

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      June 15, 2023

          LAVINE,  THIELE,  DURSO,  MIKULIN,  MANKTELOW, HEVESI -- read once and
          referred to the Committee on Governmental Employees -- recommitted  to
          the  Committee  on  Governmental Employees in accordance with Assembly
          Rule  3,  sec.  2  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend the retirement and social security law, the education
          law and the administrative code of the city of New York,  in  relation
          to  supplemental  military retirement allowances for members of public
          retirement systems of the state

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Section 1000 of the retirement and social security law is
     2  amended by adding a new subdivision 8-a to read as follows:
     3    8-a. A person who retired prior  to  May  thirty-first,  two  thousand
     4  sixteen  and  who  would  have  been  entitled to the provisions of this
     5  section, may make application to such retirement system  no  later  than
     6  December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-four for a supplemental mili-
     7  tary  retirement  allowance  pursuant to this subdivision.   The supple-
     8  mental retirement allowance provided by this  subdivision  shall  be  in
     9  lieu  of any benefit otherwise provided pursuant to this section and any
    10  credit granted for military service with any retirement system  of  this
    11  state pursuant to any other section of law.  Upon receipt of an applica-
    12  tion, the retirement system shall determine the amount of service credit
    13  such person would have been entitled to receive pursuant to subdivisions
    14  one  and  two  of  this section, subject to the limitations contained in
    15  this section. The supplemental military retirement allowance shall equal
    16  the retirement allowance  of  such  person,  computed  without  optional
    17  modification  and  not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars, multiplied by
    18  twenty-five one-hundredths of one percent per month of the service cred-
    19  it as determined pursuant to  this  subdivision.    One-twelfth  of  the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7821--A                          2

     1  supplemental military retirement allowance shall be added to the retire-
     2  ment  allowance  of such person each month. The benefit payable pursuant
     3  to this section shall commence on the next retirement allowance  payable
     4  at  least  thirty  days  after  the  receipt of an application from such
     5  person. For the purposes of this subdivision, retirement allowance shall
     6  exclude any annuity derived from voluntary  contributions  made  by  the
     7  individual,  except  those  made pursuant to elections under subdivision
     8  one of section five hundred eleven-a or paragraph c of subdivision three
     9  of section five hundred sixteen of the education law, but shall  include
    10  any  cost of living adjustment derived from sections seventy-eight-a and
    11  three hundred seventy-eight-a of this chapter or  section  five  hundred
    12  thirty-two-a  of  the education law, as applicable.  The benefit payable
    13  pursuant to this subdivision shall  be  payable  for  the  life  of  the
    14  retired  member  only,  except  that  the surviving spouse of a deceased
    15  member who retired under an option providing a benefit to  be  continued
    16  for  life to the surviving spouse after the death of the member shall be
    17  entitled to receive fifty  percent  of  the  monthly  benefit  that  the
    18  retired  member  would  be  receiving  pursuant  to this subdivision, if
    19  living, commencing with the next retirement allowance payable  at  least
    20  thirty  days after receipt of an application from the retired member for
    21  the benefit or payable after the death of the retired member.
    22    § 2. Subdivision b of section 78-a of the retirement and social  secu-
    23  rity  law,  as  added  by chapter 125 of the laws of 2000, is amended to
    24  read as follows:
    25    b. Said cost-of-living adjustment shall be a percentage of the  annual
    26  retirement   allowance  otherwise  payable,  computed  without  optional
    27  modification, but including any benefit derived from  subdivision  f  of
    28  this  section  [and], any prior year's cost-of-living adjustment derived
    29  from this section and the amount of any supplemental military retirement
    30  allowance derived from subdivision eight-a of section  one  thousand  of
    31  this  chapter.  Said  percentage  is  set forth in subdivision d of this
    32  section.
    33    § 3. Subdivision b of section 378-a of the retirement and social secu-
    34  rity law, as added by chapter 125 of the laws of  2000,  is  amended  to
    35  read as follows:
    36    b.  Said cost-of-living adjustment shall be a percentage of the annual
    37  retirement  allowance  otherwise  payable,  computed  without   optional
    38  modification,  but  including  any benefit derived from subdivision f of
    39  this section [and], any prior year's cost-of-living  adjustment  derived
    40  from this section and the amount of any supplemental military retirement
    41  allowance  derived  from  subdivision eight-a of section one thousand of
    42  this chapter.  Said percentage is set forth in  subdivision  d  of  this
    43  section.
    44    §  4. Subdivision b of section 532-a of the education law, as added by
    45  chapter 125 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:
    46    b. Said cost-of-living adjustment shall be a percentage of the  annual
    47  retirement   allowance  otherwise  payable,  computed  without  optional
    48  modification, excluding any annuity derived from voluntary contributions
    49  made by members, except those made pursuant to elections under  subdivi-
    50  sion  one of section five hundred eleven-a or paragraph c of subdivision
    51  three of section five hundred sixteen of this article, but including any
    52  benefit derived from subdivision f of  this  section  [and],  any  prior
    53  year's  cost-of-living  adjustment  derived  from  this  section and the
    54  amount of any supplemental military retirement  allowance  derived  from
    55  subdivision eight-a of section one thousand of the retirement and social

