

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    October 27, 2023

        Introduced  by  M. of A. KELLES, LEE, EPSTEIN, LEVENBERG, SHIMSKY, SIMON
          -- read once and referred to the Committee on Environmental  Conserva-
          tion  -- recommitted to the Committee on Environmental Conservation in
          accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-

        AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law and the state finance
          law, in relation to the disposition of certain fees and penalties

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Subdivisions  1  and 2 of section 71-0211 of the environ-
     2  mental conservation law, subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 60  of  the
     3  laws  of  1993,  subdivision  2 as amended by chapter 460 of the laws of
     4  1991, are amended to read as follows:
     5    1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to  the  contrary,  all
     6  fines  and  penalties collected pursuant to title nineteen of this arti-
     7  cle, except amounts required to  be  paid  into  the  conservation  fund
     8  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of  section 71-1929 of such title; title
     9  twenty-one of this article; title twenty-seven of this  article,  except
    10  amounts  required  to  be  paid  into  the hazardous waste remedial fund
    11  pursuant to subdivision two of section 71-2725 of such title; and  title
    12  forty-one  of  this  article shall be paid into the [general fund to the
    13  credit of the state purposes account] conservation fund to the credit of
    14  the conservation enforcement account established pursuant to subdivision
    15  (k) of section eighty-three of the state finance law.
    16    2. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, not later than the tenth
    17  day of each month, all fines, penalties and  forfeitures  collected  for
    18  violations  of  this  chapter or rules, regulations, local laws or ordi-
    19  nances adopted thereunder under judgment of any town or  village  court,
    20  shall be paid over by such court to the comptroller of the state, with a
    21  statement  accompanying the same, setting forth the action or proceeding
    22  in which such moneys were collected,  the  name  and  residence  of  the
    23  defendant, the nature of the offense, and the fines and penalty imposed.
    24  The  comptroller  shall  pay  these  funds into the [general fund of the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8213--A                          2

     1  state] conservation fund to the credit of the  conservation  enforcement
     2  account  established pursuant to subdivision (k) of section eighty-three
     3  of the state finance law.
     4    §  2.  Section  83 of the state finance law is amended by adding a new
     5  subdivision (k) to read as follows:
     6    (k) All moneys, revenue, and interest thereon received  and  collected
     7  pursuant  to  titles  nineteen,  twenty-one  and twenty-seven of article
     8  seventy-one of the  environmental  conservation  law,  and  pursuant  to
     9  section  71-0211 of the environmental conservation law, other than those
    10  amounts prescribed by law to be directed  into  other  funds,  shall  be
    11  deposited  in a special account within the conservation fund to be known
    12  as the conservation enforcement account. All of  such  moneys,  revenues
    13  and  interest  shall  be  available  to  the department of environmental
    14  conservation, pursuant to appropriation,  exclusively  for  funding  the
    15  enforcement of the environmental conservation law, including funding for
    16  scientists,  environmental law enforcement officers, attorneys, adminis-
    17  trative support, and such other expenses the commissioner  deems  neces-
    18  sary  for  such  enforcement. Such money shall be used to supplement and
    19  not supplant funding for the enforcement of the environmental  conserva-
    20  tion law as of the effective date of this subdivision.
    21    §  3.  Subdivision 1 of section 71-0213 of the environmental conserva-
    22  tion law, as added by section 1 of part DDD of chapter 59 of the laws of
    23  2009, is amended to read as follows:
    24    1. Whenever proceedings result in a conviction for  an  offense  under
    25  this chapter there shall be levied, in addition to any sentence required
    26  or  permitted  by  law,  the  following mandatory surcharges: (a) in the
    27  amount of twenty-five dollars for violations of sportfishing regulations
    28  set forth in 6 NYCRR 10; (b) in the amount of [seventy-five dollars] one
    29  hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents for all other offenses under this
    30  chapter provided, however, that convictions for offenses under  articles
    31  seventeen,  nineteen or twenty-seven of this chapter shall be subject to
    32  a mandatory surcharge equal to the greater of [seventy-five dollars] one
    33  hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents or  [six]  nine  percent  of  any
    34  penalty  or  fine imposed.  The mandatory surcharge shall be paid to the
    35  clerk of the court who shall remit such mandatory surcharge to the state
    36  comptroller provided, however, that in cases where  the  conviction  was
    37  rendered  by  a town or a village justice court, the clerk of such court
    38  shall pay twenty-five dollars of such  surcharge  to  the  chief  fiscal
    39  officer  of the town or village in the case of surcharges resulting from
    40  paragraph (b) of this  subdivision  and  ten  dollars  in  the  case  of
    41  surcharges  resulting  from  paragraph (a) of this subdivision and shall
    42  pay the remaining amounts of such  mandatory  surcharges  to  the  state
    43  comptroller  in  the  same manner as provided in section 71-0211 of this
    44  article. The comptroller shall pay such monies into the  state  treasury
    45  to  the  [credit of the general fund] conservation fund to the credit of
    46  the conservation enforcement account established pursuant to subdivision
    47  (k) of section eighty-three of the state finance law.
    48    § 4. Section 71-0301 of the environmental conservation law, as amended
    49  by chapter 400 of the law of 1973, is amended to read as follows:
    50  § 71-0301. Summary abatement.
    51    Notwithstanding any  inconsistent  provisions  of  law,  whenever  the
    52  commissioner  finds,  after  investigation,  that any person is causing,
    53  engaging in or maintaining a condition or activity which, in  [his]  the
    54  judgment  of the commissioner, presents an imminent danger to the health
    55  or welfare of the people of the state or results  in  or  is  likely  to
    56  result  in  irreversible or irreparable damage to natural resources, and

        A. 8213--A                          3

     1  relates to the prevention and abatement powers of the  commissioner  and
     2  it therefore appears to be prejudicial to the interests of the people of
     3  the  state  to  delay  action  until an opportunity for a hearing can be
     4  provided, the commissioner may, without prior hearing, order such person
     5  by  notice,  in writing wherever practicable or in such other form as in
     6  the commissioner's judgment will reasonably  notify  such  person  whose
     7  practices  are intended to be proscribed, to discontinue, abate or alle-
     8  viate such condition or activity, and thereupon such person shall  imme-
     9  diately  discontinue,  abate or alleviate such condition or activity. As
    10  promptly as possible thereafter, not to exceed fifteen days, the commis-
    11  sioner shall provide the person an opportunity to be heard and to  pres-
    12  ent  proof  that  such  condition  or  activity  does  not  violate  the
    13  provisions of this section.   The commissioner  shall  adopt  any  other
    14  appropriate  rules  and  regulations  prescribing  the  procedure  to be
    15  followed in the issuance of such orders. Any person who violates any  of
    16  the  provisions  of,  or  who  fails to perform any duty imposed by this
    17  section, or any rule, regulation or order promulgated by the commission-
    18  er hereunder, shall be liable to a civil penalty of not more than [twen-
    19  ty-five hundred] three thousand seven hundred  fifty  dollars  for  each
    20  such  violation  and an additional penalty of not more than [five] seven
    21  hundred fifty dollars for each day during which such  violation  contin-
    22  ues, and, in addition thereto, such person may be enjoined from continu-
    23  ing  such  violation.  Penalties  and  injunctive relief provided herein
    24  shall be recoverable in an action brought by the attorney general at the
    25  request and in the name of the commissioner.
    26    § 5. Subdivisions 3 and 4 of  section  71-0507  of  the  environmental
    27  conservation law, subdivision 3 as amended by chapter 400 of the laws of
    28  1973, are amended to read as follows:
    29    3.  Moneys  received  by  a  town  justice or a village justice in any
    30  action for a penalty brought under the provisions of this chapter listed
    31  in section 71-0501 of titles 5 through 15 inclusive and title 33 or upon
    32  the settlement or compromise thereof, or a fine for a violation  of  the
    33  provisions  of  this  chapter  listed  in  section  71-0501 and titles 5
    34  through 15 inclusive and title 33 of this article shall be paid  to  the
    35  State  Comptroller as provided in section 27 of the Town Law and section
    36  4-410 of the village law. From the moneys so received, the  State  Comp-
    37  troller  shall pay all lawful fees for services rendered in such actions
    38  when instituted by order of the department  or  upon  information  of  a
    39  conservation officer, regional and assistant regional conservation offi-
    40  cer,  special  game protector, district ranger, forest ranger, or member
    41  of the state police. The balance of such moneys arising  from  penalties
    42  under  articles  11 or 13 or title 9 of this article or upon the settle-
    43  ment or compromise thereof or from fines for violations of  any  of  the
    44  provisions  of  articles  11  or 13 or title 9 of this article after the
    45  payment of lawful fees shall be  credited  by  the  Comptroller  to  the
    46  conservation  fund.  The Comptroller shall adjust and settle [his] their
    47  account with the conservation fund in the  manner  provided  by  section
    48  99-a  of  the  State  Finance  Law. The balance of all other such moneys
    49  after payment of lawful fees shall be credited by the Comptroller to the
    50  [general fund] conservation fund  to  the  credit  of  the  conservation
    51  enforcement  account  established pursuant to subdivision (k) of section
    52  eighty-three of the state finance law.
    53    4. All moneys received by any other person or court in an action for a
    54  penalty brought under the provisions of this chapter listed  in  section
    55  71-0501  and  titles 5 through 15 inclusive and title 33 of this article
    56  or upon the settlement or compromise thereof, or a fine for a  violation

        A. 8213--A                          4

     1  of the provisions of this chapter listed in section 71-0501 and titles 5
     2  through 15 inclusive and title 33 of this article, shall be paid by such
     3  person or court to the department within thirty days after receipt ther-
     4  eof.  The department shall pay the expenses of collection and the lawful
     5  fees of magistrates and constables for services  performed  in  criminal
     6  actions brought upon information of a conservation officer, regional and
     7  assistant   regional   conservation  officer,  special  game  protector,
     8  district ranger, forest ranger, or member  of  the  state  police.  Such
     9  moneys  derived from fines or penalties for violations of articles 11 or
    10  13 or title 9 of this article or from the settlement or compromise ther-
    11  eof shall be paid by the department to the Commissioner of Taxation  and
    12  Finance  and  credited  to  the  conservation  fund. All other moneys so
    13  received by the department shall be paid to the Commissioner of Taxation
    14  and Finance and credited to the [general fund] conservation fund to  the
    15  credit  of  the conservation enforcement account established pursuant to
    16  subdivision (k) of section eighty-three of the state finance law.
    17    § 6. Subdivisions 1, 2, 6, 9 and 10 of section 71-0703 of the environ-
    18  mental conservation law, subdivisions 1, 2 and 6 as amended  by  chapter
    19  602  of  the  laws of 2003, subdivision 9 as added by chapter 267 of the
    20  laws of 2012 and subdivision 10 as added by chapter 330 of the  laws  of
    21  2014, are amended to read as follows:
    22    1.  Except  as  otherwise provided in subdivision 4, 5, 6 or 7 of this
    23  section, any person who violates any  provision  of  article  9  or  the
    24  rules,  regulations  or orders promulgated pursuant thereto or the terms
    25  of any permit issued thereunder,  or  who  fails  to  perform  any  duty
    26  imposed  by  any  provision thereof shall be guilty of a violation, and,
    27  upon conviction, shall be punished by a  fine  of  not  more  than  [two
    28  hundred  fifty]  three  hundred seventy-five dollars, or by imprisonment
    29  for not more than fifteen days, or by both such fine  and  imprisonment,
    30  and  in  addition thereto shall be liable to a civil penalty of not less
    31  than ten nor more than one hundred fifty dollars.
    32    2. The violation of any of the provisions of  the  following  sections
    33  shall subject the person guilty thereof to the following civil penalties
    34  in  addition  to  the  liability  prescribed  in  subdivision  1 of this
    35  section:
    36    a. Section 9-1113 of this chapter, [two] three dollars per tree;
    37    b. Subdivision 3 of section  9-1105  of  this  chapter,  [twenty-five]
    38  thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents per day;
    39    c.  Subdivision 4 of section 9-1105 of this chapter, and subdivision 1
    40  of section 9-1117 of this chapter, [ten] fifteen dollars  per  mile  per
    41  day;
    42    d. Section 9-1115 of this chapter, [ten] fifteen dollars per mile;
    43    e.  Subdivision 2 of section 9-1117 of this chapter, one hundred fifty
    44  dollars per each offense; and
    45    f. Section 9-1119 of this chapter, one hundred fifty dollars  per  day
    46  per locomotive.
    47    With  respect to the penalty for violation of subdivision 4 of section
    48  9-1105 of this chapter, the owner  and  every  person  engaged  in  such
    49  cutting  shall  be  liable  therefor; however, the liability for penalty
    50  shall not arise until the  expiration  of  twenty  days  after  service,
    51  personally  or  by  mail  upon  the alleged violator at [his] their last
    52  known place of residence of a written notice of failure to  comply  with
    53  the requirements of subdivision 4 of section 9-1105 of this chapter.
    54    6.  (a)  In  addition to any other penalty provided by law, any person
    55  who violates subdivision 1 of section 9-0303 of this  chapter  shall  be
    56  liable  to a civil penalty of [two hundred fifty] three hundred seventy-

