensation for non-workplace disability and family leave  bene-
    31  fits  under  the disability benefits law and the paid family leave bene-
    32  fits law under article 9 of the workers' compensation law;
    33    iv. notices and compensation for workers laid off due to  plant  clos-
    34  ings under the New York state worker adjustment and retraining notifica-
    35  tion (WARN) act, under article 25-A of the labor law; and
    36    v.  notification  of  continuation  of  coverage  for health insurance
    37  following termination under section 217 of the labor law.
    38    b. anti-discrimination, opportunity and privacy  protections,  includ-
    39  ing:
    40    i.  equal  opportunity  and anti-discrimination employment protections
    41  under the human rights law under article 15 of the executive law;
    42    ii. licensure and employment of persons previously convicted of one or
    43  more criminal offenses under article 23-A of the correction law;
    44    iii. related posting and sexual harassment training requirements under
    45  sections 201-f and 201-g of the labor law;
    46    iv. prohibition on use of lie detectors and other psychological stress
    47  evaluators in employment under article 20-B of the labor law;
    48    v. prohibition on finger printing under section  201-a  of  the  labor
    49  law;
    50    vi. employee privacy in connection with changing rooms, personal iden-
    51  tifying  information,  physical  examinations  and nursing mothers under
    52  sections 203-c, 203-d, 206-a and 206-c of the labor law;
    53    vii. various prohibitions on discrimination based  on  child-care  for
    54  adoptive  parents, lawful outside activities, for failure to meet ticket
    55  quotas and displaying the American flag  under  sections  201-c,  201-d,
    56  215-a and 215-c of the labor law; and

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     1    viii.   anti-retaliation   and   anti-discrimination   protections  in
     2  connection with workers' compensation  and  labor  laws  under  sections
     3  210-a and 215 of the labor law.
     4    c. laws regarding payment of wages, including:
     5    i.  payment  of  wages  and related protections under article 6 of the
     6  labor law;
     7    ii. minimum wages and related protections under the minimum  wage  act
     8  under article 19 of the labor law; and
     9    iii.  payment  of fees for medical exams required for employment under
    10  section 201-b of the labor law.
    11    d. laws regulating hours of work, including:
    12    i. employment of minors hours and permitting under article  4  of  the
    13  labor law;
    14    ii.  child  performers  hours,  education and trust requirements under
    15  article 4-A of the labor law;
    16    iii. hours of labor and day of rest requirements under  article  5  of
    17  the labor law; and
    18    iv.  leave  of  absences  for volunteer emergency first responders and
    19  following child-birth under sections 202-l and 206-b of the labor law.
    20    e. laws regulating safety and health, including:
    21    i. right to know protections under the toxic substances provisions  of
    22  article 28 of the labor law; and
    23    ii.  protections  in  connection  with  window  cleaning,  bridges and
    24  tunnels, hotels and motels,  eating  in  certain  workrooms,  factories,
    25  high-voltage  lines,  mercantile  establishments,  mines, explosives and
    26  places of public assembly under sections 202, 202-e, 202-f,  202-h,  205
    27  and articles 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of the labor law.
    28    §  10.  This  act shall take effect on the sixtieth day after it shall
    29  have become a law.