

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     August 25, 2021

        Introduced  by M. of A. GUNTHER -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Health -- recommitted to the Committee on Health in  accordance
          with  Assembly  Rule  3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to  establishing  the
          maternal-infant  care  centers  pilot  program;  and providing for the
          repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  public health law is amended by adding a new section
     2  2509-d to read as follows:
     3    § 2509-d. Maternal-infant care centers pilot program.  There shall  be
     4  established  a  maternal-infant  care  centers pilot program whereby the
     5  commissioner,  in  consultation  with  the  commissioner  of   addiction
     6  services  and  supports, shall certify or designate at least four mater-
     7  nal-infant care centers in areas of need  in  the  state.  Such  centers
     8  shall provide cost effective, necessary services and enhance the quality
     9  of  care for targeted populations in order to demonstrate the effective-
    10  ness of such program. Eligible infants shall be under one  year  of  age
    11  and  be  experiencing  withdrawal  resulting  from  in utero exposure to
    12  drugs. Such infant withdrawal may be the result of conditions including,
    13  but not limited to, neonatal  abstinence  syndrome  or  neonatal  opioid
    14  withdrawal syndrome. The program shall provide more appropriate settings
    15  and  cost  effective  care  for these infants than hospitals, while also
    16  providing supports and services to  parents  preparing  to  bring  their
    17  infants  home. Access to such supports shall continue for a period after
    18  the infant has left a center.   The program  shall  implement  evidence-
    19  based  practices  shown  to  reduce  the length of stay when compared to
    20  standard neonatal intensive care unit care and support  family  unifica-
    21  tion  when  the  practices  are  clinically  appropriate  for the family
    22  receiving services. The evidence-based practices shall include, but  not

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8203--A                          2

     1  be  limited  to, rooming-in, encouraging breastfeeding, providing  trau-
     2  ma-informed care to the parent-infant dyad, and  evaluating  the  social
     3  determinants  of  health.  Neither  a  diagnosis  of neonatal abstinence
     4  syndrome  or  neonatal  opioid  withdrawal  syndrome, nor admission to a
     5  maternal-infant care center, shall constitute evidence of child abuse or
     6  maltreatment, or, by itself, justify  a  report  to  the  state  central
     7  register of child abuse and maltreatment.
     8    The department shall be responsible for monitoring the quality, appro-
     9  priateness  and  effectiveness  of  the  centers and shall report to the
    10  legislature within one year of the establishment of the  maternal-infant
    11  care  centers  and  again within two years of the effective date of this
    12  section on the program's effectiveness.
    13    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately, and shall expire  and  be
    14  deemed repealed 4 years after such date.