        A. 8213--A                          5

     1  five dollars per tree or treble damages, based on the stumpage value  of
     2  such  tree or both. Where the order or decision finds that the defendant
     3  established by clear and convincing evidence, that when  such  defendant
     4  committed  the violation, [he or she] they had cause to believe that the
     5  land was [his or her] their own, or that [he or she] such defendant  had
     6  an  easement  or  right  of  way  across  such land which permitted such
     7  action, damages shall be awarded on the basis of the stumpage  value  of
     8  such  tree  or  trees  in  the  market  as if they were privately owned.
     9  Notwithstanding the foregoing, this section shall not  be  construed  to
    10  authorize  the  cutting  of timber or removal of trees where such action
    11  would otherwise be violative of any provision of the state  constitution
    12  or law.
    13    (b)  In  addition  to  any other penalty provided by law, a person who
    14  violates section 9-1501 of this chapter shall  be  liable  for  a  civil
    15  penalty  of  [two  hundred fifty] three hundred seventy-five dollars per
    16  tree or treble damages or both, based on the stumpage value of such tree
    17  or trees. Where the order or decision finds that  the  defendant  estab-
    18  lished  by  clear  and  convincing  evidence,  that  when such defendant
    19  committed the violation, [he or she] they had cause to believe that  the
    20  land  was  [his or her] their own or that [he or she] such defendant had
    21  an easement or right of  way  across  such  land  which  permitted  such
    22  action,  damages  shall be awarded on the basis of the stumpage value of
    23  such tree or trees. Notwithstanding the foregoing,  this  section  shall
    24  not  be construed to authorize the cutting of timber or removal of trees
    25  where such action would otherwise be violative of any provision  of  the
    26  state constitution or law.
    27    (c)  For purposes of this subdivision, "stumpage value" shall mean the
    28  current fair market value of a tree as it stands prior to  the  time  of
    29  sale,  cutting, or removal. Stumpage value shall be determined by one or
    30  more of the following methods: the sale price of the tree in  an  arm's-
    31  length  sale,  a  review  of  solicited  bids, the stumpage price report
    32  prepared by the department  of  environmental  conservation,  comparison
    33  with like sales on trees on state or private lands, or other appropriate
    34  means  to  assure  that  a  fair  market  value is established within an
    35  acceptable range based on the appropriate geographic area.
    36    9. a. Any person who transports, sells, imports or introduces invasive
    37  species, in violation of the regulations promulgated pursuant to section
    38  9-1709 of this chapter shall be subject to the following:
    39    For any first violation in lieu of a penalty there  may  be  issued  a
    40  written warning by the department and there may also be issued education
    41  materials  at  the  discretion  of the department regarding requirements
    42  related to invasive species. Such person shall, however, for any  subse-
    43  quent  violation  thereafter  be  subject to a fine of no less than [two
    44  hundred fifty] three hundred seventy-five dollars.
    45    b. Any nursery grower licensed pursuant to  article  fourteen  of  the
    46  agriculture  and  markets  law, any person who owns or operates a public
    47  vessel as such term is defined in paragraph (a) of  subdivision  six  of
    48  section  two of the navigation law, or any person who owns or operates a
    49  commercial fishing vessel who transports, sells, imports  or  introduces
    50  invasive species in violation of the regulations promulgated pursuant to
    51  section  9-1709  of this chapter, shall be subject to a fine of not less
    52  than [six] nine hundred dollars upon the first penalty. Upon the  second
    53  penalty  such  person  shall be subject to a fine of not less than [two]
    54  three thousand dollars. Upon a subsequent penalty and after a hearing or
    55  opportunity to be heard upon due  notice  the  following  penalties  may
    56  apply:  (i)  such nursery grower may be subject to the revocation proce-

        A. 8213--A                          6

     1  dures of section  one  hundred  sixty-three-c  of  the  agriculture  and
     2  markets  law  (ii) such person's vessel registration may be suspended or
     3  (iii) such person's fishing permit may be revoked by the department.
     4    10.  Any  person  who violates section 9-1710 of this chapter shall be
     5  guilty of a violation and shall be punishable  and  liable  to  a  civil
     6  penalty as provided in subdivision one of this section, provided, howev-
     7  er,  that  for  any  first violation in lieu of a penalty there shall be
     8  issued a written warning by the  department  and  there  shall  also  be
     9  issued education materials at the discretion of the department regarding
    10  requirements  related  to invasive species. Such person shall be subject
    11  to a fine of up to [one hundred fifty]  two hundred seventy-five dollars
    12  for a second offense, up to [two hundred fifty] three  hundred  seventy-
    13  five  dollars  for a third offense, and no less than [two hundred fifty]
    14  three hundred seventy-five dollars nor more  than  [one  thousand]  five
    15  hundred dollars for a fourth or subsequent offense.
    16    §  7. Section 71-0707 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    17  to read as follows:
    18  § 71-0707. Resisting or obstructing departmental agent or employee.
    19    Any person who resists or obstructs an authorized agent or employee of
    20  the department while [he] such agent or employee is engaged in  carrying
    21  out any provision of section 9-0305 shall be guilty of a violation which
    22  shall  be  punishable  by a fine not exceeding one hundred fifty dollars
    23  and by an additional fine [of] not exceeding [twenty-five]  thirty-seven
    24  dollars  and  fifty  cents for each additional day of such resistance or
    25  obstruction.
    26    § 8. Section 71-0709 of the environmental conservation law, as amended
    27  by chapter 640 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read as follows:
    28  § 71-0709. Injury to state lands.
    29    Any person who intentionally or negligently causes a fire which  burns
    30  on  or  over state lands shall be liable to the state for treble damages
    31  and, in addition, to a civil penalty of [ten] fifteen dollars for  every
    32  tree killed or destroyed by such fire. Damages to state lands and timber
    33  shall be ascertained and determined at the same rate of value as if such
    34  property were privately owned.
    35    § 9. Section 71-0711 of the environmental conservation law, as amended
    36  by chapter 640 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read as follows:
    37  § 71-0711. Injury to municipal or private lands.
    38    Any person who causes a fire which burns on or over lands belonging to
    39  another person or to a municipality shall be liable to the party injured
    40  (a) for actual damages in case of fire negligently caused or (b) for the
    41  higher  of actual damages or damages at the rate of [five] seven dollars
    42  and fifty cents for each tree  killed  or  destroyed  in  case  of  fire
    43  wilfully caused.
    44    §  10.  Section  71-1105  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    45  amended by chapter 99 of the  laws  of  2010,  is  amended  to  read  as
    46  follows:
    47  § 71-1105. Enforcement of subdivision 4 of section 15-0313.
    48    Any  violation  of  subdivision  4  of  section  15-0313  shall  be  a
    49  violation, punishable by a fine of not more than  [one  thousand  eight]
    50  two  thousand seven hundred dollars, and in addition thereto, by a civil
    51  penalty of not more than [one thousand eight] two thousand seven hundred
    52  dollars.
    53    § 11. Section  71-1107  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
    54  amended  by  chapter  640  of  the  laws  of 1977, is amended to read as
    55  follows:
    56  § 71-1107. Punishment for violations of title 5 of article 15.

        A. 8213--A                          7

     1    1. A violation of section 15-0501, 15-0503 or 15-0505,  shall  consti-
     2  tute  a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not to exceed [ten] fifteen
     3  thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed one year or  by  both
     4  such  fine and imprisonment and, in addition thereto, by a civil penalty
     5  of not more than [five thousand] seven thousand five hundred dollars.
     6    2.  A subcontractor, employee or agent of such person or public corpo-
     7  ration, or of a state department who knowingly and  intentionally  acts,
     8  or  a  prime  contractor  of  such  person,  public corporation or state
     9  department who  acts  with  or  without  an  intention  to  violate  the
    10  provisions  of  title  5  of  article 15, in disregard of specifications
    11  provided in a construction contract protecting  against  stream  damage,
    12  shall  be  guilty  of  a violation punishable by a fine of not less than
    13  [twenty-five] thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, nor more  than  [two
    14  hundred  fifty]  three  hundred seventy-five dollars, or by imprisonment
    15  for not more than fifteen days, or by both such fine  and  imprisonment,
    16  and,  in  addition,  thereto,  by a civil penalty of not more than [five
    17  thousand] seven thousand five hundred dollars.
    18    § 12. Section  71-1109  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
    19  amended  by  chapter  364  of  the  laws  of 1999, is amended to read as
    20  follows:
    21  § 71-1109. Enforcement of subdivisions 1 and 4 of section 15-0507.
    22    1. Any owner violating subdivision 1 of section 15-0507 or  any  regu-
    23  lations  promulgated pursuant thereto may be liable for a penalty not to
    24  exceed [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each  and  every  offense;
    25  every  violation  of  such  subdivision shall be a separate and distinct
    26  offense; and in case of a continuing violation, every day's  continuance
    27  thereof shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
    28    2.  Any owner violating subdivision 4 of section 15-0507 may be liable
    29  for a penalty not to exceed [five thousand] seven thousand five  hundred
    30  dollars for each and every offense; every violation of an order referred
    31  to  in such subdivision shall be a separate and distinct offense; and in
    32  case of a continuing violation, every day's continuance thereof shall be
    33  deemed a separate and distinct offense.
    34    § 13. Section  71-1111  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
    35  amended  by  chapter  364  of  the  laws  of 1999, is amended to read as
    36  follows:
    37  § 71-1111. Enforcement of subdivision 3 of section 15-0511.
    38    Any person or local public  corporation  violating  subdivision  3  of
    39  section  15-0511  may  be liable for a penalty not to exceed [five thou-
    40  sand] seven thousand five hundred dollars for each  and  every  offense;
    41  every  violation  of an order referred to in such subdivision shall be a
    42  separate and distinct offense; and in case of  a  continuing  violation,
    43  every  day's continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate and distinct
    44  offense.
    45    § 14. Subdivision 2 of section 71-1113 of the environmental  conserva-
    46  tion  law,  as  added  by chapter 356 of the laws of 1985, is amended to
    47  read as follows:
    48    2. Any person who violates the provisions of section 15-1506  of  this
    49  chapter  or  the  rules,  regulations,  orders  or determinations of the
    50  commissioner promulgated thereto or the terms of any permit issued ther-
    51  eunder, shall be liable for a civil penalty not less than  [twenty-five]
    52  three  thousand  seven hundred fifty dollars nor more than [ten] fifteen
    53  thousand dollars per day of such violation.
    54    § 15. Section  71-1115  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
    55  amended  by  chapter  640  of  the  laws  of 1977, is amended to read as
    56  follows:

        A. 8213--A                          8

     1  § 71-1115. Enforcement of section 15-1525.
     2    Any person violating the provisions of section 15-1525 shall be guilty
     3  of  a  violation punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand five
     4  hundred dollars, and in addition thereto, shall be liable  for  a  civil
     5  penalty  of  not  more  than  [fifteen hundred] two thousand two hundred
     6  fifty dollars.
     7    § 16. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section  71-1117  of  the  environmental
     8  conservation  law,  as  amended  by chapter 640 of the laws of 1977, are
     9  amended to read as follows:
    10    1. Any person or public corporation violating subdivision 1 of section
    11  15-1745, shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not more
    12  than [five thousand] seven thousand five hundred dollars.
    13    2. In addition, the department may, in an action instituted by  it  in
    14  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction, recover from any such person or
    15  public corporation the sum of [one hundred fifty]  two  hundred  twenty-
    16  five dollars per day for each day that such person or public corporation
    17  continues  to  take,  draw, divert or make use of any part or portion of
    18  such waters.
    19    § 17. Section  71-1121  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
    20  amended  by  chapter  640  of  the  laws  of 1977, is amended to read as
    21  follows:
    22  § 71-1121. Enforcement of subdivision 2 of section 15-1947.
    23    Violation of subdivision 2  of  section  15-1947  shall  constitute  a
    24  violation,  punishable  by  a  fine  of  not more than one thousand five
    25  hundred dollars, and in addition thereto, a civil penalty  of  not  more
    26  than [fifteen hundred] two thousand two hundred fifty dollars.
    27    §  18.  Section  71-1123  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    28  amended by chapter 640 of the laws  of  1977,  is  amended  to  read  as
    29  follows:
    30  § 71-1123. Enforcement of section 15-2133.
    31    1.  Any neglect of the provisions of section 15-2133 by any officer or
    32  person in charge of any reservoir shall be a violation punishable  by  a
    33  fine of not more than one thousand five hundred dollars, and in addition
    34  thereto, by a civil penalty of not more than [fifteen hundred] two thou-
    35  sand two hundred fifty dollars.
    36    2.  Any  person  violating  the provisions of subdivision 3 of section
    37  15-2133 shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not  more
    38  than  one  thousand five hundred dollars, and in addition thereto, shall
    39  be liable for a civil penalty of not more  than  [fifteen  hundred]  two
    40  thousand two hundred fifty dollars.
    41    §  19.  Section  71-1125  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    42  amended by chapter 640 of the laws  of  1977,  is  amended  to  read  as
    43  follows:
    44  § 71-1125. Enforcement of section 15-2315.
    45    Any  person  who  violates  the  provisions  of  the first sentence of
    46  section 15-2315 shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a  fine  of
    47  not  more than one thousand five hundred dollars, and in addition there-
    48  to, shall be liable for a  civil  penalty  of  not  more  than  [fifteen
    49  hundred] two thousand two hundred fifty dollars.
    50    §  20. Subdivision 1 of section 71-1127 of the environmental conserva-
    51  tion law, as amended by chapter 401 of the laws of 2011, is  amended  to
    52  read as follows:
    53    1.  Any  person who violates any of the provisions of, or who fails to
    54  perform any duty imposed by article 15 except section  15-1713,  or  who
    55  violates or who fails to comply with any rule, regulation, determination
    56  or  order of the department heretofore or hereafter promulgated pursuant

