

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    December 29, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. PAULIN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Health

        AN  ACT  to  amend the public health law, in relation to establishing an
          early intervention loan repayment program

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  public health law is amended by adding a new section
     2  2560 to read as follows:
     3    § 2560. Early intervention loan repayment program.  1. There is hereby
     4  established within the department an early intervention  loan  repayment
     5  program.
     6    2.  (a)  Within  sixty days of the effective date of this section, the
     7  department shall develop a fund and make monies  available,  subject  to
     8  appropriations,  for  purposes of loan repayment awards for early inter-
     9  vention providers as defined by the department, in accordance  with  the
    10  provisions  of  this  section.  Such funding shall be awarded regionally
    11  with fifty percent of the funds made available to providers with a prin-
    12  cipal residence within the city of New  York  and  the  remaining  fifty
    13  percent  made  available to providers with a principal residence outside
    14  the city of New York. Such funds shall be distributed in a manner to  be
    15  determined  by the commissioner without a competitive bid or request for
    16  proposals.
    17    (b) Loan repayment awards under this section shall be awarded to repay
    18  student loans for early intervention providers who work in areas  deter-
    19  mined  to  be underserved and who agree to serve families, in-person, in
    20  underserved areas for a period of three consecutive years.  "Underserved
    21  areas" shall be located in New York state and shall include, but not  be
    22  limited  to  medically  underserved  populations,  medically underserved
    23  areas, health care provider shortage areas, and other  areas  and  popu-
    24  lations  where  there  is  a shortage of early intervention providers as
    25  determined by the commissioner.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8455                             2

     1    (c) Loan repayment awards made under this section shall not exceed the
     2  total qualifying outstanding student  loan  debt  amount  of  the  early
     3  intervention provider. Qualifying student loans under this section shall
     4  include  loans for tuition and other related education expenses, made by
     5  or  guaranteed  by the federal or state government, or made by a lending
     6  or educational institution approved under title IV of the federal higher
     7  education act. Loan repayment awards shall only be used  to  repay  such
     8  outstanding debt.
     9    (d)  Early intervention providers shall be eligible for loan repayment
    10  awards to be determined by the commissioner, over  a  three-year  period
    11  and  distributed  as  follows: thirty percent of the total award for the
    12  first year, thirty percent for the second year, and any  unpaid  balance
    13  of the total awards not to exceed the maximum award amount for the third
    14  year.
    15    (e)  In  the  event the three-year commitment as provided by paragraph
    16  (b) of this subdivision is not fulfilled, the recipient shall be respon-
    17  sible for repayment of amounts paid by the department,  which  shall  be
    18  calculated  in accordance with a formula set forth in subdivision (b) of
    19  section two-hundred fifty-four-o of title forty-two of the United States
    20  code, as amended, or any regulations made thereunder.
    21    3. The commissioner may postpone, change or waive  the  service  obli-
    22  gation  and  repayment  amounts  set  forth in paragraphs (b) and (e) of
    23  subdivision two of this section in individual circumstances where  there
    24  is compelling need or hardship.
    25    4.  Within  ninety  days following the effective date of this section,
    26  the department shall establish a working  group  consisting  of  members
    27  appointed  from  professional  organizations  representing  early inter-
    28  vention providers ("the working group"). The  working  group,  no  later
    29  than  September thirtieth, two thousand twenty-five shall make recommen-
    30  dations, to the department, on the development and implementation  of  a
    31  streamlined  application  process for the early intervention loan repay-
    32  ment program set forth under this section.
    33    5. In the event there are undistributed funds available following  the
    34  three-year distribution period as provided under subdivision two of this
    35  section,  such  funds shall be reallocated and distributed in current or
    36  subsequent distribution periods in a manner determined  by  the  commis-
    37  sioner for the purpose set forth under this section.
    38    § 2. This act shall take effect April 1, 2024.