                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 19, 2017
        Introduced  by  M. of A. TITONE, CUSICK -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Transportation --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the navigation law, in relation to the base pilotage
          tariffs at Sandy Hook, Sands Point and Execution Rocks
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Item (A) of subclause 1 of clause (ii) of subparagraph 1 of
     2  paragraph  (b)  of subdivision 4 of section 88 of the navigation law, as
     3  amended by chapter 472 of the laws  of  2012,  is  amended  to  read  as
     4  follows:
     5    (A) (i) The following rate table shall be used to calculate base pilo-
     6  tage tariffs:
     7       [PILOTAGE UNITS (P.U.)   TARIFF
     8       0 to 24.99               $651
     9       25 to 49.99              $764
    10       50 to 99.99              $945
    11       100 to 499.99            $(9.51 x P.U.)
    12       500 and up               $((P.U. - 500) x 1.27) + 4755
    13    (ii)  Effective  January  first,  two thousand thirteen, the following
    14  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
    15       PILOTAGE UNITS (P.U.)    TARIFF
    16       0 to 24.99               $671
    17       25 to 49.99              $787
    18       50 to 99.99              $973
    19       100 to 499.99            $(9.80 x P.U.)
    20       500 and up               $((P.U. - 500) x 1.31) + 4900
    21    (iii) Effective January first, two thousand  fourteen,  the  following
    22  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7924--A                          2

     1       PILOTAGE UNITS (P.U.)    TARIFF
     2       0 to 24.99               $684
     3       25 to 49.99              $803
     4       50 to 99.99              $992
     5       100 to 499.99            $(10.00 x P.U.)
     6       500 and up               $((P.U. - 500) x 1.34) + 5000
     7    (iv) Effective January first, two thousand fifteen, the following rate
     8  table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
     9       PILOTAGE UNITS (P.U.)    TARIFF
    10       0 to 24.99               $705
    11       25 to 49.99              $827
    12       50 to 99.99              $1022
    13       100 to 499.99            $(10.30 x P.U.)
    14       500 and up               $((P.U. - 500) x 1.38) + 5150
    15    (v)  Effective January first, two thousand sixteen, the following rate
    16  table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
    17       PILOTAGE UNITS (P.U.)    TARIFF
    18       0 to 24.99               $719
    19       25 to 49.99              $844
    20       50 to 99.99              $1042
    21       100 to 499.99            $(10.51 x P.U.)
    22       500 and up               $((P.U. - 500) x 1.41) + 5255
    23    (vi) Effective January first, two thousand  seventeen,  the  following
    24  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:]
    25       PILOTAGE UNITS (P.U.)    TARIFF
    26       0 to 24.99               $733
    27       25 to 49.99              $861
    28       50 to 99.99              $1063
    29       100 to 499.99            $(10.72 x P.U.)
    30       500 and up               $((P.U. - 500) x 1.44) + 5360
    31    (ii)  Effective  January  first,  two thousand eighteen, the following
    32  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
    33       0 to 24.99               $740
    34       25 to 49.99              $870
    35       50 to 99.99              $1074
    36       100 to 499.99            $(10.83 x P.U.)
    37       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.45) + 5414
    38       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x 3.47) + 7155
    39    (iii) Effective January first, two thousand  nineteen,  the  following
    40  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
    41       0 to 24.99               $747
    42       25 to 49.99              $879
    43       50 to 99.99              $1085
    44       100 to 499.99            $(10.94 x P.U.)
    45       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.46) + 5468
    46       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x 3.50) + 7227
    47    (iv)  Effective January first, two thousand twenty, the following rate
    48  table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
    49       0 to 24.99               $762
    50       25 to 49.99              $897
    51       50 to 99.99              $1107
    52       100 to 499.99            $(11.16 x P.U.)
    53       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.49) + 5577
    54       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x 3.57) + 7372
    55    (v) Effective January first, two thousand  twenty-one,  the  following
    56  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:

        A. 7924--A                          3
     1       0 to 24.99               $777
     2       25 to 49.99              $915
     3       50 to 99.99              $1129
     4       100 to 499.99            $(11.38 x P.U.)
     5       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.52) + 5689
     6       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x 3.64) + 7519
     7    (vi)  Effective  January first, two thousand twenty-two, the following
     8  rate table shall be used to calculate base pilotage tariffs:
     9       0 to 24.99               $800
    10       25 to 49.99              $942
    11       50 to 99.99              $1163
    12       100 to 499.99            $(11.72 x P.U.)
    13       500 to 1649.99           $((P.U. - 500) x 1.57) + 5860
    14       1650 and up              $((P.U. - 1650) x 3.74) + 7745
    15    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.