        A. 8213--A                          9

     1  to article 15 except section 15-1713,  or  any  condition  of  a  permit
     2  issued  pursuant  to article 15 of this chapter, or any determination or
     3  order of the former water resources commission or the department hereto-
     4  fore  promulgated  pursuant to former article 5 of the Conservation Law,
     5  shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than [two thousand five]
     6  three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars for  such  violation  and  an
     7  additional  civil  penalty  of  not more than [five] seven hundred fifty
     8  dollars for each day during which  such  violation  continues,  and,  in
     9  addition  thereto,  such  person  may  be  enjoined from continuing such
    10  violation as otherwise provided in article 15 except section 15-1713.
    11    § 21. Section 71-1131 of the environmental conservation law, as  added
    12  by chapter 640 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read as follows:
    13  § 71-1131. Violations; criminal liability.
    14    Except as otherwise specifically provided, any person who violates any
    15  of the provisions of article 15 of this chapter, or any rule, regulation
    16  or order promulgated pursuant thereto, or the terms of any permit issued
    17  thereunder  shall  be  guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not
    18  more than [five] seven hundred fifty dollars.
    19    § 22. Section 71-1203 of the environmental conservation law, as  added
    20  by chapter 384 of the laws of 1983, is amended to read as follows:
    21  § 71-1203. Penalties.
    22    Any  person  who violates the provisions of article twenty-two of this
    23  chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed [ten]  fifteen
    24  thousand  dollars  for  each  day  during which such violation occurred;
    25  provided, however, that the total penalty to be imposed shall not exceed
    26  one million five hundred thousand dollars.
    27    § 23. Subdivisions 1 and 3 of section  71-1307  of  the  environmental
    28  conservation  law,  as  amended  by  chapter 99 of the laws of 2010, are
    29  amended to read as follows:
    30    1. Administrative sanctions. Any person who violates any provision  of
    31  article  23  of this chapter or commits any offense described in section
    32  71-1305 of this title shall be liable to the people of the state  for  a
    33  civil penalty not to exceed [eight] twelve thousand dollars and an addi-
    34  tional penalty of [two] three thousand dollars for each day during which
    35  such  violation  continues,  to  be assessed by the commissioner after a
    36  hearing or opportunity to be heard.  The  commissioner,  acting  by  the
    37  attorney  general,  may bring suit for collection of such assessed civil
    38  penalty in any court of competent jurisdiction. Such civil  penalty  may
    39  be  released  or  compromised  by the commissioner before the matter has
    40  been referred to the attorney general; and where such  matter  has  been
    41  referred  to  the  attorney general, any such penalty may be released or
    42  compromised and any action commenced to recover the same may be  settled
    43  and discontinued by the attorney general with the consent of the commis-
    44  sioner.  In addition, the commissioner shall have the power, following a
    45  hearing conducted pursuant to  rules  and  regulations  adopted  by  the
    46  department,  to  direct  the violator to cease the violation and reclaim
    47  and repair the affected site to a condition acceptable  to  the  commis-
    48  sioner,  to  the  extent possible within a reasonable time and under the
    49  direction and supervision of the commissioner. Any  such  order  of  the
    50  commissioner  shall  be enforceable in any action brought by the commis-
    51  sioner in any court of competent  jurisdiction.  Any  civil  penalty  or
    52  order issued by the commissioner under this subdivision shall be review-
    53  able  in  a proceeding under article seventy-eight of the civil practice
    54  law and rules.
    55    3. Criminal sanctions. Any person who,  having  any  of  the  culpable
    56  mental  states  defined  in  sections  15.05 and 20.20 of the penal law,

        A. 8213--A                         10

     1  violates any provision of article 23 of  this  chapter  or  commits  any
     2  offense  described in section 71-1305 of this title shall be guilty of a
     3  misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished  by  a  fine
     4  not  to  exceed  one  thousand  dollars  for  each day during which such
     5  violation continues or by imprisonment for a term of not more  than  one
     6  year,  or by both such fine and imprisonment. If the conviction is for a
     7  subsequent offense committed after a first  conviction  of  such  person
     8  under  this  subdivision,  punishment  shall  be by a fine not to exceed
     9  [eight] twelve thousand dollars for each day during which such violation
    10  continues or by imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or by
    11  both such fine and imprisonment.
    12    § 24. Subdivision 1 of section 71-1707 of the environmental  conserva-
    13  tion law is amended to read as follows:
    14    1.  Any  person  who  violates,  disobeys  or  disregards  any term or
    15  provision of this chapter listed in section 71-1701,  or  of  titles  17
    16  through  21  inclusive of this article or of any lawful notice, order or
    17  regulation pursuant thereto for which a civil penalty is  not  otherwise
    18  expressly  prescribed by law, shall be liable to the people of the state
    19  for a civil penalty of not to exceed one thousand five  hundred  dollars
    20  for every such violation.
    21    § 25. Section 71-1711 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    22  to read as follows:
    23  § 71-1711. Willful violation of health laws.
    24    1.  A person who willfully violates or refuses or omits to comply with
    25  any lawful order or regulation prescribed by any local board  of  health
    26  or  local  health  officer, is guilty of a misdemeanor; except, however,
    27  that where such order or regulation applies to a tenant with respect  to
    28  [his] such tenant's own dwelling unit or to an owner occupied one or two
    29  family  dwelling,  such  person  is  guilty  of an offense for the first
    30  violation punishable by  a  fine  not  to  exceed  [fifty]  seventy-five
    31  dollars  and  for a second or subsequent violation is guilty of a misde-
    32  meanor punishable by a fine not to exceed  [five]  seven  hundred  fifty
    33  dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed six months or by both such fine
    34  and imprisonment.
    35    2. A person who willfully violates any provision of this chapter list-
    36  ed  in  section  71-1701,  or  of titles 17 through 21 inclusive of this
    37  article, or any regulation lawfully made or established  by  any  public
    38  officer  or board under authority of such provisions, the punishment for
    39  violating which is not otherwise prescribed by such  provisions  or  any
    40  other law, is punishable by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by a
    41  fine not exceeding [two] three thousand dollars or by both.
    42    §  26.  Section  71-1725  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    43  amended by chapter 400 of the laws  of  1973,  is  amended  to  read  as
    44  follows:
    45  § 71-1725. Assessment of Penalties.
    46    The  commissioner may assess any penalty prescribed for a violation of
    47  or a failure to comply with any provision contained  in  this  title  or
    48  listed  in  section  71-1701,  or any lawful notice, order or regulation
    49  prescribed by the commissioner under any such  provision,  one  thousand
    50  five  hundred dollars for every such violation or failure, which penalty
    51  may be assessed after a hearing or an opportunity to be heard.
    52    § 27. Section 71-1905 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    53  to read as follows:
    54  § 71-1905. Enforcement of section 17-1705.

        A. 8213--A                         11

     1    Any person violating any provision of section 17-1705 shall forfeit to
     2  the county where the violation occurred the sum of [fifty]  seventy-five
     3  dollars for every such violation.
     4    §  28. Subdivision 1 of section 71-1907 of the environmental conserva-
     5  tion law is amended to read as follows:
     6    1. Every person violating  any  provision  of  section  17-1707  shall
     7  forfeit  to  the  municipality  having a local board of health where the
     8  violation occurs the sum of [twenty-five] thirty-seven dollars and fifty
     9  cents for the first day when the violation takes place, and the  sum  of
    10  [ten]  fifteen  dollars  for every subsequent day that such violation is
    11  repeated or continued.
    12    § 29. Subdivision 2 of section 71-1909 of the environmental  conserva-
    13  tion  law,  as amended by section 35 of part C of chapter 62 of the laws
    14  of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    15    2. Any person violating any provision  of  section  17-1709  shall  be
    16  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and  punishable  by a fine of not more than
    17  [seven hundred fifty] one thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars or by
    18  imprisonment for not more than one year or by both such fine and  impri-
    19  sonment.
    20    §  30.  Section  71-1911  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    21  amended by section 36 of part C of chapter 62 of the laws  of  2003,  is
    22  amended to read as follows:
    23  §  71-1911. Enforcement of section 17-1711.
    24    Any  person violating any provision of section 17-1711 shall be guilty
    25  of an offense, and punishable by a fine of not more than  [seventy-five]
    26  one hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents.
    27    §  31. Subdivision 2 of section 71-1913 of the environmental conserva-
    28  tion law is amended to read as follows:
    29    2. Any person violating any provision  of  section  17-1713  shall  be
    30  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and  punishable  by a fine of not more than
    31  [five] seven hundred fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more  than
    32  one year or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    33    §  32. Subdivision 1 of section 71-1915 of the environmental conserva-
    34  tion law is amended to read as follows:
    35    1. Any person violating any provision  of  section  17-1715  shall  be
    36  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor,  and  punishable  by a fine of not more than
    37  [five] seven hundred fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more  than
    38  one year or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    39    §  33. Subdivision 1 of section 71-1921 of the environmental conserva-
    40  tion law is amended to read as follows:
    41    1. Any person putting in or constructing  or  maintaining  a  conduit,
    42  discharge  pipe  or  other means of discharging or casting any refuse or
    43  waste matter in violation of section 17-1729 shall forfeit to the people
    44  of the state [five] seven dollars and fifty cents a day for each day the
    45  same is used or maintained for such  purpose,  to  be  collected  in  an
    46  action brought by the commissioner.
    47    §  34. Subdivision 1 of section 71-1929 of the environmental conserva-
    48  tion law, as amended by section 37 of part C of chapter 62 of  the  laws
    49  of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    50    1.  A  person  who  violates any of the provisions of, or who fails to
    51  perform any duty imposed by titles 1 through 11 inclusive and  title  19
    52  of  article  17,  or the rules, regulations, orders or determinations of
    53  the commissioner promulgated thereto or the terms of any  permit  issued
    54  thereunder,  shall be liable to a penalty of not to exceed [thirty-seven
    55  thousand five hundred] fifty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars  per
    56  day  for  each  violation,  and, in addition thereto, such person may be

        A. 8213--A                         12

     1  enjoined  from  continuing  such  violation  as  hereinafter   provided.
     2  Violation  of a permit condition shall constitute grounds for revocation
     3  of such permit, which revocation may be accomplished either as  provided
     4  in  paragraph f of subdivision 4 of section 17-0303 or by order of judg-
     5  ment of the supreme court as an alternate or additional civil penalty in
     6  an action brought pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section.
     7    § 35. Subdivision 1 and subparagraphs i, ii, iii and iv of paragraph b
     8  of subdivision 8 of section 71-1933 of  the  environmental  conservation
     9  law, subdivision 1 as amended by section 38 and subparagraphs i, ii, iii
    10  and  iv of paragraph b of subdivision 8 as amended by section 39 of part
    11  C of chapter 62 of the laws of 2003, are amended to read as follows:
    12    1. Any person who, having any of the culpable mental states defined in
    13  section 15.05 of the penal law, shall violate any of the  provisions  of
    14  titles  1  through  5,  9  through 11 and 19 of article 17 or the rules,
    15  regulations, orders or determinations of  the  commissioner  promulgated
    16  thereto,  or  the terms of any permit issued thereunder, shall be guilty
    17  of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be  punished  by  a
    18  fine of not less than [three thousand seven hundred fifty] five thousand
    19  six  hundred  twenty-five  dollars  nor more than [thirty-seven thousand
    20  five hundred] fifty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars  per  day  of
    21  violation or by imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or by
    22  both  such  fine  and  imprisonment. If the conviction is for an offense
    23  committed after a first conviction of such person  under  this  subdivi-
    24  sion, punishment shall be by a fine of not more than [seventy-five thou-
    25  sand]  one  hundred  twelve  thousand  five  hundred  dollars per day of
    26  violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or by both.
    27    i. [$750,000] $1,125,000 for a class C felony committed by  an  organ-
    28  ization as defined in section 71-1932 of this title;
    29    ii. [$375,000] $562,500 for a class C felony;
    30    iii.  [$75,000] $112,500 per day of continuing violation for a class E
    31  felony defined under subdivision four of this section but  in  no  event
    32  less  than  [$7,500] $11,250; and [$15,000] $22,500 for a class E felony
    33  defined under subdivision seven of this section;
    34    iv. [$37,500] $56,250 per day of continuing violation for  a  class  A
    35  misdemeanor but in no event less than [$3,750] $5,625.
    36    §  36. Paragraph b of subdivision 3 of section 71-1939 of the environ-
    37  mental conservation law, as added by chapter 543 of the laws of 2010, is
    38  amended to read as follows:
    39    b. All fines and penalties  collected  pursuant  to  this  subdivision
    40  shall  be  paid  to the district or county, provided, however, that one-
    41  quarter of such fines and  penalties  received  shall  be  paid  to  the
    42  [general  fund to the credit of the state purposes account] conservation
    43  fund to the credit of the conservation enforcement  account  established
    44  pursuant to subdivision (k) of section eighty-three of the state finance
    45  law.
    46    §  37. Subdivision 1 of section 71-1941 of the environmental conserva-
    47  tion law, as amended by section 40 of part C of chapter 62 of  the  laws
    48  of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    49    1.  Except  where  the  owner of or a person in actual or constructive
    50  possession or control of more than one thousand one hundred gallons,  in
    51  bulk,  of  any  liquid  including petroleum which, if released, would or
    52  would be likely to pollute the lands or waters of  the  state  including
    53  the  groundwaters  thereof  can  prove that the entry or presence of any
    54  part of such liquid onto such lands or into or in such waters causing or
    55  contributing to a condition therein in contravention  of  the  standards
    56  adopted or deemed adopted by the water pollution control board or any of

