

                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 24, 2019

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A. PAULIN, OTIS -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Governmental Operations  --  committee  discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-

        AN ACT to authorize the commissioner of general services to transfer and
          convey certain state land to the city of New Rochelle

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Subject to the provisions of this act but notwithstanding
     2  any other provision of law to the contrary, the commissioner of  general
     3  services  is hereby authorized to transfer and convey to the city of New
     4  Rochelle, in consideration of one dollar and upon such  other  consider-
     5  ation  as  the  commissioner  may deem proper, the state land located at
     6  Cedar Street Southbound Extension, New Rochelle, in the county of  West-
     7  chester, declared to be not necessary for traffic flow by the department
     8  of transportation.
     9    § 2. The lands authorized by section one of this act to be transferred
    10  and conveyed are as follows:
    11    ALL  that  certain  plot,  piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and
    12  being in the City of New Rochelle, County of Westchester  and  State  of
    13  New  York,  known and designated Cedar Street Southbound Extension which
    14  said easterly boundary of said portion of Cedar Street  is  shown  on  a
    15  certain  map  entitled, "Map of Parcels Nos. 10, 10A and 12 Cedar Street
    16  Redevelopment Project, situated in the City of New Rochelle, Westchester
    17  County, New York", prepared by Gabriel E. Senor, Consulting Engineer and
    18  Surveyor, dated June 7, 1967 and filed in the Westchester County Clerk's
    19  Office, Division of Land Records on August 8, 1968 as Map No. 16228  and
    20  being more particularly bounded and described as follows:
    21    BEGINNING  at  a point on the southerly side of Huguenot Street at the
    22  easterly end of a curve connecting the easterly  side  of  Cedar  Street
    23  Southbound  Extension  with  the southerly side of Huguenot Street which

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7846--A                          2

     1  curve has a radius of 23 feet, a central angle of 97 degrees 48' 39" and
     2  a distance of 39.26 feet (survey) 39.13 feet (map);
     3    RUNNING  THENCE  southwesterly  along  said easterly boundary of Cedar
     4  Street Southbound extension the following courses and distances;
     5    On a curve to the left having a radius of 23 feet, a radial bearing of
     6  South 02 degrees 47' 27" West, a central angle of 97 degrees 48' 39" and
     7  a distance of 39.26 feet;
     8    RUNNING THENCE on a curve to the right having a radius of 278.00 feet,
     9  a central angle of 27 degrees 50' 35" and a distance of 135.10 feet;
    10    RUNNING THENCE South 22 degrees 49' 22.44" West 111.229 feet;
    11    RUNNING THENCE South 71 degrees 35' 12" East 49.70 feet;
    12    RUNNING THENCE South 53 degrees 56' 58" West 160.00 feet; to  a  point
    13  on  the  southerly  end of Cedar Street Southbound Extension as shown on
    14  certain map entitled, "Map of Parcel 8 and 9 Cedar Street  Redevelopment
    15  Project,  situated  in the City of New Rochelle, Westchester County, New
    16  York, Project NY R57, prepared by Charles E  Ward,  Consulting  Engineer
    17  and  Surveyor,  dated  June  7, 1967 and filed in the Westchester County
    18  Clerk's Office, Division of Land Records on August 19, 1965 as  Map  No.
    19  14556 and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:
    20    RUNNING THENCE North 34 degrees 58' 52" West 25.06 feet;
    21    RUNNING THENCE North 35 degrees 55' 52" West 25.31 feet; to a point on
    22  the  westerly  boundary  of  Cedar  Street  Southbound Extension, thence
    23  proceed the following courses and distances;
    24    North 22 degrees 49' 22.44" East 217.89 feet;
    25    RUNNING THENCE on a curve to the left having a radius of 202.00  feet,
    26  a central angle of 35 degrees 51' 47.44" and a distance of 126.44 feet;
    27    RUNNING THENCE on a curve to the left having a radius of 10.00 feet, a
    28  central angle of 77 degrees 58' 58" and a distance of 13.61 feet;
    29    RUNNING  THENCE South 87 degrees 59' 07" East 114.17 feet to the point
    30  and place of BEGINNING
    31    § 3. The description in section two of this act  of  the  land  to  be
    32  conveyed  is  not  intended to be a legal description but is intended to
    33  identify the parcel to be conveyed. As a condition of the purchase,  the
    34  city of New Rochelle may submit to the commissioner of general services,
    35  for his or her approval, an accurate survey and description of the lands
    36  to be conveyed, which may be used in the conveyance thereof.
    37    §  4.  The office of general services shall not transfer or convey the
    38  aforesaid land unless application in a form acceptable to the office  of
    39  general  services  is made to the office of general services by the city
    40  of New Rochelle which application must be made within one year after the
    41  effective date of this act.
    42    § 5. Any lands transferred pursuant to this act shall be used for  the
    43  purposes  of  the  city  of New Rochelle to utilize the subject property
    44  exclusively for the construction of municipal facilities and to  satisfy
    45  the  affordable  housing needs of residents of the city of New Rochelle,
    46  and upon termination of such use, title  to  the  lands  so  transferred
    47  shall revert to the state of New York.
    48    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.