S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   February 27, 2014
       Introduced by M. of A. ABINANTI -- read once and referred to the Commit-
         tee  on  Real Property Taxation -- committee discharged, bill amended,
         ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
       AN ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation  to  establishing
         equalization rates for Greenburgh central school district
    1    Section 1. Subdivision 3 of section 1230 of the real property tax law,
    2  as amended by section 54 of part A1 of chapter 58 of the laws  of  2006,
    3  is amended to read as follows:
    4    3.  Special  equalization rates shall be established for the following
    5  school districts:
    6    Amityville union free school district
    7    Brentwood school district
    8    Central Islip school district
    9    Freeport union free school district
   11    Hempstead union free school district
   12    Roosevelt union free school district
   13    Tuckahoe union free school district
   14    Uniondale union free school district
   15    Westbury union free school district
   16    Wyandanch school district
   17    S 2. For calculation of aid  apportioned  to  the  Greenburgh  central
   18  school  district  for  any  project  for  which aid is first apportioned
   19  pursuant to subdivision 6 of section 3602 of the  education  law  on  or
   20  after July 1, 2014, notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary
   21  including  limitations  in  such  subdivision relating to the dates upon
   22  which such data must be on file with the state education department, the
   23  district shall compute aid under  the  provisions  of  such  subdivision
   24  using the greater of:
   25    a. the building aid ratio computed for use in the current year; or
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 8893--A                          2
    1    b. a building aid ratio equal to the difference of the selected build-
    2  ing  aid  ratio  equivalent computed pursuant to this section, less one-
    3  tenth.
    4    (1)  The  selected building aid ratio equivalent shall be the positive
    5  difference of:
    6    (a) one, less
    7    (b) the product, computed to three decimal places without rounding, of
    8    (i) the quotient, computed to three decimal places  without  rounding,
    9  of
   10    (A)  the quotient, computed to the nearest whole number without round-
   11  ing, of
   12    (I) the actual valuation of the school district, as  defined  pursuant
   13  to subdivision 1 of section 3602 of the education law, divided by
   14    (II) the equivalent pupils of the school district
   15    (B)  divided  by the state average actual valuation per pupil computed
   16  pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 3602 of the education  law,  multi-
   17  plied by
   18    (ii) fifty-one percent.
   19    Such aid ratio shall not be less than zero.
   20    (2)  The  equivalent  pupils  of  the  school  district  shall  be the
   21  quotient, computed to the nearest whole number without rounding, of
   22    (a) an equivalent actual valuation equal to the amount that  would  be
   23  computed obtained by taking the assessed valuation of taxable real prop-
   24  erty  within such district as it appears upon the assessment roll of the
   25  town in which such property is located, for the calendar year two  years
   26  prior  to  the  calendar  year  in  which the base year commenced, after
   27  revision as provided by law, and dividing it by the  state  equalization
   28  rate  as  determined  by the state office of real property services, for
   29  the assessment roll of such town completed during such preceding  calen-
   30  dar year, divided by
   31    (b)  the  product, computed to the nearest whole number without round-
   32  ing, of
   33    (i) the state average actual valuation per pupil computed pursuant  to
   34  subdivision 3 of section 3602 of the education law, multiplied by
   35    (ii) the quotient, computed to three decimals without rounding, of
   36    (A) the positive difference of
   37    (I) one less
   38    (II) the building aid ratio that was used or that would have been used
   39  to compute an apportionment pursuant to subdivision 6 of section 3602 of
   40  the education law in the 1999--2000 school year, divided by
   41    (B) fifty-one one-hundredths.
   42    The  office  of real property services shall determine such equivalent
   43  actual valuation and shall report it to the state  comptroller  and  the
   44  commissioner  of  education. Such computations shall be deemed final and
   45  not subject to change on or after July 1, 2015.
   46    S 3. This act shall take effect immediately.