        A. 8213--A                         13

     1  its  legal successors was caused solely by (A) an act of God, (B) an act
     2  of war, (C) negligence on the part of the  United  States  or  New  York
     3  State  Government  or  (D)  an  act or omission of a third party without
     4  regard  to whether any such act or omission was or was not negligent, or
     5  any combination of the foregoing clauses, such owner or person shall  be
     6  liable  for  a  penalty  of  not more than [three thousand seven hundred
     7  fifty] five thousand six hundred  twenty-five  dollars  for  an  initial
     8  incident resulting in or contributing to such a contravention and for an
     9  additional  penalty not to exceed [seven hundred fifty] one thousand one
    10  hundred twenty-five dollars for each day during which such contravention
    11  or contribution thereto continues, and in addition shall  be  liable  to
    12  the  people of the state of New York for the actual costs incurred by or
    13  on behalf of the people of the state for the removal  or  neutralization
    14  of  such  liquid  and  for  any  and  all  reasonable  measures taken or
    15  attempted to reduce, limit or diminish the  extent  or  effect  of  such
    16  contravention.
    17    §  38.  Section  71-1943  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    18  amended by section 41 of part C of chapter 62 of the laws  of  2003,  is
    19  amended to read as follows:
    20  § 71-1943. Enforcement of section 17-1743.
    21    Any  person  who  fails  to  so notify the department of such release,
    22  discharge or spill into the waters of the state as described in  section
    23  17-1743  of  this chapter shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than
    24  [three thousand seven hundred fifty] five thousand six  hundred  twenty-
    25  five dollars or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
    26    §  39. Section 71-1945 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    27  by chapter 205 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as follows:
    28  § 71-1945. Enforcement of title 21 of article 17.
    29    1. Except as otherwise  provided  in  this  section,  any  person  who
    30  violates  any provision of title 21 of article 17 of this chapter or any
    31  rule, regulation or order issued  thereunder  shall  be  liable  to  the
    32  people  of  the  state  for  a  civil penalty not to exceed [five] seven
    33  hundred fifty dollars for a first violation, and not to exceed one thou-
    34  sand five hundred dollars for each subsequent violation, to be  assessed
    35  by the commissioner after a hearing or opportunity to be heard.
    36    2. Any owner or owner's agent, or occupant of a household who violates
    37  any  provision  of  title  21 of article 17 of this chapter or any rule,
    38  regulation or order issued thereunder shall, for a  first  violation  be
    39  issued  a  written warning and be provided educational materials. Upon a
    40  second violation, the owner or owner's agent, or occupant of a household
    41  shall be liable to the people of the state for a civil  penalty  not  to
    42  exceed  one  hundred  fifty  dollars,  and for any subsequent violations
    43  shall be liable to the people of the state for a civil  penalty  not  to
    44  exceed  [two  hundred fifty] three hundred twenty-five dollars. No owner
    45  or owner's agent of a household shall be held liable for  any  violation
    46  by an occupant. Such penalties may be assessed by the commissioner after
    47  a hearing or opportunity to be heard.
    48    §  40. Subdivision 1 of section 71-2103 of the environmental conserva-
    49  tion law, as amended by chapter 99 of the laws of 2010,  is  amended  to
    50  read as follows:
    51    1.  Except as provided in section 71-2113, any person who violates any
    52  provision of article nineteen or any code, rule or regulation which  was
    53  promulgated  pursuant  thereto;  or  any order except an order directing
    54  such person to pay a penalty by a specified date issued by  the  commis-
    55  sioner  pursuant  thereto,  shall  be  liable,  in  the  case of a first
    56  violation, for a penalty  not  less  than  [five]  seven  hundred  fifty

        A. 8213--A                         14

     1  dollars  nor more than [eighteen] twenty-seven thousand dollars for said
     2  violation and an additional penalty of not to exceed [fifteen  thousand]
     3  twenty  thousand  five  hundred  dollars  for each day during which such
     4  violation  continues.  In the case of a second or any further violation,
     5  the liability shall be for a penalty not to exceed [twenty-six]  thirty-
     6  nine  thousand  dollars for said violation and an additional penalty not
     7  to exceed [twenty-two thousand five hundred] thirty-three thousand seven
     8  hundred fifty dollars for each day during which such  violation  contin-
     9  ues.  In  addition  thereto, such person may be enjoined from continuing
    10  such violation as hereinafter provided.
    11    § 41. Subdivision 1 of section 71-2105 of the environmental  conserva-
    12  tion  law,  as  amended by chapter 99 of the laws of 2010, is amended to
    13  read as follows:
    14    1. Except as provided in section 71-2113, any person who shall wilful-
    15  ly violate any of the provisions of article 19  or  any  code,  rule  or
    16  regulation  promulgated  pursuant  thereto or any final determination or
    17  order of the commissioner made pursuant to article 19 shall be guilty of
    18  a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof,  shall  be  punished  by  a
    19  fine,  in  the case of a first conviction, of not less than [five] seven
    20  hundred fifty dollars nor more  than  [eighteen]  twenty-seven  thousand
    21  dollars  or  by imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or by
    22  both such fine and imprisonment, for each  separate  violation.  If  the
    23  conviction  is  for  an  offense committed after the first conviction of
    24  such person under this subdivision, such person shall be punished  by  a
    25  fine  not  to  exceed  [twenty-six]  thirty-nine thousand dollars, or by
    26  imprisonment, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day  on  which
    27  such violation occurs shall constitute a separate violation.
    28    §  42. Section 71-2111 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    29  by chapter 400 of the laws of 1973, is amended to read as follows:
    30  § 71-2111. Enforcement of air pollution emergency rules and regulations.
    31    Any person who violates  any  of  the  provisions  of  any  regulation
    32  promulgated by the commissioner under authority of paragraph y of subdi-
    33  vision  one of section 3-0301 shall be liable for a civil penalty of not
    34  more than [twenty-five] three thousand seven hundred fifty  dollars  for
    35  each  such  violation  and an additional penalty of not more than [five]
    36  seven hundred fifty dollars for each day  during  which  such  violation
    37  continues,  and,  in addition thereto, such persons may be enjoined from
    38  continuing such violation.  Penalties  and  injunctive  relief  provided
    39  herein shall be recoverable in an action brought by the attorney general
    40  at the request and in the name of the commissioner.
    41    §  43. Section 71-2113 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    42  by chapter 942 of the laws of 1984, subdivision 1 as amended by  section
    43  23 and subdivision 2 as amended by section 24 of part C of chapter 62 of
    44  the laws of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    45  § 71-2113. Violations of section 19-0304 of article 19 of this chapter.
    46    1.  Civil and administrative sanctions. Any person who violates any of
    47  the provisions of, or who fails to perform any duty imposed  by  section
    48  19-0304  of this chapter, or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant
    49  thereto, or any term or condition of any certificate  or  permit  issued
    50  pursuant thereto, or any final determination or order of the commission-
    51  er made pursuant to article 19 of this chapter concerning a violation of
    52  section  19-0304  of this chapter shall be liable in the case of a first
    53  violation, for a civil penalty not to exceed [thirty-seven thousand five
    54  hundred] fifty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars and an  additional
    55  penalty  of not more than [thirty-seven thousand five hundred] fifty-six
    56  thousand two hundred fifty  dollars  for  each  day  during  which  such

        A. 8213--A                         15

     1  violation  continues, to be assessed by the commissioner after an oppor-
     2  tunity to be heard pursuant to the provisions of section 71-1709 of this
     3  article, or by the court in any action or proceeding pursuant to section
     4  71-2107  of  this  title,  and,  in addition thereto, such person may by
     5  similar process be enjoined  from  continuing  such  violation  and  any
     6  permit  or certificate issued to such person may be revoked or suspended
     7  or a pending renewal application denied. In the case of a second and any
     8  further violation, the liability shall be for a  civil  penalty  not  to
     9  exceed  [seventy-five]  one hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars
    10  for each such violation and an additional penalty not to  exceed  seven-
    11  ty-five  thousand  dollars  for  each  day  during  which such violation
    12  continues.
    13    2. Criminal sanctions. Any person who,  having  any  of  the  culpable
    14  mental  states  defined in section 15.05 of the penal law, shall violate
    15  any of the provisions of or who fails to perform  any  duty  imposed  by
    16  section 19-0304 of this chapter, or any rules and regulations promulgat-
    17  ed  pursuant  thereto,  or  any  term or condition of any certificate or
    18  permit issued pursuant thereto, or any final determination or  order  of
    19  the  commissioner made pursuant to article 19 of this chapter concerning
    20  a violation of section 19-0304 of this chapter  shall  be  guilty  of  a
    21  misdemeanor  and,  upon conviction thereof, shall for a first conviction
    22  be punished by a fine not to exceed [thirty-seven thousand five hundred]
    23  fifty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars per day of violation or  by
    24  imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or both such fine and
    25  imprisonment.  If  the  conviction  is  for an offense committed after a
    26  first conviction of such person under this subdivision, punishment shall
    27  be by a fine not to exceed [seventy-five] one  hundred  twelve  thousand
    28  five  hundred  dollars  per day of violation, or by imprisonment for not
    29  more than two years or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    30    § 44. Section 71-2201 of the environmental conservation law, as  added
    31  by  chapter  740 of the laws of 1978, the opening paragraph and subdivi-
    32  sion 1 as amended and subdivision 3 as added by chapter 901 of the  laws
    33  of  1983,  subdivision 4 as added by chapter 294 of the laws of 1991, is
    34  amended to read as follows:
    35  § 71-2201. Enforcement of title 23 of article 23 of this chapter.
    36    Administrative and civil sanctions. 1. Any person who violates any  of
    37  the  provisions of, or who fails to perform any duty imposed by title 23
    38  of article 23 except the duty to accept used  oil  pursuant  to  section
    39  23-2307  or  any  person subject to section 23-2308 or any rule or regu-
    40  lation promulgated pursuant thereto, or any term  or  condition  of  any
    41  certificate  or  permit  issued  pursuant thereto, or any final determi-
    42  nation or order of the commissioner made pursuant to this section  shall
    43  be  liable  for  a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand five hundred
    44  dollars for each such violation and an additional penalty  of  not  more
    45  than  [five]  seven hundred fifty dollars for each day during which such
    46  violation continues, to be assessed by the commissioner after a  hearing
    47  or opportunity to be heard pursuant to the provisions of section 71-1709
    48  of  this  chapter,  and, in addition thereto, such person may by similar
    49  process be enjoined from continuing such violation  and  any  permit  or
    50  certificate issued to such person may be revoked or suspended or a pend-
    51  ing renewal application denied.
    52    2.  Any  person who refuses to accept used oil as required pursuant to
    53  subdivision two of section 23-2307 shall be liable for a  civil  penalty
    54  not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars.

