                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 2, 2017
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  NOLAN, COLTON, DICKENS, FAHY, GALEF, GJONAJ,
          JAFFEE, JENNE, OTIS, QUART, ROSENTHAL, ZEBROWSKI -- Multi-Sponsored by
          -- M. of A.   ABBATE, BRAUNSTEIN, CAHILL,  MOSLEY  --  read  once  and
          referred to the Committee on Education
        AN  ACT  to amend the education law, in relation to requiring schools to
          adopt a school meal policy regarding unpaid school meal fees
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 908 to
     2  read as follows:
     3    §  908. School meal policy. 1. a. The board of education, the trustee,
     4  or the board of trustees of each school district, board  of  cooperative
     5  educational  services, county vocational education and extension boards,
     6  charter school, and non-public school in this state that provides a meal
     7  to students during the school day shall adopt and implement a policy  to
     8  ensure  that: (i) a student who is enrolled in the National School Lunch
     9  Program, School Breakfast Program or Special Milk Program is not  shamed
    10  or  treated  differently  than  a  student  who  is not enrolled in such
    11  programs; and (ii) a student whose parent or guardian has unpaid  school
    12  meal  fees  is  not  shamed  or treated differently than a student whose
    13  parent or guardian does not  have  unpaid  school  meal  fees.  For  the
    14  purposes  of this section, different treatment or shaming shall include,
    15  but not be limited to, publicly naming or labeling a student, denying or
    16  delaying a meal to a student, or requiring a student to do chores for  a
    17  meal.
    18    b.  The policy adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall: (i) explain
    19  how school personnel and volunteers will be trained to ensure  that  the
    20  policy is implemented; (ii) designate a school administrator or adminis-
    21  trators  responsible  for implementation of the policy; and (iii) estab-
    22  lish procedures to address violations of the policy. Violations  of  the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8203                             2
     1  policy  may  be  appealed  to the commissioner pursuant to the rules and
     2  regulations of the department.
     3    c.  The  policy adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall be incorpo-
     4  rated into any contract  with  a  food  service  management  company  to
     5  provide meals to students in a school.
     6    d.  The  policy  adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall be adopted
     7  with input from school personnel, parents, students and any other inter-
     8  ested parties.
     9    e. This section shall not apply to school districts or  schools  where
    10  all  students  are eligible for a school meal under the Community Eligi-
    11  bility Provision of the federal National School Lunch Act.
    12    2. a. The board of education, the trustee, or the board of trustees of
    13  each school district, board of cooperative educational services,  county
    14  vocational education and extension boards, charter school, and non-publ-
    15  ic  school  in  this  state  that provides a meal to students during the
    16  school day  but  does  not  participate  in  the  Community  Eligibility
    17  Provision  of  the  federal  National  School Lunch Act shall distribute
    18  information about school meal programs available to students. The infor-
    19  mation to be distributed shall include, but not be  limited  to:  (i)  a
    20  description of each school meal program; (ii) program eligibility crite-
    21  ria;  (iii) the cost of a school meal program to the student's parent or
    22  guardian; (iv) how payments may be made and how unpaid meal fees will be
    23  collected; and (v) enrollment forms  for  school  meal  programs  and  a
    24  description of the enrollment process, including the name of a person or
    25  persons  whom  a  parent  or  guardian  may  consult  about  school meal
    26  programs.
    27    b. The information required to be distributed pursuant to this  subdi-
    28  vision  shall  be  provided,  in writing, to all parents or guardians of
    29  students and distributed in school enrollment packets and  published  on
    30  the school or school district website.
    31    3.  a.  Each  school  or  school district shall establish a policy and
    32  advise parents and guardians in writing and  on  the  school  or  school
    33  district  website  about:  (i)  methods by which parents or guardians of
    34  students may pay school meal fees,  such  as  prepayment  and  automatic
    35  payments  for  school  meals as well as the use of technology to improve
    36  timely payments of school meal fees; and (ii) actions  that  the  school
    37  will take to collect unpaid school meal fees from parents or guardians.
    38    b.  A school or school district shall only communicate directly with a
    39  parent or guardian about payment of school meal fees  or  collection  of
    40  unpaid school meal fees and shall not direct any action or communication
    41  about such fees to or through a student.
    42    c.  If  a parent or guardian has accrued unpaid school meal fees equal
    43  to or greater than the value  of  five  full-priced  meals  and,  before
    44  collecting  unpaid  fees, the school shall:  (i) exhaust all options and
    45  methods to directly certify the student for free or reduced-price meals;
    46  and (ii) in cases where the school cannot directly certify the  student,
    47  provide the parent or guardian with an application for enrollment of the
    48  student  in  a school meal program and contact the parent or guardian of
    49  the student, in writing, to encourage them to apply for such program.
    50    4. Each school  or  school  district  shall  establish  procedures  to
    51  collect unpaid school meal fees in accordance with the information about
    52  best practices adopted by the commissioner and inform parents and guard-
    53  ians  of  students  enrolled  in school meal programs, in writing, about
    54  debt collection of school meal fees and on the school or school district
    55  website.

        A. 8203                             3
     1    § 2. Section 305 of the education law  is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     2  subdivision 41-a to read as follows:
     3    41-a.  The  commissioner shall identify and evaluate methodologies and
     4  practices utilized by schools and  school  districts,  both  within  the
     5  state  and  nationally,  and disseminate detailed information to schools
     6  and school districts about best practices regarding service of meals  to
     7  students  without  funds to pay the school meal fees, methods of payment
     8  that can improve timely payment of school meal fees, and  collection  of
     9  debt for unpaid school meal fees. The commissioner shall submit a report
    10  containing  such information to the legislature on or before July first,
    11  two thousand eighteen.
    12    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.