        A. 7821--A                          3

     1  security  law.  Said  percentage  is  set forth in subdivision d of this
     2  section.
     3    § 5. Subdivision b of section 13-696 of the administrative code of the
     4  city  of  New  York,  as  added  by  chapter 125 of the laws of 2000, is
     5  amended to read as follows:
     6    b. Said cost-of-living adjustment shall be a percentage of the  annual
     7  fixed  retirement allowance otherwise payable, computed without optional
     8  modification, but including any benefit derived from  subdivision  f  of
     9  this  section  [and], any prior year's cost-of-living adjustment derived
    10  from this section and the amount of any supplemental military  allowance
    11  derived  from subdivision eight-a of section one thousand of the retire-
    12  ment and social security law.  Said percentage is set forth in  subdivi-
    13  sion d of this section.
    14    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This  bill would amend Section 1000 of the Retirement and Social Secu-
        rity Law to allow retirees of the New York State  and  Local  Retirement
        Systems  to  apply  for  a supplemental pension benefit based upon prior
        military service that was not creditable to the member prior to  retire-
        ment.  The member must have retired prior to May 31, 2016. The amount of
        the supplemental benefit is equal to the single life allowance plus  any
        cost-of-living  adjustment,  not to exceed $15,000, multiplied by 3% for
        each year of military service credit granted, not to exceed three years.
        The surviving spouse and lifetime  beneficiary  of  a  deceased  retiree
        shall receive half of what the deceased member would have received.
          An  eligible  retiree  must  file  an application for the supplemental
        pension no later than December 31, 2024, but will  not  be  required  to
        make  any payment to obtain the benefit. The payment of the supplemental
        benefit will begin with the first  monthly  pension  payment  issued  at
        least 30 days after receipt of the application.
          Insofar  as  this bill affects the New York State and Local Employees'
        Retirement System (NYSLERS), pursuant to Section 25  of  the  Retirement
        and  Social Security Law, the increased costs would be borne entirely by
        the State of New York and would require an itemized appropriation suffi-
        cient to pay the cost of the provision. If this bill were enacted during
        the 2024 Legislative Session, the increase in the present value of bene-
        fits would be approximately $52.9 million.
          In the NYSLERS, this benefit improvement will be  funded  entirely  by
        billing a past service cost to cover retrospective benefit increases. To
        fund  these  retrospective costs, the State of New York will be required
        to pay $59.0 million (including interest) as of March 1, 2025.
          Insofar as this bill affects the New York State and Local  Police  and
        Fire  Retirement  System (NYSLPFRS), the increased costs would be shared
        by the State of New York and the local participating  employers  in  the
        NYSLPFRS. If this bill were enacted during the 2024 Legislative Session,
        the increase in the present value of benefits would be approximately $25