        A. 8213--A                         16

     1    3.  Any  person  who violates any provision of section 23-2308 of this
     2  chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed  [two  hundred
     3  fifty] three hundred seventy-five dollars for each violation.
     4    4.  Notwithstanding  any  other provision of law, any person who shall
     5  violate the provisions of  paragraph  [(c)]  c  of  subdivision  one  of
     6  section  23-2307  or  paragraph  [(d)]  d  of subdivision two of section
     7  23-2307 of this chapter shall be liable for a civil penalty of not  more
     8  than [five] seven hundred fifty dollars, and an additional civil penalty
     9  of  not more than [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each day during
    10  which such violation continues, not to  exceed  [ten]  fifteen  thousand
    11  dollars.
    12    §  45.  Section  71-2303  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    13  amended by chapter 99 of the laws of  2010,  subdivisions  1  and  2  as
    14  amended  by  section 15 of part QQ of chapter 58 of the laws of 2022, is
    15  amended to read as follows:
    16  § 71-2303. Violation; penalties.
    17    1. Civil sanctions. a. Any person who violates, disobeys or disregards
    18  any provision of article twenty-four, including title five  and  section
    19  24-0507  thereof  or  any  rule  or  regulation, local law or ordinance,
    20  permit or order issued pursuant thereto, shall be liable to  the  people
    21  of the state for a civil penalty of not to exceed [eleven] sixteen thou-
    22  sand  five  hundred  dollars  for  every such violation, to be assessed,
    23  after a hearing or opportunity to be heard upon due notice and with  the
    24  rights  to specification of the charges and representation by counsel at
    25  such hearing, by the commissioner or local government or  in  an  action
    26  initiated  by  the  attorney general pursuant to section 71-2305 of this
    27  title or on the attorney general's own initiative. Each violation  shall
    28  be  a  separate  and distinct violation and, in the case of a continuing
    29  violation, each day's continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate and
    30  distinct violation. Such penalty assessed by the commissioner  or  local
    31  government may be recovered in an action brought by the attorney general
    32  at  the  request and in the name of the commissioner or local government
    33  in any court of  competent  jurisdiction.  Such  civil  penalty  may  be
    34  released  or  compromised by the commissioner or local government before
    35  the matter has been referred to the attorney  general;  and  where  such
    36  matter  has  been referred to the attorney general, any such penalty may
    37  be released or compromised and any action commenced to recover the  same
    38  may be settled and discontinued by the attorney general with the consent
    39  of  the  commissioner or local government. In addition, the commissioner
    40  or local government shall  have  power,  following  a  hearing  held  in
    41  conformance  with  the  procedures  set forth in section 71-1709 of this
    42  article, to direct the violator  to  cease  violating  the  act  and  to
    43  restore  the  affected  freshwater wetland to its condition prior to the
    44  violation, insofar as that is possible  within  a  reasonable  time  and
    45  under  the supervision of the commissioner or local government. Any such
    46  order of the commissioner or local government shall be enforceable in an
    47  action brought by the attorney general at the request and in the name of
    48  the commissioner or local government in any court of competent jurisdic-
    49  tion. Any civil penalty or order issued by  the  commissioner  or  local
    50  government  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  shall  be  reviewable  in a
    51  proceeding pursuant to article seventy-eight of the civil  practice  law
    52  and rules.
    53    b. Upon determining that significant damage to the functions and bene-
    54  fits  of a freshwater wetland is occurring or is imminent as a result of
    55  any violation of article twenty-four of this chapter, including but  not
    56  limited  to  (i)  activity taking place requiring a permit under article

        A. 8213--A                         17

     1  twenty-four of this chapter but for which no permit has been granted  or
     2  (ii)  failure on the part of a permittee to adhere to permit conditions,
     3  the commissioner or local government shall  have  power  to  direct  the
     4  violator  to  cease and desist from violating the act. In such cases the
     5  violator shall be provided an opportunity to be heard within ten days of
     6  receipt of the notice to cease and desist.
     7    2. Criminal sanctions. Any person who violates any provision of  arti-
     8  cle twenty-four of this chapter, including any rule or regulation, local
     9  law  or  ordinance,  permit  or order issued pursuant thereto, shall, in
    10  addition, for the first offense, be guilty of a violation punishable  by
    11  a  fine of not less than [two] three thousand nor more than [five] seven
    12  thousand five hundred dollars; for a second and each subsequent  offense
    13  [he]  such  person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine
    14  of not less than [four] six thousand nor more than [ten]  fifteen  thou-
    15  sand dollars or a term of imprisonment of not less than fifteen days nor
    16  more  than  six  months  or  both. In addition to these punishments, any
    17  offender may be punishable by being ordered by the court to restore  the
    18  affected  freshwater  wetland or adjacent area to its condition prior to
    19  the offense, insofar as that is possible.  The  court  shall  specify  a
    20  reasonable  time  for the completion of such restoration, which shall be
    21  effected under the supervision of the commissioner or local  government.
    22  Each  offense  shall be a separate and distinct offense and, in the case
    23  of a continuing offense, each day's continuance thereof shall be  deemed
    24  a separate and distinct offense.
    25    3. All fines collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the
    26  environmental  protection  fund  established pursuant to section ninety-
    27  two-s of the state finance law.
    28    § 46. Paragraph a of  subdivision  1  and  subdivision  2  of  section
    29  71-2503 of the environmental conservation law, as amended by chapter 666
    30  of the laws of 1989, are amended to read as follows:
    31    a.  Any  person  who violates, disobeys or disregards any provision of
    32  article twenty-five shall be liable to the people of  the  state  for  a
    33  civil  penalty of not to exceed [ten] fifteen thousand dollars for every
    34  such violation, to be assessed, after a hearing  or  opportunity  to  be
    35  heard,  by  the  commissioner.  Each  violation  shall be a separate and
    36  distinct violation and, in the case  of  a  continuing  violation,  each
    37  day's  continuance  thereof  shall  be  deemed  a  separate and distinct
    38  violation.  The penalty may be recovered in an  action  brought  by  the
    39  commissioner  in any court of competent jurisdiction. Such civil penalty
    40  may be released or compromised by the commissioner before the matter has
    41  been referred to the attorney general; and where such  matter  has  been
    42  referred  to  the  attorney general, any such penalty may be released or
    43  compromised and any action commenced to recover the same may be  settled
    44  and discontinued by the attorney general with the consent of the commis-
    45  sioner.
    46    2.  Criminal sanctions. Any person who violates any provision of arti-
    47  cle twenty-five shall, in addition, for the first offense, be guilty  of
    48  a  violation  punishable by a fine of not less than [five] seven hundred
    49  fifty nor more than [five] seven thousand five hundred  dollars;  for  a
    50  second  and  each  subsequent  offense  such person shall be guilty of a
    51  misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than one thousand nor  more
    52  than  [ten]  fifteen  thousand  dollars or a term of imprisonment of not
    53  less than fifteen days nor more than six months or both. In addition  to
    54  or  instead  of  these  punishments, any offender shall be punishable by
    55  being ordered by the court to restore the affected tidal wetland or area
    56  immediately adjacent thereto to its  condition  prior  to  the  offense,

        A. 8213--A                         18

     1  insofar  as  that is possible. The court shall specify a reasonable time
     2  for the completion of the restoration, which shall be effected under the
     3  supervision of the commissioner. Each offense shall be  a  separate  and
     4  distinct  offense  and,  in the case of a continuing offense, each day's
     5  continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
     6    § 47. Section  71-2505  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
     7  amended  by  chapter  249  of  the  laws  of 1997, is amended to read as
     8  follows:
     9  § 71-2505. Enforcement.
    10    The attorney general, on [his] their own initiative or at the  request
    11  of  the  commissioner, shall prosecute persons who violate article twen-
    12  ty-five.  In addition the attorney general, on [his]  their  own  initi-
    13  ative  or  at  the  request of the commissioner, shall have the right to
    14  recover a civil penalty of up to  [ten]  fifteen  thousand  dollars  for
    15  every  violation of any provision of such article, and to seek equitable
    16  relief to restrain any violation or threatened violation of such article
    17  and to require the restoration of any affected  tidal  wetland  or  area
    18  immediately  adjacent  thereto  to its condition prior to the violation,
    19  insofar as that is possible, within a  reasonable  time  and  under  the
    20  supervision  of the commissioner. In the case of a continuing violation,
    21  each day's continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate  and  distinct
    22  violation.
    23    §  48. Subdivisions 1, 2 and 3 of section 71-2703 of the environmental
    24  conservation law, subdivisions 1 and 2 as amended by chapter 508 of  the
    25  laws  of  1995,  paragraph  a of subdivision 1 as amended by section 25,
    26  subparagraphs i and ii of paragraph b of subdivision  1  as  amended  by
    27  section  26,  paragraph  a  and subparagraphs i and ii of paragraph b of
    28  subdivision 2 as amended by section 27, subparagraphs i and ii of  para-
    29  graph  c  of subdivision 2 as amended by section 28 and subdivision 3 as
    30  amended by section 29 of part C of chapter 62 of the laws of  2003,  are
    31  amended to read as follows:
    32    1. Civil and administrative sanctions.  a. Any person who violates any
    33  of  the provisions of, or who fails to perform any duty imposed by title
    34  3 or 7 of article 27 of this chapter or any rule or  regulation  promul-
    35  gated  pursuant  thereto, or any term or condition of any certificate or
    36  permit issued pursuant thereto, or any final determination or  order  of
    37  the commissioner made pursuant to this title shall be liable for a civil
    38  penalty  not to exceed [seven thousand five hundred] eleven thousand two
    39  hundred fifty dollars for each such violation and an additional  penalty
    40  of  not  more  than [one thousand five hundred] two thousand two hundred
    41  fifty dollars for each day during which such violation continues, to  be
    42  assessed  by  the commissioner after an opportunity to be heard pursuant
    43  to the provisions of section 71-1709 of this article, or by the court in
    44  any action or proceeding pursuant to section 71-2727 of this title, and,
    45  in addition thereto, such person may by similar process be enjoined from
    46  continuing such violation and any permit or certificate issued  to  such
    47  person  may  be  revoked  or  suspended or a pending renewal application
    48  denied.
    49    b. i. Any person who violates any of the provisions of, or  who  fails
    50  to perform any duty imposed by, title 3 or 7 of article 27 of this chap-
    51  ter, or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, or any term
    52  or  condition  of  any certificate or permit issued pursuant thereto and
    53  thereby causes the release of solid waste into the environment, shall be
    54  liable for a civil penalty not to exceed [eleven  thousand  two  hundred
    55  fifty] sixteen thousand eight hundred seventy-five dollars for each such
    56  violation  and  an  additional penalty of not more than [eleven thousand

        A. 8213--A                         19

     1  two hundred fifty] sixteen thousand eight hundred  seventy-five  dollars
     2  for  each  day  during which such violation continues, to be assessed by
     3  the commissioner after an  opportunity  to  be  heard  pursuant  to  the
     4  provisions  of  section  71-1709 of this article, or by the court in any
     5  action or proceeding pursuant to section 71-2727 of this title, and,  in
     6  addition  thereto,  such  person may by similar process be enjoined from
     7  continuing such violation and any permit or certificate issued  to  such
     8  person  may  be  revoked  or  suspended or a pending renewal application
     9  denied.
    10    ii. Any person who violates any of the provisions of, or who fails  to
    11  perform any duty imposed by, title 3 or 7 of article 27 of this chapter,
    12  or  any  rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, or any term or
    13  condition of any certificate  or  permit  issued  pursuant  thereto  and
    14  thereby  causes  the release of more than ten cubic yards of solid waste
    15  into the environment, shall be liable for a civil penalty not to  exceed
    16  [twenty-two  thousand  five hundred] thirty-three thousand seven hundred
    17  fifty dollars for each such violation and an additional penalty  of  not
    18  more than [twenty-two thousand five hundred] thirty-three thousand seven
    19  hundred  fifty  dollars for each day during which such violation contin-
    20  ues, to be assessed by the commissioner after an opportunity to be heard
    21  pursuant to the provisions of section 71-1709 of this article, or by the
    22  court in any action or proceeding pursuant to section  71-2727  of  this
    23  title,  and,  in addition thereto, such person may by similar process be
    24  enjoined from continuing such violation and any  permit  or  certificate
    25  issued  to  such person may be revoked or suspended or a pending renewal
    26  application denied.
    27    c. The court in any action or proceeding pursuant to  section  71-2727
    28  of this chapter may exercise all powers exercisable by the commissioner.
    29    2.  Criminal sanctions.  a. Any person who, having any of the culpable
    30  mental states defined in section 15.05 of the penal law,  shall  violate
    31  any  of  the  provisions  of or who fails to perform any duty imposed by
    32  title 3 or 7 of article 27 of this chapter, or any rules and regulations
    33  promulgated pursuant thereto, or any final determination or order of the
    34  commissioner made pursuant to this title shall be guilty of a  violation
    35  and,  upon  conviction  thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less
    36  than [one thousand five hundred] two thousand two hundred fifty  dollars
    37  nor more than [fifteen] twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars per day
    38  of  violation  or  by  imprisonment for not more than fifteen days or by
    39  both such fine and imprisonment.
    40    b. i. Any person who shall violate paragraph a of this subdivision and
    41  thereby causes or attempts to cause the release of more than  ten  cubic
    42  yards  of  solid waste into the environment shall be guilty of a class B
    43  misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of
    44  not less than [three thousand seven hundred  fifty]  five  thousand  six
    45  hundred  twenty-five  dollars per day nor more than [twenty-two thousand
    46  five hundred] thirty-three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars per  day
    47  of violation, or by imprisonment for a term in accordance with the penal
    48  law, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    49    ii.  Any  person who shall violate paragraph a of this subdivision and
    50  thereby causes or attempts to cause the release of more than  ten  cubic
    51  yards  of  solid waste into the environment, after having been convicted
    52  of a violation of this subdivision  within  the  preceding  five  years,
    53  shall  be  guilty of a class A misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof,
    54  shall be punished by a fine of  not  less  than  [three  thousand  seven
    55  hundred fifty] five thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars per day nor
    56  more  than  [thirty-seven  thousand five hundred] fifty-six thousand two

        A. 8213--A                         20

     1  hundred fifty dollars per day of violation, or  by  imprisonment  for  a
     2  term  in  accordance with the penal law, or by both such fine and impri-
     3  sonment.
     4    c. i. Any person who shall violate paragraph a of this subdivision and
     5  thereby  causes  or  attempts  to cause the release of more than seventy
     6  cubic yards of solid waste into the environment shall  be  guilty  of  a
     7  class A misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a
     8  fine of not less than [three thousand seven hundred fifty] five thousand
     9  six  hundred  twenty-five  dollars  per  day nor more than [thirty-seven
    10  thousand five hundred] fifty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars  per
    11  day  of  violation, or by imprisonment for a term in accordance with the
    12  penal law, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    13    ii. Any person who shall violate paragraph a of this  subdivision  and
    14  thereby  causes  or  attempts  to cause the release of more than seventy
    15  cubic yards of solid waste  into  the  environment,  after  having  been
    16  convicted  of  a violation of this subdivision within the preceding five
    17  years, shall be guilty of a class E felony and, upon conviction thereof,
    18  shall be punished by a fine  of  not  less  than  [seven  thousand  five
    19  hundred] eleven thousand two hundred fifty dollars per day nor more than
    20  [seventy-five]  one hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars per day
    21  of violation, or by imprisonment for a term in accordance with the penal
    22  law, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    23    3. Additional sanctions. Any person who violates any of the provisions
    24  of, or who fails to perform any duty imposed by title 7 of  article  27,
    25  with  regard  to  the  construction  and operation of facilities for the
    26  disposal of construction and demolition debris or any rule or regulation
    27  promulgated pursuant thereto, or any term or condition  of  any  certif-
    28  icate  or  permit  issued pursuant thereto or any final determination or
    29  order of the commissioner made pursuant to this title  shall  be  liable
    30  for  a  civil  penalty  not to exceed [fifteen] twenty-two thousand five
    31  hundred dollars and each day of such deposition shall constitute a sepa-
    32  rate violation and said civil penalty is in addition to any other  fines
    33  or penalties which may be applied pursuant to this title.
    34    §  49. Section 71-2705 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    35  by chapter 550 of the laws of 1980, subdivision 1 as amended by  section
    36  30 and subdivision 2 as amended by section 31 of part C of chapter 62 of
    37  the laws of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    38  § 71-2705. Violations of titles 9, 11 and 13 of article 27 of this chap-
    39               ter.
    40    1.  Civil and administrative sanctions. Any person who violates any of
    41  the provisions of, or who fails to perform any duty imposed by titles 9,
    42  11 and 13 of article 27 or any rule or regulation  promulgated  pursuant
    43  thereto,  or  any  term or condition of any certificate or permit issued
    44  pursuant thereto, or any final determination or order of the commission-
    45  er made pursuant to this title shall be liable in the case  of  a  first
    46  violation, for a civil penalty not to exceed [thirty-seven thousand five
    47  hundred]  fifty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars and an additional
    48  penalty of not more than [thirty-seven thousand five hundred]  fifty-six
    49  thousand  two  hundred  fifty  dollars  for  each  day during which such
    50  violation continues, to be assessed by the commissioner after an  oppor-
    51  tunity to be heard pursuant to the provisions of section 71-1709 of this
    52  article, or by the court in any action or proceeding pursuant to section
    53  71-2727  of  this  title,  and,  in addition thereto, such person may by
    54  similar process be enjoined  from  continuing  such  violation  and  any
    55  permit  or certificate issued to such person may be revoked or suspended
    56  or a pending renewal application denied. In the case of a second and any

        A. 8213--A                         21

     1  further violation, the liability shall be for a  civil  penalty  not  to
     2  exceed  [seventy-five]  one hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars
     3  for each such violation and an additional penalty not to exceed  [seven-
     4  ty-five]  one  hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars for each day
     5  during which such violation continues.
     6    2. Criminal sanctions. Any person who,  having  any  of  the  culpable
     7  mental  states  defined in section 15.05 of the penal law, shall violate
     8  any of the provisions of or who fails to perform  any  duty  imposed  by
     9  titles  9,  11 and 13 of article 27 or any rules and regulations promul-
    10  gated pursuant thereto, or any term or condition of any  certificate  or
    11  permit  issued  pursuant thereto, or any final determination or order of
    12  the commissioner made pursuant to this title shall be guilty of a misde-
    13  meanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for  a  first  conviction  be
    14  punished  by  a  fine not to exceed [thirty-seven thousand five hundred]
    15  fifty-six thousand two hundred fifty dollars per day of violation or  by
    16  imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or both such fine and
    17  imprisonment.  If  the  conviction  is  for an offense committed after a
    18  first conviction of such person under this subdivision, punishment shall
    19  be by a fine not to exceed [seventy-five] one  hundred  twelve  thousand
    20  five  hundred  dollars  per day of violation, or by imprisonment for not
    21  more than two years or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    22    § 50. Subdivision 2 of section 71-2721 of the environmental  conserva-
    23  tion  law,  as amended by section 32 of part C of chapter 62 of the laws
    24  of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    25    2. Fines. A sentence to pay a fine shall  be  a  sentence  to  pay  an
    26  amount fixed by the court, not exceeding the higher of:
    27    (a) [Three] Four hundred fifty thousand dollars for a class C felony;
    28    (b)  [Two  hundred  twenty-five  thousand]  Three hundred thirty-seven
    29  thousand five hundred dollars for a class D felony;
    30    (c) [One hundred fifty  thousand]  Twenty-two  thousand  five  hundred
    31  dollars for a class E felony;
    32    (d)  [Thirty-seven  thousand  five  hundred]  Fifty-six  thousand  two
    33  hundred fifty dollars for a class A misdemeanor;
    34    (e) [Fifteen] Twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars for a  class  B
    35  misdemeanor; or
    36    (f)  Double  the amount of the defendant's gain from the commission of
    37  the crime.
    38    § 51. Subdivisions 1, 2 and 5 of section 71-2722 of the  environmental
    39  conservation law, subdivision 1 as amended by section 33 and subdivision
    40  2  as amended by section 34 of part C of chapter 62 of the laws of 2003,
    41  and subdivision 5 as added by chapter 152  of  the  laws  of  1990,  are
    42  amended to read as follows:
    43    1.  Any  person  who  knowingly  or  intentionally violates any of the
    44  provisions or fails to perform any duty imposed by  section  27-1701  of
    45  this  chapter, except the duty to accept a lead-acid battery pursuant to
    46  subdivision four of such section, shall be liable for  a  civil  penalty
    47  not  to exceed [seventy-five] one hundred twelve dollars and fifty cents
    48  for each violation, provided that such civil penalty shall be  in  addi-
    49  tion  to  any other penalties authorized under other state or local laws
    50  governing the illegal disposal of lead-acid batteries.
    51    2. Any retailer or distributor  who  refuses  to  accept  a  lead-acid
    52  battery  as  required pursuant to subdivision four of section 27-1701 of
    53  this chapter shall be liable for a civil penalty not  to  exceed  [seven
    54  hundred fifty] one thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars.
    55    5.  All  civil penalties and fines collected for any violation of such
    56  title seventeen shall be paid over to the commissioner  for  deposit  in

        A. 8213--A                         22

     1  the  [general  fund] conservation fund to the credit of the conservation
     2  enforcement account established pursuant to subdivision (k)  of  section
     3  eighty-three  of the state finance law; provided however, that all civil
     4  penalties collected for any violation of such title seventeen which have
     5  been imposed by the environmental control board of the city of New York,
     6  or  a  local  adjudicatory  body  pursuant  to  subdivision four of this
     7  section, shall be paid into an environmental fund of such city or local-
     8  ity.
     9    § 52. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section  71-2724  of  the  environmental
    10  conservation  law,  as  amended  by  chapter 30 of the laws of 2020, are
    11  amended to read as follows:
    12    1. Any person who knowingly or intentionally violates any provision of
    13  or fails to perform any duty pursuant to  title  twenty-one  of  article
    14  twenty-seven  of this chapter, except subdivision one of section 27-2105
    15  of this chapter, shall upon the first finding of  such  a  violation  be
    16  liable  for a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars. Any
    17  person convicted of a second or subsequent violation shall be liable for
    18  a civil penalty not to exceed [five] seven  hundred  fifty  dollars  for
    19  each violation.
    20    2.  Any  person  who  knowingly  or intentionally violates or fails to
    21  perform any duty imposed by subdivision one of section 27-2105  of  this
    22  chapter  shall  upon  the  first finding of such a violation be provided
    23  with educational  materials  describing  the  requirements  for  mercury
    24  disposal  and  the  effects  of improper mercury disposal, and be warned
    25  that future violations shall result in the imposition  of  a  fine.  Any
    26  person  convicted  of  a  second  violation  shall be liable for a civil
    27  penalty not to exceed [fifty] seventy-five dollars. Any person convicted
    28  of a third violation shall be liable for a civil penalty not  to  exceed
    29  [seventy-five]  one  hundred  twelve dollars and fifty cents. Any person
    30  convicted of a fourth or subsequent violation  shall  be  liable  for  a
    31  civil penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars for each violation.
    32    §  53. Subdivision 1 of section 71-2728 of the environmental conserva-
    33  tion law, as added by chapter 641 of the laws of  2008,  is  amended  to
    34  read as follows:
    35    1. Any person who knowingly or intentionally violates any provision of
    36  or  fails to perform any duty imposed pursuant to title 27 of article 27
    37  of this chapter shall upon the first finding  of  such  a  violation  be
    38  provided with a warning that future violations shall result in the impo-
    39  sition  of  a  fine. Any person convicted of a second violation shall be
    40  liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars.  Any
    41  person  convicted of a third or subsequent violation shall be liable for
    42  a civil penalty not to exceed [five] seven hundred fifty dollars.
    43    § 54. Section 71-2729 of the environmental conservation law, as  added
    44  by chapter 99 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as follows:
    45  § 71-2729. Enforcement of title 26 of article 27 of this chapter.
    46    1.  a. Any consumer, as defined in title twenty-six of article twenty-
    47  seven of this chapter, who  violates  any  provision  of,  or  fails  to
    48  perform  any  duty imposed by, section 27-2611 of this chapter, shall be
    49  liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred fifty  dollars  for
    50  each violation.
    51    b.  Any person, except a consumer, manufacturer, or an owner or opera-
    52  tor of an electronic waste collection  site,  electronic  waste  consol-
    53  idation  facility, or electronic waste recycling facility as these terms
    54  are defined in title twenty-six of article twenty-seven of this chapter,
    55  who violates any provision, or fails to  perform  any  duty  imposed  by
    56  section 27-2611 of this chapter, shall be liable for a civil penalty not

        A. 8213--A                         23

     1  to  exceed  [two  hundred  fifty] three hundred seventy-five dollars for
     2  each violation.
     3    c.  Any  manufacturer,  or  any  person  operating an electronic waste
     4  collection site, an electronic waste consolidation facility, or an elec-
     5  tronic waste recycling facility as those  terms  are  defined  in  title
     6  twenty-six of article twenty-seven of this chapter, who:
     7    i.  fails to submit any report, registration, fee, or surcharge to the
     8  department as required by title twenty-six of  article  twenty-seven  of
     9  this chapter shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one thou-
    10  sand  five  hundred dollars for each day such report, registration, fee,
    11  or surcharge is not submitted; and
    12    ii. violates any other provision of title twenty-six of article  twen-
    13  ty-seven  of  this  chapter or fails to perform any duty imposed by such
    14  title, except for subdivision four of section 27-2603 of  this  chapter,
    15  shall be liable for a civil penalty for each violation not to exceed one
    16  thousand  five  hundred  dollars  for the first violation, [two thousand
    17  five hundred] three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars for the  second
    18  violation  and  [five] seven thousand five hundred dollars for the third
    19  and subsequent violations of this title within a twelve-month period.
    20    d. Any retailer, as defined by section 27-2601 of  this  chapter,  who
    21  violates  any  provision  of title twenty-six of article twenty-seven of
    22  this chapter or fails to perform any duty imposed by such  title,  shall
    23  be  liable  for  a  civil  penalty for each violation not to exceed [two
    24  hundred  fifty]  three  hundred  seventy-five  dollars  for  the   first
    25  violation,  [five]  seven hundred fifty dollars for the second violation
    26  and one thousand five hundred  dollars  for  the  third  and  subsequent
    27  violations of this title in a twelve-month period.
    28    e. Civil penalties under this section shall be assessed by the commis-
    29  sioner  after  a  hearing  or  opportunity  to  be heard pursuant to the
    30  provisions of section 71-1709 of this article, or by the  court  in  any
    31  action or proceeding pursuant to this section, and, in addition thereto,
    32  such  person  may  by  similar  process be enjoined from continuing such
    33  violation.
    34    2. All penalties collected pursuant to this section shall be paid over
    35  to the commissioner for deposit to  the  environmental  protection  fund
    36  established pursuant to section ninety-two-s of the state finance law.
    37    §  55.  Subdivisions  1  and 3 of section 71-2907 of the environmental
    38  conservation law, as amended by chapter 285 of the  laws  of  2000,  are
    39  amended to read as follows:
    40    1.  Administrative  sanctions.  Except  as  otherwise provided in this
    41  subdivision, any person who violates any provision of article 33 of this
    42  chapter or any rule, regulation or order issued  thereunder  or  commits
    43  any offense described in section 33-1301 of this chapter shall be liable
    44  to  the  people  of  the  state for a civil penalty not to exceed [five]
    45  seven thousand five hundred dollars for a first violation,  and  not  to
    46  exceed  [ten]  fifteen  thousand dollars for a subsequent offense, to be
    47  assessed by the commissioner after a hearing or opportunity to be heard.
    48  Notwithstanding any provision of  law  to  the  contrary,  an  owner  or
    49  owner's agent of a multiple dwelling or owner, owner's agent or a person
    50  in  a  position  of  authority  for all other types of premises, as such
    51  terms are defined in paragraph d of subdivision five of section  33-0905
    52  of  this  chapter,  who  violates  any  provision of a local law adopted
    53  pursuant to subdivision one of section 33-1004 of this chapter  relating
    54  to  paragraph  b  of  such  subdivision,  and a person, who violates any
    55  provision of a local law adopted pursuant to subdivision one of  section
    56  33-1004 of this chapter relating to paragraph c of such subdivision, and