                NYSLPFRS     Increase in present    Increase in required
                                value benefits         contributions
              Tiers 1 - 5         $25 million            $12 million
                 Tier 6           $0 million             $13 million
                 Total            $25 million            $25 million

          In  the NYSLPFRS, this benefit improvement is funded by increasing the
        billing rates  charged  annually  to  cover  the  retrospective  benefit

        A. 7821--A                          4

        increases. The annual contribution required of all participating employ-
        ers in NYSLPFRS is 0.1% of billable salary, or approximately $860,000 to
        the  State  of  New  York  and  approximately $3.52 million to the local
        participating  employers. This permanent annual cost will vary in subse-
        quent billing cycles with changes in the billing rate and salary of  the
        members in the NYSLPFRS.
          The  exact  number  of  retirees that could be affected by this legis-
        lation cannot be readily determined.
          Summary of relevant resources:
          Membership data as of March 31, 2023 was used in measuring the  impact
        of the proposed change, the same data used in the April 1, 2023 actuari-
        al  valuation.    Distributions and other statistics can be found in the
        2023 Report of the Actuary and the 2023 Annual  Comprehensive  Financial
          The  actuarial  assumptions and methods used are described in the 2023
        Annual Report to the  Comptroller  on  Actuarial  Assumptions,  and  the
        Codes,  Rules  and  Regulations  of  the  State  of  New York: Audit and
          The Market Assets and GASB Disclosures are found in the March 31, 2023
        New York State and Local  Retirement  System  Financial  Statements  and
        Supplementary Information.
          I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Quali-
        fication Standards to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
          This  fiscal note does not constitute a legal opinion on the viability
        of the proposed change nor is it intended to serve as a  substitute  for
        the professional judgment of an attorney.
          This  estimate, dated April 12, 2024, and intended for use only during
        the 2024 Legislative Session, is Fiscal Note No. 2024-127,  prepared  by
        the Actuary for the New York State and Local Retirement System.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          SUMMARY: This proposed legislation, as it relates to the New York City
        Retirement  Systems  and  Pension Funds (NYCRS), would provide a supple-
        mental military retirement allowance (Supplemental Retirement Allowance)
        to retirees who would have had qualifying military service as defined in
        Chapter 41 of the Laws of 2016, but retired prior to the effective date,
        May 31, 2016.

                  by Fiscal Year for the first 25 years ($ in Millions)

            Year  NYCERS    TRS       BERS      POLICE    FIRE      TOTAL
            2025  7.0       0.7       0.2       24.3      3.4       35.6
            2026  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2027  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2028  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2029  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2030  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2031  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2032  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2033  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2034  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2035  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2036  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2037  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2038  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2039  0         0         0         0         0         0

        A. 7821--A                          5

            2040  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2041  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2042  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2043  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2044  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2045  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2046  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2047  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2048  0         0         0         0         0         0
            2049  0         0         0         0         0         0
        The  increase  in  employer  contributions will be allocated to New York
        City and other applicable obligors of NYCRS.

                           as of June 30, 2023 ($ in Millions)

          Present Value (PV)          NYCERS   TRS      BERS      POLICE    FIRE
        PV of Benefits:               6.3      0.6      0.2       22.0      3.1
        PV of Employee Contributions: 0.0      0.0      0.0       0.0       0.0
        PV of Employer Contributions: 6.3      0.6      0.2       22.0      3.1
        Unfunded Accrued Liabilities: 6.3      0.6      0.2       22.0      3.1


                                      NYCERS   TRS      BERS      POLICE    FIRE
        Number of Payments:           1        1        1         1         1
        Fiscal Year of Last Payment:  2025     2025     2025      2025      2025
        Amortization Payment:         7.0 M    0.7 M    0.2 M     24.3 M    3.4 M

          The Unfunded Accrued Liability increases were recognized in the  first
          CENSUS  DATA:  The  number  of  members who will receive an additional
        benefit due to this  proposed  legislation  is  unknown.  The  estimates
        presented  herein  are  based on preliminary census data collected as of
        June 30, 2023 and military service purchased under  Chapter  41  of  the
        Laws of 2016. The census data for the potentially impacted population is
        summarized below.
                            NYCERS         TRS       BERS      POLICE    FIRE
        Receiving Members
        - Number Count:     98,370         64,179    11,736    41,101    12,498
        - Average Age:      76.0           78.0      79.0      66.0      71.0