        A. 8213--A                         24

     1  a  person  who  violates  the provisions of subdivision three of section
     2  three hundred ninety-c of the social services law  shall,  for  a  first
     3  such  violation,  in  lieu of a penalty, be issued a written warning and
     4  shall  also  be issued educational materials pursuant to subdivision two
     5  of section 33-1005 of this chapter. Such person shall,  however,  for  a
     6  second  violation,  be  liable  to  the  people of the state for a civil
     7  penalty not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars, and not to exceed  [two
     8  hundred  fifty]  three  hundred  seventy-five dollars for any subsequent
     9  violation, such penalties to be assessed by  the  commissioner  after  a
    10  hearing or opportunity to be heard.
    11    Notwithstanding  any  provision of law to the contrary, any person who
    12  violates the provisions of a local law adopted pursuant  to  subdivision
    13  one  of  section 33-1004 of this chapter relating to paragraph a of such
    14  subdivision, shall be issued a warning for the first violation and shall
    15  be provided seven days to correct such violation; and shall be liable to
    16  the people of the state for a civil penalty not to  exceed  one  hundred
    17  fifty  dollars  for  a  second violation, and not to exceed [two hundred
    18  fifty] three hundred seventy-five dollars for a subsequent violation, to
    19  be assessed by the commissioner after a hearing  or  opportunity  to  be
    20  heard.  The commissioner, acting by the attorney general, may bring suit
    21  for collection of such assessed civil penalty in any court of  competent
    22  jurisdiction.  Such  civil penalty may be released or compromised by the
    23  commissioner before the matter has been referred to the attorney  gener-
    24  al; and where such matter has been referred to the attorney general, any
    25  such  penalty may be released or compromised and any action commenced to
    26  recover the same may be settled and discontinued by the attorney general
    27  with the consent of the commissioner. Any civil penalty assessed by  the
    28  commissioner  under this subdivision shall be reviewable in a proceeding
    29  under article 78 of the civil practice law and rules.
    30    3. Criminal sanctions. Any person  who,  having  the  culpable  mental
    31  states  defined in subdivision one or two of section 15.05 or in section
    32  20.20 of the penal law, violates any provision of  article  33  of  this
    33  chapter  or  any  rule,  regulation  thereunder  or  commits any offense
    34  described in section 33-1301 of this chapter, except an offense relating
    35  to the application of a general use  pesticide  shall  be  guilty  of  a
    36  misdemeanor  and,  upon  conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine
    37  not to exceed [five] seven thousand five hundred dollars  for  each  day
    38  during  which  such violation continues or by imprisonment for a term of
    39  not more than one year, or by both such fine and  imprisonment.  If  the
    40  conviction   is  for  a  subsequent  offense  committed  after  a  first
    41  conviction of such person under this subdivision, punishment shall be by
    42  a fine not to exceed [ten] fifteen thousand dollars for each day  during
    43  which such violation continues or by imprisonment for a term of not more
    44  than  one  year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. When a violation
    45  consists of the manufacture or production  of  any  prohibited  article,
    46  each  day  during  which  or  any  part  of  which  such  manufacture or
    47  production is carried on  or  continued,  shall  be  deemed  a  separate
    48  violation.  Any  person who violates any provision of article 33 of this
    49  chapter or any rule or regulation  thereunder  or  commits  any  offense
    50  described  in  section  33-1301 of this chapter relating to the use of a
    51  general  use  pesticide  shall  be  guilty  of  a  violation  and,  upon
    52  conviction  thereof,  shall be punished by a fine not to exceed [twenty-
    53  five hundred]  three  thousand  seven  hundred  fifty  dollars.  If  the
    54  conviction  is  for  a subsequent offense committed after the first such
    55  conviction of such person under this subdivision, punishment shall be by
    56  a fine not to exceed [five] seven thousand five hundred dollars.  Prose-

        A. 8213--A                         25

     1  cution  hereunder may be conducted by either the attorney general or the
     2  district attorney consistent with section 71-0403 of this article.  With
     3  respect  to  violations  of  section  33-1004 of this chapter, penalties
     4  imposed  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  may be assessed only against a
     5  person providing a commercial lawn application.
     6    § 56. Section 71-3103 of the environmental conservation law is amended
     7  to read as follows:
     8  § 71-3103. Enforcement of article 35.
     9    Any person who violates any of the provisions  of,  or  who  fails  to
    10  perform  any  duties imposed by article 35 or any regulation promulgated
    11  by the commissioner thereunder, shall be liable to a  civil  penalty  of
    12  not  more  than [twenty-five hundred] three thousand seven hundred fifty
    13  dollars for each such violation and an additional penalty  of  not  more
    14  than  [five]  seven hundred fifty dollars for each day during which such
    15  violation continues, and,  in  addition  thereto,  such  person  may  be
    16  enjoined from continuing such violation. Penalties and injunctive relief
    17  provided  herein shall be recoverable in an action brought by the Attor-
    18  ney General at the request and in the name of the commissioner.
    19    § 57. Subdivision 1 of section 71-3303 of the environmental  conserva-
    20  tion  law,  as  added  by chapter 617 of the laws of 1987, is amended to
    21  read as follows:
    22    1. Any person who violates any provision of, or fails to  perform  any
    23  duty imposed by article forty-three of this chapter or any rule or regu-
    24  lation  promulgated  pursuant  thereto,  or any term or condition of any
    25  certificate or permit issued pursuant thereto,  or  any  final  determi-
    26  nation  or  order  of  the  Lake George park commission made pursuant to
    27  article forty-three of this chapter shall be liable for a civil  penalty
    28  not to exceed [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each such violation
    29  and an additional penalty of [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each
    30  day  during  which  such violation continues, to be assessed by the Lake
    31  George park commission after an opportunity to be heard, or by the court
    32  in any action or proceeding initiated by the  attorney  general  in  the
    33  name  of  the  Lake  George  park  commission. In addition thereto, such
    34  person may,  by  similar  process,  be  enjoined  from  continuing  such
    35  violation,  and  any  permit or certificate issued to such person may be
    36  revoked or suspended, or a pending renewal application denied based upon
    37  such violation.
    38    § 58. Section 71-3307 of the environmental conservation law, as  added
    39  by chapter 617 of the laws of 1987, is amended to read as follows:
    40  § 71-3307. Criminal sanctions.
    41    Any  person  who,  having any of the culpable mental states defined in
    42  section 15.05 of the penal law, shall violate any of the  provisions  of
    43  or  who fails to perform any duty imposed by article forty-three of this
    44  chapter or any rules or regulations promulgated thereto,  or  any  final
    45  determination or order of the Lake George park commission shall be guil-
    46  ty  of a violation, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a
    47  fine not to exceed [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each violation
    48  and [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each day such violation shall
    49  continue.
    50    § 59. Section 71-3501 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    51  to read as follows:
    52  § 71-3501. Putting noisome  or  unwholesome  substances  or  maintaining
    53               noisome business on or near highway.
    54    A person, who deposits, leaves or keeps, on or near a highway or route
    55  of  public  travel,  either  on the land or on the water, any noisome or
    56  unwholesome substance, or establishes, maintains or carries on, upon  or

        A. 8213--A                         26

     1  near  a  public highway or route of public travel, either on the land or
     2  on the water, any business, trade or manufacture  which  is  noisome  or
     3  detrimental  to public health, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by
     4  a  fine  of  not less than one hundred fifty dollars, or by imprisonment
     5  not less than three nor more than six months, or both.
     6    § 60. Section  71-3703  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
     7  amended  by chapter 259 of the laws of 2011, subdivision 4 as amended by
     8  chapter 44 of the laws of 2020, subdivision 5 as added by chapter 829 of
     9  the laws of 2021, and subdivision 6 as added by chapter 111 of the  laws
    10  of 2023, is amended to read as follows:
    11  § 71-3703. Enforcement of article 37.
    12    1.  Any  person who violates any of the provisions of, or who fails to
    13  perform any duty imposed by section 37-0107 or any  rule  or  regulation
    14  promulgated  pursuant hereto, shall be liable for a civil penalty not to
    15  exceed [two thousand five hundred] three thousand  seven  hundred  fifty
    16  dollars  for  each  such violation and an additional penalty of not more
    17  than [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each day during  which  such
    18  violation  continues,  and,  in  addition  thereto,  such  person may be
    19  enjoined from continuing such violation.
    20    2. Any person who violates any of the provisions of, or who  fails  to
    21  perform  any  duty  imposed by section 37-0505 or any rule or regulation
    22  promulgated pursuant hereto, shall be liable for a civil penalty not  to
    23  exceed  one thousand five hundred dollars for each day during which such
    24  violation continues,  and  in  addition  thereto,  such  person  may  be
    25  enjoined  from continuing such violation. Such person shall for a second
    26  violation be liable to the people of the state for a civil  penalty  not
    27  to exceed [two thousand five hundred] three thousand seven hundred fifty
    28  dollars for each day during which such violation continues.
    29    3.  Any  person who violates any of the provisions of, or who fails to
    30  perform any duty imposed by section 37-0705 or any  rule  or  regulation
    31  promulgated  pursuant hereto, shall be liable for a civil penalty not to
    32  exceed one thousand five hundred dollars for each day during which  such
    33  violation  continues,  and  in  addition  thereto,  such  person  may be
    34  enjoined from continuing such violation. Such person shall for a  second
    35  violation  be  liable to the people of the state for a civil penalty not
    36  to exceed [two thousand five hundred] three thousand seven hundred fifty
    37  dollars for each day during which such violation continues.
    38    4. Any person who violates any of the provisions of, or who  fails  to
    39  perform  any  duty  imposed by section 37-0117 or any rule or regulation
    40  promulgated pursuant hereto, shall be liable for a civil penalty not  to
    41  exceed  one thousand five hundred dollars for each day during which such
    42  violation continues,  and  in  addition  thereto,  such  person  may  be
    43  enjoined  from continuing such violation. Such person shall for a second
    44  violation be liable to the people of the state for a civil  penalty  not
    45  to exceed [two thousand five hundred] three thousand seven hundred fifty
    46  dollars for each day during which such violation continues.
    47    5.  Any  person  who violates any of the provisions of or who fails to
    48  perform any duty imposed by sections 37-1003 and 37-1007 of this chapter
    49  or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant hereto, shall  be  liable
    50  for  a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand five hundred dollars for
    51  each day during which such violation continues, and in addition thereto,
    52  such person may be enjoined from continuing such violation. Such  person
    53  shall  for a second violation be liable to the people of the state for a
    54  civil penalty not to exceed [two thousand five hundred]  three  thousand
    55  seven  hundred  fifty  dollars  for each day during which such violation
    56  continues.

        A. 8213--A                         27

     1    6. Any person who violates any of the provisions of, or who  fails  to
     2  perform  any duty imposed by section 37-0121 of this chapter or any rule
     3  or regulation promulgated pursuant hereto, shall be liable for  a  civil
     4  penalty  not  to  exceed  one thousand five hundred dollars for each day
     5  during  which  such  violation  continues, and in addition thereto, such
     6  person may be enjoined from continuing such violation. Such person shall
     7  for a second violation be liable to the people of the state for a  civil
     8  penalty  not  to exceed [two thousand five hundred] three thousand seven
     9  hundred fifty dollars for each day during which such  violation  contin-
    10  ues.
    11    §  61. Section 71-3803 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    12  by chapter 713 of the laws of 1975, is amended to read as follows:
    13  § 71-3803. Enforcement of article thirty-eight.
    14    Any person who violates any of the provisions  of,  or  who  fails  to
    15  perform  any  duty  imposed  by  article  thirty-eight or any regulation
    16  promulgated by the commissioner thereunder, shall be liable to  a  civil
    17  penalty  of  not  more  than  [twenty-five hundred] three thousand seven
    18  hundred fifty dollars for each such violation and an additional  penalty
    19  of  not more than [five] seven hundred fifty dollars for each day during
    20  which such violation continues, and, in addition  thereto,  such  person
    21  may be enjoined from continuing such violation. Penalties and injunctive
    22  relief  provided herein shall be recoverable in an action brought by the
    23  attorney general acting alone or at the request of the commissioner.
    24    § 62. Section 71-3903 of the environmental conservation law, as  added
    25  by chapter 732 of the laws of 1980, is amended to read as follows:
    26  § 71-3903. Violations; penalties.
    27    1.  Administrative  sanctions.  Any  person  who violates, disobeys or
    28  disregards any provision of article thirty-nine shall be liable  to  the
    29  people  of  the  state for a civil penalty of not to exceed [three] four
    30  thousand five hundred dollars for every such violation, to  be  assessed
    31  by  the  commissioner  after  a  hearing or opportunity to be heard. The
    32  penalty may be recovered in an action brought by the commissioner in any
    33  court of competent jurisdiction. Such civil penalty may be  released  or
    34  [comprised]  compromised  by the commissioner before the matter has been
    35  referred to the  attorney  general;  and  where  such  matter  has  been
    36  referred  to  the  attorney general, any such penalty may be released or
    37  [comprised] compromised and any action commenced to recover the same may
    38  be settled and discontinued by the attorney general with the consent  of
    39  the  commissioner.  In  addition,  the  commissioner  shall  have power,
    40  following a hearing,  to  direct  the  violator  to  cease  [his]  their
    41  violation  of  article thirty-nine and, where appropriate, to recall any
    42  sewage system cleaners or additives sold or distributed in violation  of
    43  said article. Any such order of the commissioner shall be enforceable in
    44  an  action  brought by the commissioner in any court of competent juris-
    45  diction. Any civil penalty or order issued  by  the  commissioner  under
    46  this  subdivision  shall  be  reviewable  in  a proceeding under article
    47  seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules commenced within thir-
    48  ty days of such penalty or order.
    49    2. Criminal sanctions. Any person who knowingly violates any provision
    50  of section 39-0105 of this chapter shall, in addition to  the  sanctions
    51  provided  in  subdivision one of this section, for the first offense, be
    52  guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of not less than [five] seven
    53  hundred fifty nor more than one thousand five  hundred  dollars;  for  a
    54  second and each subsequent offense [he] such person shall be guilty of a
    55  misdemeanor  punishable  by  a  fine  of not less than one thousand five
    56  hundred nor more than [three] four thousand five hundred  dollars  or  a

        A. 8213--A                         28

     1  term of imprisonment of not more than six months or both. In addition to
     2  or instead of these sanctions, any offender shall be punishable by being
     3  ordered  by  the court to recall any sewage system cleaners or additives
     4  sold or distributed in violation of article thirty-nine. The court shall
     5  specify a reasonable time for the completion of the recall. Each offense
     6  shall  be a separate and distinct offense and, in the case of a continu-
     7  ing offense, each day's continuance thereof shall be deemed  a  separate
     8  and distinct offense.
     9    §  63. Section 71-3905 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    10  by chapter 732 of the laws of 1980, is amended to read as follows:
    11  § 71-3905. Enforcement.
    12    The attorney general or a district attorney, at  the  request  of  the
    13  attorney  general or the commissioner, may prosecute persons who violate
    14  article thirty-nine. In addition the attorney general,  on  [his]  their
    15  own  initiative  or  at  the request of the commissioner, shall have the
    16  right to recover a civil penalty of not to exceed [three] four  thousand
    17  five  hundred dollars for every violation of any provision of said arti-
    18  cle, and to seek equitable relief to restrain any violation  or  threat-
    19  ened  violation  of such article and to require the recall of any sewage
    20  system cleaners or additives sold or distributed in  violation  of  said
    21  article.
    22    §  64.  Section  71-4001  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    23  amended by chapter 99 of the  laws  of  2010,  is  amended  to  read  as
    24  follows:
    25  § 71-4001. General criminal penalty.
    26    Except as otherwise specifically provided elsewhere in this chapter or
    27  in  the penal law, (a) a person who violates any provision of this chap-
    28  ter, or any rule, regulation or order promulgated pursuant  thereto,  or
    29  the terms or conditions of any permit issued thereunder, shall be guilty
    30  of  a  violation;  (b)  each  day  on  which such violation occurs shall
    31  constitute a separate violation; and (c) for  each  such  violation  the
    32  person  shall  be  subject  upon conviction to imprisonment for not more
    33  than fifteen days or to a fine of not  more  than  [nine]  one  thousand
    34  three hundred fifty dollars, or to both such imprisonment and such fine.
    35    §  65.  Section  71-4003  of  the  environmental  conservation law, as
    36  amended by chapter 99 of the  laws  of  2010,  is  amended  to  read  as
    37  follows:
    38  § 71-4003. General civil penalty.
    39    Except as otherwise specifically provided elsewhere in this chapter, a
    40  person  who  violates  any provision of this chapter, or any rule, regu-
    41  lation or order promulgated pursuant thereto, or the terms or conditions
    42  of any permit issued thereunder, shall be liable to a civil  penalty  of
    43  not more than one thousand five hundred dollars, and an additional civil
    44  penalty  of not more than one thousand five hundred dollars for each day
    45  during which each such violation continues. Any civil  penalty  provided
    46  for  by  this chapter may be assessed following a hearing or opportunity
    47  to be heard.
    48    § 66. Section  71-4103  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  as
    49  amended  by  chapter  608  of  the  laws  of 1993, is amended to read as
    50  follows:
    51  § 71-4103. Enforcement of article seventy-two.
    52    Any person who violates any of the provisions of  article  seventy-two
    53  of  this  chapter  or  the  regulations  promulgated thereunder shall be
    54  liable for a civil penalty of up to one thousand five hundred dollars in
    55  addition to any amount assessed as a  penalty  pursuant  to  subdivision
    56  five  of  section  72-0201  of  this chapter, except that any person who

        A. 8213--A                         29

     1  fails to pay fees required pursuant to section 72-0303 of  this  chapter
     2  shall be subject to penalty provisions pursuant to subdivision twelve of
     3  section 72-0201 of this chapter.
     4    §  67. Section 71-4303 of the environmental conservation law, as added
     5  by chapter 672 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as follows:
     6  § 71-4303. Violations of article forty of this chapter.
     7    1. Civil and administrative sanctions. Any person who violates any  of
     8  the  provisions of, or who fails to perform any duty imposed by, article
     9  forty of this chapter or any rule or regulation promulgated  thereunder,
    10  or  any terms or conditions of any certificate or permit issued pursuant
    11  thereto, or any final determination or order of  the  commissioner  made
    12  pursuant  to  this title, shall be liable in the case of a civil penalty
    13  not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars and an additional penalty  of
    14  not  more  than  twenty-five  thousand dollars for each day during which
    15  such violation continues, to be assessed by the  commissioner  after  an
    16  opportunity to be heard pursuant to the provisions of section 71-1709 of
    17  this  article or by a court in any action or proceeding pursuant to this
    18  title, and, in addition thereto such person may by  similar  process  be
    19  enjoined from continuing such violation. In addition, upon the provision
    20  of  notice  stating the grounds for its action and giving an opportunity
    21  for hearing, the commissioner may revoke, suspend or deny a  certificate
    22  or  a  renewal of a certificate issued pursuant to article forty of this
    23  chapter. In the case of a second violation, the liability shall be for a
    24  civil penalty not to exceed [fifty] seventy-five  thousand  dollars  for
    25  such  violation and an additional penalty not to exceed [fifty] seventy-
    26  five thousand dollars for each day during which such  violation  contin-
    27  ues.
    28    2.  Criminal  sanctions.  Any  person  who, having any of the culpable
    29  mental states defined in section 15.05 of the penal law,  shall  violate
    30  any  of  the  provisions  of or who fails to perform any duty imposed by
    31  article forty of this chapter or any rules  or  regulations  promulgated
    32  pursuant  thereto, or any term or condition of any certificate or permit
    33  issued pursuant thereto, or any final  determination  or  order  of  the
    34  commissioner  made pursuant to this title shall be guilty of a misdemea-
    35  nor and, upon conviction  thereof,  shall  for  a  first  conviction  be
    36  punished  by  a  fine  not to exceed [twenty-five] thirty-seven thousand
    37  five hundred dollars per day of violation or by imprisonment for a  term
    38  of not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. If the
    39  conviction  is for an offense committed after a first conviction of such
    40  person under this subdivision, punishment shall be  by  a  fine  not  to
    41  exceed [fifty] seventy-five thousand dollars per day of violation, or by
    42  imprisonment for not more than two years or by both such fine and impri-
    43  sonment.
    44    §  68. Section 71-4402 of the environmental conservation law, as added
    45  by chapter 180 of the laws of 1989, is amended to read as follows:
    46  § 71-4402. Violations of title 15 of article 27 of this chapter.
    47    1. Civil and administrative sanctions.
    48    Any person who violates any of the provisions  of,  or  who  fails  to
    49  perform  any  duty imposed by title 15 of article 27 of this chapter, or
    50  any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant  thereto,  or  any  term  or
    51  condition  of  any certificate or permit issued pursuant thereto, or any
    52  final determination or order of the commissioner made pursuant  to  this
    53  title  shall  be  liable  in  the case of a first violation, for a civil
    54  penalty not to exceed [twenty-five] thirty-seven thousand  five  hundred
    55  dollars  and  an additional penalty of not more than [twenty-five] thir-
    56  ty-seven thousand five hundred dollars for each day  during  which  such

        A. 8213--A                         30

     1  violation  continues, to be assessed by the commissioner after an oppor-
     2  tunity to be heard pursuant to the provisions of section 71-1709 of this
     3  chapter, or by the court in any action or proceeding pursuant to section
     4  71-2727  of  this chapter, and, in addition thereto, such persons may by
     5  similar process be enjoined  from  continuing  such  violation  and  any
     6  permit  or certificate issued to such person may be revoked or suspended
     7  or a pending renewal application denied. In the case of a second and any
     8  further violation, the liability shall be for a  civil  penalty  not  to
     9  exceed [fifty] seventy-five thousand dollars for each such violation and
    10  an  additional  penalty  not  to  exceed  [fifty]  seventy-five thousand
    11  dollars for each day during which such violation continues.
    12    2. Criminal sanctions.
    13    a. Any person who violates any of the provisions of or  who  fails  to
    14  perform  any  duty  imposed by title 15 of article 27 of this chapter or
    15  any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, or any  term  or
    16  condition  of  any certificate or permit issued pursuant thereto, or any
    17  final determination or order of the commissioner made pursuant  to  this
    18  title shall be guilty of a violation and, upon conviction thereof, shall
    19  be  punished  by a fine not to exceed [five] seven thousand five hundred
    20  dollars per day of violation, or by imprisonment for a term of not  more
    21  than fifteen days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
    22    b.  Any  person  who,  intentionally,  knowingly,  or recklessly shall
    23  violate any of the provisions of  or  who  fails  to  perform  any  duty
    24  imposed by title 15 of article 27 of this chapter or any rules and regu-
    25  lations  promulgated  pursuant  thereto, or any term or condition of any
    26  certificate or permit issued pursuant thereto,  or  any  final  determi-
    27  nation or order of the commissioner made pursuant to this title shall be
    28  guilty  of a class B misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for
    29  a first conviction be punished by a fine not to exceed  [fifteen]  twen-
    30  ty-two  thousand  five hundred dollars per day of violation or by impri-
    31  sonment for a term of not more than ninety days, or both such  fine  and
    32  imprisonment.    If  the  conviction is for an offense committed after a
    33  first conviction of such person under this paragraph, within the preced-
    34  ing five years, such person shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and
    35  upon conviction, punishment shall be by a fine  not  to  exceed  [fifty]
    36  seventy-five  thousand  five hundred dollars per day of violation, or by
    37  imprisonment for not more than one year or by both such fine and  impri-
    38  sonment.
    39    §  69. Subdivision 2 of section 71-4411 of the environmental conserva-
    40  tion law, as added by chapter 180 of the laws of  1989,  is  amended  to
    41  read as follows:
    42    2.  Fines.  A  sentence  to  pay a fine shall be a sentence to pay any
    43  amount fixed by the court, not exceeding the higher of:
    44    (a) [one hundred fifty] two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars for a
    45  class D felony;
    46    (b) one hundred thousand dollars for a class E felony;
    47    (c) [fifty] seventy-five thousand dollars for a class A misdemeanor;
    48    (d) [fifteen] twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars for a  class  B
    49  misdemeanor; or
    50    (e)  double  the amount of the defendant's gain from the commission of
    51  the crime.
    52    § 70. This act shall take effect immediately.