          A  NYCRS retiree would be eligible to receive the Supplemental Retire-
        ment Allowance (Eligible Recipient) if he or she:
          o Retired prior to May 31, 2016 and was therefore ineligible for Chap-
        ter 41 of the Laws of 2016 due to its May 31, 2016 effective date,
          o Would have otherwise met the current eligibility criteria of Retire-
        ment and Social Security Law Section 1000, and
          o Files an application for such benefit by December 31, 2024.
          IMPACT ON MEMBER BENEFITS: The annual Supplemental  Retirement  Allow-
        ance  would  be  equal  to  0.25%  for each month of qualifying military
        service (not to exceed 36 months) multiplied by  the  retirement  allow-
        ance, not to exceed $15,000. The initial maximum Supplemental Retirement
        Allowance  would  not exceed $1,350 per year (i.e., $15,000 x 0.25% x 36
        months = $1,350 per year). The Supplemental Retirement  Allowance  would

        A. 7821--A                          6

        be  in  lieu  of  any  other  retirement  benefit  provided for military
          The  full  Supplemental  Retirement Allowance would be payable for the
        Eligible Recipient's lifetime and half of  the  Supplemental  Retirement
        Allowance would be payable to a surviving spouse if the retiree chose an
        optional  form of payment. The initial Supplemental Retirement Allowance
        would be subject to the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) provisions, but
        only to the extent that the total  retirement  allowance  including  the
        Supplemental Retirement Allowance is less than $18,000 per year.
          ASSUMPTIONS  AND  METHODS:  The  estimates  presented herein have been
        calculated based on the Revised 2021 Actuarial Assumptions  and  Methods
        of the impacted retirement systems. In addition:
          o Military service for members who retired prior to May 31, 2016 would
        be consistent with active military service purchased under Chapter 41 of
        the  Law  of  2016  (i.e.,  percent of population with eligible service,
        eligible military service of 2.5 years).
          o Joint and Survivor elections would be the same percentage as current
          o The average COLA applicable to the Supplemental Retirement Allowance
        was assumed to be zero.
          o The Supplemental Retirement Allowance was  assumed  to  be  provided
        without cost to Eligible Recipients.
          The  number  of  retirees  who  will  benefit from this fiscal note is
        unknown.   The cost of this  proposed  legislation  could  vary  greatly
        depending on the number of retirees who benefit.
          RISK  AND  UNCERTAINTY: The costs presented in this Fiscal Note depend
        highly on the actuarial assumptions, methods,  and  models  used,  demo-
        graphics  of  the impacted population, and other factors such as invest-
        ment, contribution, and other risks. If actual experience deviates  from
        actuarial   assumptions,  the  actual  costs  could  differ  from  those
        presented herein. Quantifying these risks is beyond the  scope  of  this
        Fiscal Note.
          This  Fiscal  Note  is intended to measure pension-related impacts and
        does not include other potential costs (e.g., administrative  and  Other
        Postemployment Benefits).
          STATEMENT OF ACTUARIAL OPINION: Marek Tyszkiewicz and Gregory Zelikov-
        sky  are members of the Society of Actuaries and the American Academy of
        Actuaries. We are members of NYCERS but do not believe  it  impairs  our
        objectivity  and  we  meet  the  Qualification Standards of the American
        Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion  contained  herein.
        To  the  best  of  our knowledge, the results contained herein have been
        prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles  and
        procedures  and  with  the Actuarial Standards of Practice issued by the
        Actuarial Standards Board.
          FISCAL NOTE IDENTIFICATION: This Fiscal Note  2024-65  dated  May  21,
        2024  was prepared by the Chief Actuary for the New York City Retirement
        Systems and Pension Funds. This estimate is intended for use only during
        the 2024 Legislative Session.